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Brother Kul. He was part of Laerte's squad. This was how I remember him. When the breach came he disappeared into the dust charging at the Traitors with a curse on his lips. We never saw him again. His grave forever unmarked.










Apologies for the quality of the pictures. I'm working with a cellphone and trying to learn photography as I go.

Ok, better photos









You are really taking leaps and bounds with this project, the weathering and bases look excellent! The tile work is deceptively simple and the finish is great.


Have you considered a thin outline of black around the inside edges of the helmet lenses? Might make the green pop even more.


Cheers for more, friend!

Thank you for the feedback. The eyes look really jarring in the pics, but not so bad in real life. That being said I might try another color for them and a wash of Nuln Oil to help define them.


When I have a proper set up I'll try working on getting some better photographs too.

So after taking the advice of the members here I decided to do a little more work on Brother Kul. First step was a Nuln Oil wash on the eye lenses, and adding some depth to them by adding yellow to them. Then in a break from the GW video I acquired some Wild Rider Red to act as a second highlight. Given the dirtier look because of the weathering I think this helps some of the details pop better



A WIP shot of Captain Eco's Ironform




Pic Capt. #14607018 Theta

Subject: Contemptor Pattern Chasis piloted by former commander of IX Legion, 83rd Company

Location: Terra,

                Engaging Traitor forces after the breach

After chipping away at Eco for a few days when time allowed I have him at about 90% completion. I still have some minor work to do (integrated melta gun muzzle, and I am also considering lettering on the scroll work, a final highlight on the scroll work, and perhaps changing part of the chassis of the assault cannon to black for some contrast) before I start the weathering.










"Captain Eco was the best of us. When he was laid low it was a crushing blow to our Company, especially in the wake of Signus Prime. When he returned to us resplendent in his Ironform we rejoiced.

For anyone internment in a Contemptor chassis is a burden on mind. body and soul. How could it not be? For Captain Eco he also bore the burden of having to learn how to wage war in his new body. Before he was placed in his sarcophagus he brought war in the manner of the Angel himself, bearing down on foes with his jump pack, his attendants from Vizioso's squad never far behind. It was a small mercy that his inferno pistol, dubbed the Ruin of Amaranth, could be salvaged and form part of his new body. The sword he had carried in life had been shattered by the Traitor who slew him, but it had been recovered with him and at Eco's instructions it was reforged for our new Captain, who dutifully put aside his Cataphracti's chainfist to take up what was now the 83rd's symbol of office." - Sergeant Alessio



As I start to make progress (at perhaps glacial speed) with painting and photography I started looking at fleshing out what would become the 83rd Company from the B@C set. The characters you have been introduced to, but I wanted to start looking at the squads and for that I have a rough plan;


Squad Laertes;

  • Undermaned Vet squad

  • Missle Launcher & Flamer

  • Laertes as a duelist (sword wielder)

  • Kul – bolter

  • Tito (“giant”) - Missle Launcher

  • Sergio (“attendant”) - assistant gunner

  • Silvio (“silver”) - grey haired vet

  • Drago “dragon” - Flamer

Squad Alessio;

  • Vet squad

  • Heavy Bolter & ?

  • Alessio - Powerfist

  • Tobias – white shoulder pad

  • Arturo (“strong as a bear”) – Heavy Bolter gunner, “The Bear”

  • Galterio (“strong warrior”) – assistant gunner

  • Lanzo (“lance”) – specialist

  • Orza – demo specialist

  • Bertrando (“brilliant raven”) – marksman (spent time with AL briefly during Kayvas Initiative)

  • Santo (“sacred”) - boltgun. Skull shoulder pad?

  • Donatus (“present”) - lobbing grenade?

  • Aldo “archaic”

Squad Constantin (means firm – background squad acts as bulwark)

  • 3 man tac support squad (undermanned)

  • Sergeant Constantin – combi plasma

  • Edmondo (“happy defender”) - plasma

  • Martinus (“warring”) - plasma

Squad Niko

  • Terminator squad (combined from survivors of other squads – 1x assault, 1x tac)

  • Sergeant Niko

  • Brother Reuel LC armed

  • Lucan (“light”) - Heavy Flamer

  • Raimondo “mighty protector”

  • Marcelo “hammer”

Squad Vizioso (“vicious”) [Eco's honor guard]

  • CQB orientated squad

My apologies to any native Italian speakers, I was looking at Italian names and meanings to try and get some inspiration and also to inform the painting and conversions so the 83rd is more than just a handful of interesting individuals and meat shields.

First off, great stuff! Love the contemptor. Nice, crisp painting. Good highlighting, etc.. I like it a lot!


My apologies to any native Italian speakers, I was looking at Italian names and meanings to try and get some inspiration and also to inform the painting and conversions so the 83rd is more than just a handful of interesting individuals and meat shields.


Google Translate has named almost all my marines. So I totally get that. lol

Thank you very much. The fluff keeps things interesting for me, and also helps with part selections for the 83rd. For Eco looking at the pictures I might to a third highlight on the red to bring the sharpest edges more attention, and the scrollwork really needs brightened before I consider adding lettering.


In hindsight there are also a lot of undecorated surfaces, but the weathering should help break that up.

  • 2 weeks later...

With little time recently to do anything hobby related I decided that in the spirit of pushing my boundaries with this project that I would try to sculpt something. After attempt 15 (or so...) here it is;



This Unification Era raptor badge is destined for the Contemptor's right leg to break up some of the otherwise blank space.

  • 1 month later...

My apologies for the lack of updates and progress as hobby time has been at a premium recently. As I worked through the backstory for the force I realized that I needed some more ornate and dynamic legs then the B@C set and my meager skills could muster so I placed another bitz order, along with some parts from the Prospero set.




If you cannot make it out from the pictures as well as sorting the bits by category I have also started to set up bags of bits for specific Marines (the left three of the bottom row). The legs for the Honor Guard came from the Death Company, and with there being 7 in the planned squad I ordered a Blood Angels Tactical Squad for parts. Looking at the sprues I have plans for a lot of those parts, including using the Heavy Bolter backpack for an assistant gunner in one of the squads.


Against my better judgement I started work on converting the B@C Captain to Captain Ennius, and making the model look more like a member of the IX Legion;




The old head gave way to a new, more suitable one for the taciturn new leader of the Company. The combi bolter became a choom gun for no other reason that I liked the look of it more than a plasma blaster. The armor had some ornamentation added too, blood drops, chalices, and a halo, to mark him better as a Blood Angel. The most involved conversion was the sword arm.

In the fluff Ennius set aside his chainfist to bear the reforged sword of Eco. In practical terms I had to use the upper arm of a 40K Terminator (which I had got in my last bitz order as an impulse buy to equip some Honor Guard with shields), the Cataphracti Sergeant's forearm with sword from B@C, and the reverse gripped sword from the Sanguinary Guard. The new sword was itself a challenge because I did not realize until I started cutting that one of the wings that make up the guard was not detailed because it was obscured by a vanbrace. In a moment of inspiration I stuck a purity seal over the lack of detail. If anyone asks it is the new warranty from the Techmarine. I still need to add some GS to where the two halves of the arm meet and the gap in the leather bands will be filled in with a blood drop on wing rather than attempt to sculpt replacement bands.


I do not have much fluff for Ennius yet as I am still mulling his backstory in my head. I do have some backstory for the Veteran Sergeant of the Honor Guard which I will share when I start work on him.

Thank you. I spent some time raiding my (very limited) bitz and press mould parts so there may be some more additions to Ennius. The raptor head a a definite learning curve, especially as it is now a little too large for the Dreadnoughts leg. I may have something that I can add instead that will break up that space, or I may just really weather up that leg. 

After finding some unexpected hobby time today I finally found the courage to start to weather Captain Eco and apply the finishing touches (in as much as any miniature is truly 'finished'). Without further ado;














Brother Captain Eco, IX Legion, 83rd Company

The Celestial Blade, Savior of Thessia VII, Commander of the MMXXXVII Expeditionary Fleet, Scourge of Amaranth

KIA; Siege of Terra

Notes; Ironform and pilot suffered irreparable wounds fighting rear guard action against Traitor forces after walls breached. Examination of wreckage showed assault cannon ammunition expended with all barrels critical and on verge of failure, close combat weapon showed extensive use and damage to internal components from heavy sustained use, integrated melta weapon recovered and presented to IX Legion survivors. 


"And so we found him amidst the ruin and despair of the end of the siege. Perhaps for those who perish it is easier, after all the living must count the cost and take stock of what remains. He had fought bravely until his final death, surrounded by the corpses of his foes. I can imagine him bludgeoning his foes with the assault cannon when it ran dry. Those of us who survived helped bear his remains to where the remnants of our Chapter gathered. As we rebuilt our forces one of our Techmarines presented me with the halo'd blood drop he bore on his chest. I wore it as we prosecuted the remains of the Traitor forces, all the way until the end of my service to the Imperium of Man"




Edited by OakRiver

Thank you very much. The photography end of the hobby is still providing me with plenty of challenges, but part of that is not yet having a good area for taking photos. Right now the models are placed precariously on a light switch with white paper behind them, and light is either natural of an overhead ceiling light.

Thank you. Sadly the picture does not do the miniature justice. The bases were done in a batch and I' really happy with how they turned out. I had to repaint a few of the marble tiles when my attempt to use Blood for the Blood God failed.

  • 2 weeks later...

Work continues, albeit slowly. After a recent delivery of bitz I began work on Eco's Honor Guard and two other members of the 83rd;




Top (left to right);

Galterio “strong warrior” - two handed axe
Sergeant Vizioso - lc & hand flamer
Gilberto “oath” - power fist
Andino “brave” - sword and axe


Bottom (left to right);

Egidio “shield bearer” - shield & sword
Laertes - Veteran Sergeant of Squad Laertes
Galterio (“strong warrior”) – assistant gunner Alessio's Squad


As you can see the more dynamic poses necessitated the use of legs from the Death Company and Blood Angels Tactical Squad to make their poses more interesting. From a fluff perspective some of the newer marks of armor would have been available on Terra during the Siege, as well as making use of battlefield repairs or pressing prototypes and early experimental armor pieces that were too difficult to mass produce into service (of course post-Heresy the armor pattern was refined but cosmetic similarities remained).


As I put paint to plastic I'll give some more details of each new member of the 83rd, and possibly some details of the minor conversions done on them.

  • 2 weeks later...

In hobby news today I finally have a dedicated work space again, and here is what I am working on;



You can see work has begun on Captain Ennuis. While I was out getting some paint today I got some GW brushes to try those against my W&N brushes, and I got my first finecast mini. Sergeant Chronus will be joining my force as the Sergeant of the Legion Support Squad. His MkIII armor will fit the theme just fine once I remove the Ultramarine icons

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