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Ultramarines ZM/Boarding force 1500!


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Hi folks,

looking for some advice/checking of a FUN and fluffly 1500 point boarding force im planning for use in Zone Mortalis games. Its not overly meant to be a massive killer but just something fun and in keeping with the idea of a ships compliment of boarding marines.
So please have a look and let me know any thoughts and possible improvements for it.


Siege breaker centurion with TH, combi melta and Shield – 132


Rapier battery 3x heavy bolter – 120


15 man Legion breacher squad with 3 meltas, vox, vex, combimelta & power weapon serg - 365
15 man Legion breacher squad with 3 meltas, vox, vex, combimelta & power weapon serg - 365
5 man legion support squad with flamers – 100
5 man legion support squad with volkite calivers – 125


Heavy support
Leviathan with cyclonic melta and siege claw – 290


Total 1497

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You're better off with a regular centurion as the HQ as the siege breaker won't buff anyone else, you could take a delegatus and use the ZM assault force rite of war which would make the breachers more durable. Other than that it looks like a good list for ZM.

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Are rapiers batteries good in ZM? Seems like a squad of three would have a fairly large footprint and would be hard to position if you're using a standard ZM board with lots of narrow halls and corners. If you're not using the Elites spots maybe split them into 3 separate units?


Also, any consensus on if they can move and shoot? It doesn't seem very well defined. Locally I think we have been letting them move and snap shot.

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I second changing the consul to a delegatus - the ZM RoW is perfect for this list.


I'd also consider dropping the rapiers and getting a couple of apothecaries in AA to buff the 2 breacher units.


I don't see what the Voxs do so they could be dropped to save some more points?

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cheers guys, had a look at it and can do the following:
drop to a delegatus, frees up points
the voxes are more for modelling
add an apoth in and use him to buff the commander

drop the volkites as i can only use 3 troop slots
end up with:


delegatus TH, bolter and Shield – 102


apoth - 45

cortus with two chainfists with bolters and melta - 170
Rapier battery 3x heavy bolter – 120

15 man Legion breacher squad with 3 meltas, bolter & power weapon serg - 330
15 man Legion breacher squad with 3 meltas, bolter & power weapon serg - 330
5 man legion support squad with flamers – 100

Heavy support
Leviathan with cyclonic melta and siege claw – 290

Total 1497

my normal city fight infantry force would be the same but swap the cortus for the volkite unit and split the breachers down to 10 man units

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There's limited need to take 2 x chainfists. You could use the points to give AA to the TSS Sgt.


I'd drop a rapier to give AA to the breacher sgts, delegatus and put vexilla on the breachers. I think the chances of getting all 3 rapiers firing down a corridor will be relatively remote.

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