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Is anyone else holding off on purchases?


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Good to see how this post has shaped up while I was away. I shared a similar post on the AM Facebook group, and a little salty bickering aside, the responses were interesting. One thing we could all agree on was that is the Cadian models don't receive a new kit, some sort of upgrades would be welcomed. I suggested some way of implementing female heads on some kind of additional upgrade sprue. Like a Veterans upgrade sprue with a selection of heads, additional special weapons and the like. I highly doubt it will happen, but it would be good.


I don't think any of the tanks will be changing - not only are they classic models, there isn't really much that can be done with the kits. IMHO, the tanks are fine.


Another thing I put forward was some sort of Psykana box. Needing to field at least five Wyrdvane Psykers in a unit and only having blisters of three metal models isn't ideal. Plus, there's enough people putting the related Imperial Agents Psyker formation in games to justify such a kit.

It occurred to me that, as GW likes making dual kits, the most likely pairing for plastic Wyrdvanes would be Ministorum Priests, as both could use a basic robed figure. Whether some of our more hard-line Ecclesiarchy colleagues would countenance their priests sharing a sprue with mutant witches is another question...

I'm holding off on doing anymore work/purchasing anything for my very sizable Guard force until I see what happens in 8th Edition. I don't want to pour more time and resources into a force whose future is rather uncertain. It's not that I believe they will get rid of the Guard, but if they don't make some serious improvements to Guard's rules/formations then I won't have any reason to play my Guard anymore. I need an army with rules that allow for a plethora of different army types and play styles, regimental doctrines, a big list of fluffy thematic formations, exotic wargear, relics and so forth to satisfy my desire to create exactly the regiment I want.


In the meantime, I've taken to building a custom Space Marine "chapter" focused on scouts and a few elite units in power armor. I envision this force as not a chapter of Space Marines, but as a private army of elite, genetically enhanced ex guard/scion soldiers produced at the behest of my Inquisitor (similar to the Elysian D-99 for anyone familiar with their fluff). This allows me to take advantage of the amazing Space Marine Codex and rules while still maintaining the look and flavour of the Guard (I use heavily modified Cadians as my base for my Scout models, and space marine power armor with Scion Beret heads as my basic power armored soldiers),


On that note compare Space Marine Scouts to Guard Veterans and tell me the poor Guard aren't completely outdated! The poor Guard are so..boring..compared to Space Marines and it shouldn't be this way!

Sounds like Spartan 2s (power armor) and 3s (carapace). Awesome.

I absolutely am holding off.


Not really based on rumors, but just reality: The Guard codex is ancient and the game is about ready to morph on it again.  Sinking hundreds of dollars into a list that may be obsolete in a timeline measured by weeks seems...imprudent.  My hobby time and dollars are *very* limited and wait-and-see approach just makes sense, even if 8th Edition is very similar and no new codex materializes.  I mean, look at what Fall of Cadia did to Imperial listbuilding.  Cawl, Celestine, and Greyfax can all find homes across the Armies of the Imperium. To say nothing of Castellans of the Imperium, which threw the doors of loyalist listbuilding wide-open.


In the meantime, painting a few staples (no matter what, I'm gonna need guardsmen, Chimeras, Russes, etc.) and watching for too-good-to-pass-up deals seems like the best course of action as we wait to see what kind of game 8th Edition will deliver to us.

I feel like guard would benefit from getting the Renegades & Heretics treatment in that regard; if a squad/platoon that numbers above x models, on a roll of 4+/5+ should return to the game as ongoing reserves. I'd compensate by dropping the price of dedicated transports and infantry, whilst increasing the cost of tanks.


That and the regiment trait/specialisation table from older editions. Bring that back, with pre-existing regiments like the Cadian's or Catachan's having existing traits, then let people build their own stuff. It'd be a great way for Ward to tinker with special rules, which to be perfectly honest is one of his strengths.

I am not holding off and have just bought a counts-as Chimera (Tamiya 1/35 German half-track).


There have been so many times where stuff has changed that i have resigned myself to either sticking with the past or changing stuff as the Codex changes.


Can't really go wrong with infantry and Chimeras though...

It's not so much that I'm holding off on buying new stuff, it's the fact that the line is old and I'm hoping for new things. I also have a metric tonne of plastic still to be painted between my Guard, Necrons, Salamanders, Tau, and Chaos....Plus a bunch of Forgeworld things to work on inbetween. The upside is the Fall of Cadia book added the new formation which lets me stick any of my guard stuff in my Marine army and make some very interesting army lists.


An almost all tank army =O ....which makes me want to buy more tanks. and a stormlord to carry a bunch of dudes in....


Overall I can certainly see the Imperial Guard getting a new line, maybe not a HUGE one, but new infantry, a multi box that builds different officers/priests/Primaris Psyker, and just maybe a shifting of the units so that something like Ogryns become a good unit (or maybe the ogryns get the squat). The tanks will probably not change at all, since they're iconic, and functional. The Tank kits are the best in the Game, with many options and most of the time I see people grabbing the Leman Russ kit before ever buying a box of troops.

I have so much stuff in the 'waiting-for-attention' pile that I've honestly stopped buying anything GW for the better half of a year


did, however, get a $50 GW Gift Card for Christmas so that's burning a hole in my wallet right now


I might just end up using it on the Blood Bowl stuff, though




or maybe some more Ogryns as I do like me some Ogryns

Considering they're opposites, this topic and another have a lot in common it seems laugh.png

With what we're hearing I'm not sure when Guard may get a new codex. I know there are a few books that are surely at the front of the queue too, it might depend on how much release time the campaign books take up? Even if they are to run for the rumoured two years I can't see them taking all the 40k focus, there's got to be normal releases in between. Plus formations are future proofed (mostly) by referring to unit names only, so they can roll with updates easily.

Could be a very interesting year, hold on to your munitorum issue hats! Which is a good idea anyway, as if you lose it you get 50 lashes and the replacement comes out of your pay...

Of course you do! For the privilege of serving the Emperor on the battle field you earn the daily wage of 0! That's a whopping total of 0 across the average Guardsman's service (Veteran companies can expect a percentage more on top!) - all this on top of the honour of fighting in His Guard. It is little wonder that the Guard is made up of countless billions, for with rewards like that who would consider another career? Only boring paper pushers, that's who, and nobody cares about them.


Sign up today! See the galaxy! Get your own laser gun*!


* lease agreement only. Damage or loss of any munitorum issue equipment is deducted from pay. Failure to pay promptly will result in your case being presented to the commissariat for processing.

A couple Leman Russes I have been meaning to pick-up forever and a Commissar Tank Commander from FW. Otherwise I don't plan on getting anything else for the Guard for a while. 


More of a personal choice, since how I build and play my guard has altered drastically from when I first started: original inspiration was WW1, and now my force plays more like late WW2. Uncertainty about 8th Edition or the Cadian 8th confirms my decision. 

Yes but that's because the Death Korp Grenadiers are getting their mold/master fixed....

Have they given any timescale on this?


After seeing them the other week I REALLY wanted to get some but they're still out of stock at the moment.


In the meantime I've got myself some Skitarii rangers, a Knight, a Bastion scenery piece and the triumvirate to paint to go along with my scions.


It seems like they're gonna drop alot of new kit this year and I don't wanna blow a load of money incase any new/revamped guard bits come out.

The lower of those sketches is what I would want reimagined guard to look like - although the necromunda spyders are also pretty cool.


I've moved to stormtroopers for expanding my guard as I'm certain they will remain. They also work well as inquisition troops if you want to go imperial agents.

Speaking of stormtroopers, I feel the overwhelming urge to kitbash some Kasrkin. Great time to build some as we all know the combat effectiveness of a regiment only increases with the destruction of their home world. Scions and forgeworld Cadian HE kit? I really like the ones that come with the torso/head/back pack combined but haven't seen anyone use them for this purpose.


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