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Is anyone else holding off on purchases?


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I'm almost certain that GW will release a new plastic regiment for IG in the next couple of years looking at the way releases have been going.


The rate at which they've been bringing out new armies (Admech, Deathwatch, Genestealer Cults) I think they're likely to turn their attention to IG soon enough. These armies each required multiple new plastic kits - guard only really need a single large one (some basic infantry, plus bits for heavy weapons and a command squad) and you have an entirely new regiment. All the other preexisting vehicle kits etc can be used. Maybe we will also get veteran squads with carapace and multiple special weapons options.

I know it sounds crazy after so long without new kits, but for sure it will happen at some point considering the rate of new releases.

If youre happy with the kit and think new ones might be coming its not a bad idea.


However if they do release a new guard kit. Your probably correct at guessing the price range. The kits will probably be amazing though.

Likely have more options and bits too. Generally speaking I'd say buying now just in case is a good idea. If the kit doesn't change, well you wanted them anyway! If it does, then you have a stash of the older ones to tide you over for projects :)

Plus, as everyone knows, the new kits have way way more bits then bodies so really kind of wasteful...

I had figured out a while back it is more cost effective (points per dollar) to buy monopose lasguns guardsmen and use the mutipose kit to build specialists and absorbed excess bits from the comand squad.

Specifically the comand squad has enough specialists bits to use up almost an entire IF box on top of the comand squads 5... definitly if you use the specialists from the IF squad to..


2x banner

1x medic

1x vox

1x plasma

1x melta

1x sniper

1x heavyflamer/flamer

1x grenade launcher


A bunch of melee bits suitable for multiple officers...

Not buying stuff is an option???


I dont believe you.


In all seriousness, when an update is on the horizon for a particular army I try to hold off. Depending on the horridness of the current kit, desperate desire to realise my dream and likelyhood of update this side of the millenium my soul is weighed and usually found wanting.


But there's always more projects, so I can throw money at those instead :)

Well, I stopped into my local GW to pick up a selection of paints that I was starting to run low on and... seeing as I'm weak and have no discipline when it comes to my Guardsmen... I picked up an Infantry Squad and a Sentinel.

Hah, I wound up doing that the other day. I went in for a nice chat with them about an upcoming event and walked away with Start Collecting Astra Militarum, some regular Neophyte Hybrids, a Neophyte Hybrid Armoured Claw, a Cadian Command Squad, a Catachan Command Squad, some plastic glue and a palette pad.


Guess my Traitor Guard and Astra Militarum will have some reinforcements incoming.


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