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Painting Librarians: Red on Blue or Blue on Red?

The Gozfather

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Painting my first BA Librarian (standard model not termie or Dreadnought) and trying to work out how to get the red for the BA, the blue for being a Librarian, and the shoulder pad colours for the rest of my army to all come together.


Looking online, most people seem to do the armour blue, and the shoulder pads red. Which is great except my marines have grey shoulder pads laced with black. Which would mean the model had no red, which doesn't seem very Blood Angel-ey....


I could do the Jump Pack red, but then it kinda feels like he's an Ultramarine Librarian with a random red pack on.


Using the GW model with the staff and weird cherub thing if that helps.


Any suggestions much appreciated!

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Most examples in the Librarians Index Astartes article weren't entirely blue. The White Scar and Salamander both had a blue right shoulderpad and arm and a blue tabard - the Salamander also having a blue helmet & psychic hood. The Raven Guard only had a single blue pad. 
The original medics article had some interesting variants for branch colour application as well:
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I paint all of my librarians in my normal color scheme but with their right arm blue. I might repaint their guns to have blue casing also but I haven't decided yet. Opponents have had no problems easily identifying them as librarians, but they still appear to be a cohesive part of the army, not just a buddy along for the ride. Something like that would work well!
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These are the nicest examples I've ever seen:






That said, I'm in the 'sanguinary-priests-have-white-armour' camp, so what do I know...


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Librarian selection:




None of them stick to the "all blue armour with shoulder pad in chapter colours", one having a red arm, the other red legs and pads, the last with a red pack, knee and pad. I'm trying to keep each as individual as possible.

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While my main colour on my chapter is black too, for my TDA Librarians i'll be doing the chest pieces blue (including hood) but everything else is in chapter colours of red and black - easily enough to seperate them out (especially for TDA) but fit nicely in squads too.

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