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2000pt Last of the Serrated Sun


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I want to build a Word Bearers army that takes advantage of the opponent leadership debuffs they can generate as well as forcing pin checks and fear checks.  I also want a list that has options for the following questions:


Can I stop a Flare Shielded Spartan/Malcador or an Ionic-Flare Shielded Knight?

Can I survive an army with 6+ Phosphex Quad Mortars?

Am I mobile enough to take objectives?

Can my list survive contact with a Primarch or Leviathan?

Is Last of the Serrated Sun the best choice?  This RoW prevents Allied Detachments - this is significant for my purpose because it prevents me fielding a Herald of Nurgle with a Doomsday Bell which would hugely reinforce my leadership theme.   I decided for the LotSS RoW because of all the pin checks the drop pods force early in the game. 




Command squad 5x, Standard, 2 power weapons, Powerfist in a pod.

Centurion with Artificer Armor, Refractor Field and Thunderhammer

Mhara Gal with Warpfire Plasma and Tainted Power claw

Deredeo Dreadnaught with Aiolos missiles

2 Laser Destroyer Rapiers

5x Gal Vorbak, Dark Martyr with AA and PF, in a DREADCLAW Drop Pod.

5x Meltagun Support Squad in Pod

10x Tact Squad, SGT with AA and MB's in a Pod

10x Tact Squad, SGT with AA and MB's in a Pod



Enemy units within 12 inches of Erebus use their lowest leadership value

Aiolos missiles force pin checks

Mhara Gal's Plasma cannon forces pin checks at -1 and his fear checks are at -2

Each pod in this RoW forces a pin check when it lands

and the Gal Vorbak are demons also forcing fear checks


Erebus will select from Biomancy

I have struggled with deciding between Mhara Gal vs a Leviathan.   I might just field Mhara proxied as a Leviathan.   The Leviathan's Grav-flux bombard also forces pin checks but I like that Mhara messes with Leadership better.   Admittedly, the Leviathan is better more generally, its short-ranged weapons would require a dreadnaught drop pod, pushing the points for this one unit too high at 2000 points.



I am considering a Seeker squad to replace the command squad to increase the number of OBJ SEC (Implacable Advance).

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IMO Erebus is better with a mele unit like a command squad or if you really want a caping unit you can stick them with some vets with weapon master and they can also score due to implacable advance (but no 2+ armor but more bodies). You should try to find some points for burning lore as well, always a nice bonus. And I don't really like thunder hammer compare to PF if you have to spare some points somewhere. 


In any case this list is a bit hard to build around 2K, it really shines when you start playing around 2.5K when you can afford to get a decent wave of drop pods and a stong gun line at the back. 

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