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Chogorian Brotherhood Flyer-Heavy


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Legion Praetor
Paragon Blade, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jetbike
Primus Medicae
Jetbike, Refractor Shield
(6) Sky Hunter Squadron
2x Volkite Culverins
(6) Sky Hunter Squadron
2x Volkite Culverins
(10) Recon Squad
BP/CCW, Power Fist & Artificer Armor
Storm Eagle Assault Gunship
TL Multimelta, TL Lascannons
(10) Recon Squad
BP/CCW, Power Fist & Artificer Armor
Storm Eagle Assault Gunship
TL Multimelta, TL Lascannons
Fast Attack:
4x Krakens, BSC, GTA
Xiphon Interceptor
(3) Javelins
(5) Sky Slayer Support Squadron (PM)
Plasma Cannons
Fire Raptor
Hellstrikes, Reaper
I was looking over potential "dream lists" as I am soon to get pretty good mix of commission money and tax return, so I figured I would throw this out there to see what people thought. 

My Jetbikes have Hit & Run and Skilled Rider, which is outstanding. That is very helpful. I went with two squads that can just unload volume of firepower on enemy units, with the Slayer squad there to wreck TEQ units with a slew of Plasma Cannon shots. The Primus tries to keep them from Get Hot deaths (2+ / 5+ FNP means unlikely to die from it) and also keeps them durable, given how useful they will be to mop up remnants from popped Spartans. 

Armywide, if anything not a vehicle/bike/jetbike moves 6" + or anything that is a vehicle/bike/jetbike goes 12" or more, they can choose to either re-roll failed wound rolls of 1 or get a 6+ Cover save (or improved cover of 1+ to a max of 3+). This means boosted Jinks, which is nice in a pinch, or improved killing power.

The Recon Squads are more about the late-game, jumping out to grab distant objectives as needed. I debated on camo, but I think they will be fine as is. Hopefully, by the point they are taking objectives, there won't be much left to hassle them. Their Storm Eagles are kitted to hurt armor and other flyers. 

The Xiphon is my dedicated anti-air unit, because it is a beastly dogfighter, while the Lightning is my anti-Flare Shield/Ionic Flare killer. This puts down Spartans, Atropos, etc. 

The Javelins are there to pop medium and light armor with CML and MM shots, but can also sling 6 small blasts against weaker infantry units to try to load them up on wounds. 

The Fire Raptor is kind of a jack-of-all-trades. The Hellstrikes are murder on armor, while the Reaper and Avenger are good for volume-of-fire on infantry units (or light armor). Machine Spirit is handy, as is the Independent Turrets, meaning it can toss shots all over the place. 

Anyhow, with the 30k meta not usually being able to handle a load of flyers, this seems a good meta-breaker list. With an inherent reserves buff, my aircraft are busting in on 3+ on T2, meaning likely 4 of the 5 will come in, on average. Not too shabby. If I can get my Javs in good position, I can try to take out enemy Deredeos, which are one of the few things I am worried about. 

Thoughts? Think it is worth the colossal monetary investment? Think it may merit waiting until Scars get their Legion specific stuff? It would blow if they got all sorts of new goodies in a few months or some such. 
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you'll be vulnerable against Alpha legion lists with Dynat/Skorr giving negative modifiers against enemy reserves and they'll go first. So if you don't have AL armies in your meta/gaming groups, you'll be fine.

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Why Recon squads? Tactical squads would be exactly the same but give you the extra points for AC on the eagles which they'll need if you ever intend on the squad getting out.

Tactical Squads can't take Storm Eagles.

you'll be vulnerable against Alpha legion lists with Dynat/Skorr giving negative modifiers against enemy reserves and they'll go first. So if you don't have AL armies in your meta/gaming groups, you'll be fine.

Well, a -1 to my +1 just makes it normal. That isn't the worst, but not ideal. It is something to keep in mind.

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It's a nasty list and I think I

Very few of your opponents will have more the. 1-2 units that can deal with flyers.


I'd consider dropping some recon marines to pay for the WS special CCW (can't rennet the name) for your jet bike sgts and Primus.


Useful to charge in and finish off units and they look great model wise!

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Normal reserve rolls are made on a 3+ so if this RoW gives you a buff you'll be in on a 2+!!


Derp. Don't know why I had 4+ in my head. Yea, so even with a -1, I should be in good shape.


It's a nasty list and I think I

Very few of your opponents will have more the. 1-2 units that can deal with flyers.


I'd consider dropping some recon marines to pay for the WS special CCW (can't rennet the name) for your jet bike sgts and Primus.


Useful to charge in and finish off units and they look great model wise!


The issue with upgrading to the power glaives is that I have to pay to bump to a Sergeant first, which oddly costs a lot. And while I agree it would look fantastic, reducing the durability of the Recon Squads worries me - don't want them getting too easily knocked out. That being said, I do have an option I have considered: shifting one of the flyers into the LoW slot (Sub Orbital) to free up a FA slot for a Storm Eagle, which I could pack with a largish Tactical Squad (and Apoth). I could lose a Jav to make up the cost difference - that should cover it. If need be, I can scrap all the Javs if I need upgrades, though I prefer not to! 



It's a nasty list and I think I

Very few of your opponents will have more the. 1-2 units that can deal with flyers.


I'd consider dropping some recon marines to pay for the WS special CCW (can't rennet the name) for your jet bike sgts and Primus.


Useful to charge in and finish off units and they look great model wise!


The issue with upgrading to the power glaives is that I have to pay to bump to a Sergeant first, which oddly costs a lot. And while I agree it would look fantastic, reducing the durability of the Recon Squads worries me - don't want them getting too easily knocked out. 


I have considered shifting one of the flyers into the LoW slot (Sub Orbital) to free up a FA slot for a Storm Eagle, which I could pack with a rump Tactical Squad (and Apoth), 

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good catch on the Sgt upgrade - that would add a big tax and agree that you'd need to lose too many recon marines to pay for it. I'd still stick on the Primus Medicae though!


If you have the funds/ time I'd keep the list largely as it is - perhaps proxy a few bits to see how it performs. The core of your list (jetbikes and javs) is certainly going to be useful in your WS army so I'd start with them then add the flyers as you grow the army.

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