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Death Guard Doubles list 1250


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Playing in a doubles event with either Blood Angels or Salamanders, lists are unrestricted and are only required to take 1 troop choice per player.

Comments and criticism welcome and encouraged

Siege Breaker
-Artificer Armour
-Refactor Field

-Artificer Armour
-Refactor Field
-Mastery Level 2

Quad Mortars x 2
-Phosphex Shells
-Shatter Shells

Deathshroud x 5
-Melta Bombs

Tactical Squad

Xiphon Interceptor
Ground Tracking Aug


Siege Breaker
-Artificer Armour
-Refactor Field

-Artificer Armour
-Refactor Field
-Mastery Level 2

Quad Mortars x 2
-Phosphex Shells
-Shatter Shells

Deathshroud x 5
-Melta Bombs

Tactical Squad

Xiphon Interceptor
-Ground Tracking Auguries
-Armoured Cockpit
-Chaff Launchers

Grave Wardens x 5
-Chainfist x 5

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I would personally say drop the melta bombs to give you more points elsewhere. The reason being is after the FAQ you can only use one melta bomb in any given phase. I know its dumb as hell and a lot of places homebrew something better (Such as each model is base to base contact can use a grenade or something else). The fact is though that with the FAQ the rules state only one grenade per phase and melta bombs count. So in a competitive setting such as a Tournament people will enforce that rule.

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I think that for 1250 you're spending too many points on HQ. Personally I would recommend only using 1 HQ at that points level (even if it's doubles). I also wouldn' recommend using deathshroud and grave wardens at low point levels, they are pretty expensive, also deathshroud without a transport will likely get shot to pieces before they can do anything.


I would suggest making the tactical squad bigger and giving it an apothecary, maybe consider extra CCW too. The siegebreaker doesn't  really have a unit to join to get the most out of him, so you're essentially paying 105 points (?) for phosphex on your quad mortars.


If you want to keep the siege breaker, because you like the model etc, I would try and take a heavy support squad for him to join to give them tank hunters.




Siege breaker, artificer armour (joins heavy support squad)


5 deathshroud, landraider anvillus drop pod

2x quad mortars, shatter & phosphex shells

1x apothecary, artificer armour


15 tactical marines, extra CCW, melta bombs


Xiphon, ground tracking


5 heavy support marines with missile launchers



I'm at work so I can't check exact points vaues, but that looks like about 1250


The anvillus pod is great as you can do some damage to units with the heat blast, the deathshroud can stay inside and assault out of it on turn 2.


Hopefully that gives you some ideas!

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