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2.5k Imp Fist tourney list WIP. Feedback appreciated


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Hey guys so I'm looking at refining and improving my Imperial Fist army. I'm still working on acquiring all the models for this list but I figure that this is good starting place. In future tournaments I do know that I will be facing off against LOW's our local tourney rules allows people to take one Imperial Knight as their LOW option or they can take any Astarties LOW, at or under 625pts. Thus the need for things that can hurt super heavies. Here is what i'm currently working with.



HQ: 475pts


Legion Centurion 105pts

AA, Master of Signal


Legion Centurion 140pts

AA, Rrefractor Field, Solarite Power Gauntlet,  Medicade


Sigismund 230pts

RoW: Pride of the Legion



Elites: 190pts


Contemptor Dread Talon 190pts

Kheres AC, Dread CC



Troops 1065pts


Legion Terminator Squad 305pts

Terminator Sgt. w/ Chainfists, SS. 4x Termies. 3xSS, CF, Iliastus AC, 2x TH, Tele Transponder.


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad 245pts

Rhino, 9x vets (marksmen), 2x HB, Sgt. w/ AA


Legion Veteran Tactical Squad 245pts

Rhino, 9x vets (marksmen), 2x HB, Sgt. w/ AA


Templar Brethren 270pts

6x Templar Brethren, 6x CS, Champ CS and Solarite Power Gauntlet



Heavy Support 770pts


Heavy Support Squad 270pts

LasC, 5x SM, Sgt. AA


Spartan Assault Tank 370pts

Armored Ceramite, Flare Shield, Quad LC


Whirlwind Scorpius 115pts


Right now I'm trading back and forth on how to kit the Termies or if I should just replace them with another vet squad in a rhino

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Shield Terminators Teleporting instead of being in an Assault Transport is asking for sub-par performance in most circumstances.


Thats the main issue. And if you make your Templar your CC unit, just know that they'll fold to Terminators since they have no AP2 outside of ICs and the Sarge.

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Drop the Spartan and do the following: 

  • Dreadclaw for the Termies (115)
  • Dreadclaw for the Templar (115)
  • Dreadpod for the Contemptor. (100) Or a Dreadclaw (115)

You get to drop 2 on T1 automatically which lets you choose if you want/need the Dread and Termies on the field ASAP or if the Templar would be more suitable.


Also lets you move them around the board faster and still leaves you with 40 or 25 points.


I'd also ditch the singular gun on your Terminators for a Storm Shield since it isn't really going to be doing much on its own.


Though this does mean you lose out on the Spartans Lascannons which is decent and pretty reliable AV for the most part.

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I like the idea of the three dreadclaws its a good idea. Although part of the reason I wanted the spartan it it would help a lot with dealing with LoW's of which I know there will be knights, possibly a fellblade and probably a few typhons. Although I suppose that a hand full of chain fist termies could deal with them. As well as the LasC dev's could put some real hurt on spartans, Levi Dreds, and LoW's

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Too, with the points left over you could give your dreadnought a Chainfist and Graviton Gun for S10 Armourbane and a Haywire Shot in addition to his S6 Rending form the Assault Cannon.


Though it does make him a bigger target, this loadout has rarely failed me.

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Some good ideas from Slipstreams.


An alternative (always good to have options):


Drop the 2 characters.

Drop the assault cannon from the terminators

Drop the transponder from the terminators


Take a dreadclaw for Templars

Take a normal apothercary for the Templars

Take a bunker for the lascannon team

Take a dozer blade for the Spartan

Take an extra storm shield on the terminators


Swap a TH for another chainfist on the terminators

I'd also consider swapping your contemptor into a Mortis pattern for some AA.


Terminators and Sigusmund go into the Spartan

(Extra chain fist helps against LoW)

Templars drop on T1 and start ruling into power armour units from T2.

Lascannon team better protected against Typhons, Scorpius and quad mortars..

Your scorpius has some gauranteed cover to hide behind

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Why are you saying to put Siggy with the Terminators instead of the Templar's? I feel like the terminators are going to have a dedicated job of hunting tanks and walkers and maybe monstrous creatures (which the vets will also be very good at taking down). Where as the Templar's are mostly going after troops MEQ equivalent and elites and if they get tied up/counter engaged with some 2+ models they could really benefit from having siggy there to help clean up some elites.


Also the basic bunker isn't listed in the AoD: Army list book which book are you pulling it from? Is it the basic 7ed rule book?

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Because the main job of terminators is to kill other terminators who are usually where big bad HQs go, the perfect spot for Sigismund to be headed so that he can behead fools, get an extra VP for murdering said HQ and giving you a permanent +1CR.


Do that with templar and apart from Siggy, The Primus and the Sarge, theyre all likely to bounce off the unit due to 2+ saves vs ap3 weapons, a problem Power Fist terminators do not have while also doubling out any T4 models denying FNP or the use of extra wounds.

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And he also gives them Fearless, which when combined with a 3++ from SS means you have a very effective speed bump if you run into a primarch lead Death Star unit...


Expanded fortification rules can be found in stronghold assault - very fluffy for IF!

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Alright here's my new and improved list taking in consideration the advice that you two gave me. As far as fliers are concerned, I have yet to have a game where ignoring them unless they are hovering wasn't a viable tactic I've just never seen a 30k game in which a flyer or two has impacted who the victor is. It is usually something like oh hey look that Angron with some red butchers, or oh look Horus. Anyways onto the new list, tell me what you think.



HQ 230pts



Row: Pride of the Legion



Elites 275pts


Apothecarion Detachment 65pts

Artificer Armor and Power Sword


Contemptor Dread 205pts

ChainFist, Kheres AC, Extra Armor



Troops 1430pts


Terminator Squad 670pts

Spartan w/ Armored Ceremite, Flare Shield.

Sgt. CF and Storm Shield

4x termies 2xCF, 2xTH, and 4xSS


Legion Vet Squad 245pts


Sgt. AA.

9x Marines, 2xHB (marksmen)


Legion Vet Squad 245pts


Sgt. AA

9x Marines, 2xHB (marksmen)


Templar Brethren 270pts

Sgt. CS and Solarite Power Guantlet

6x Templars w/ CS



Fast Attack 115pts


Dreadclaw Drop Pod 115pts



Heavy Support 400pts


Legion Heavy Support Squad 285pts

Sgt. AA,

5x Marines

Trade out HB for LC's


Whirlwind Scorpius 115pts



Fortification 55pts


Imperial Bunker 55pts

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I think you're right regarding flyers. The majority of the time you can take risk on taking AA in your list.


I really like your new list.


You still need to find 5 pts for a dozer blade for the Spartan though - you've invested too many points to risk a 1 on a difficult terrain test!! Ideally you need them on the rhinos too.


I'd also try to squeeze in an ammo dump for the bunker - re-roll 1s to hit is very handy!


To pay for it I'd consider dropping the power sword from the apothercary and maybe even a Templar (5 plus the Sgt with an apothercary should be enough to deal with most MEQ units).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone so I'm back for round two and I have a little information to share about a few discoveries I made with my previous list after I played a handful of games. So discovery number one, Storm shield terminators really don't like squad minimums. There are just too many things out there with AP2 and all it takes is one or two failed invuln saves and they loose their impact, then your squad can easily get tied up. Discovery #2, don't bring just one deathclaw drop pod. They are too much of an attention getter (especially if they have Templars) and if you have just one it will easily get popped and the unit inside will get merc'ed. Discovery #3, Imperial bunker's just aren't enough to protect a squad for more than one round, two at most. At 2500 points there are just too-many things that deal with av 14. At a lower point game I can really see a bunker being a good choice.


So with these things in mind I've made a new list, I haven't had a chance to test it out yet.



HQ 230pts



Row: Pride of the Legion



Elites 275pts


Apothecarion Detachment 65pts

Artificer Armor and Power Sword


Legion Quad Launcher 140pts

2x, with SS


Legion Quad Launcher 70pts

with SS



Troops 1110pts


Legion Vet Squad 250pts

Rhino, Combi Melta

Sgt. AA.

9x Marines, 2xHB (marksmen)


Legion Vet Squad 250pts

Rhino, Combi Melta

Sgt. AA

9x Marines, 2xHB (marksmen)


Legion Vet Squad 250pts

Rhino, Combi Melta

Sgt. AA

9x Marines, 2xHB (marksmen)


Templar Brethren 380pts

Sgt. CS and Solarite Power Guantlet

9x Templars w/ CS



Heavy Support 785pts


Legion Heavy Support Squad 290pts

Sgt. AA, Augury Scanner

5x Marines

Trade out HB for LC's


Spartan Assault Tank

CA, FS, Dozer, Combi Melta


Whirlwind Scorpius 115pts



Fortification 100pts


Imperial void shield 100pts

upgraded to 3 void shields


My only concern is the point sink i've done in the spartan and Templar brethren squad. As I have seen multiple times 6 Templar's are more than enough to deal with even 20man tac squads even after loosing one or two they can usually work their way though what with ws5 and 3 attacks after charge. Meanwhile adding siggy with them will be more than enough to cut though anything short of a primarch. Still you can take siggy and friends and have them march up a flank.

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