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Celestine and sicaran


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So I had a crazy thought. Why not put Celestine with a group of infiltrators or ruststalkers? She could tank the wounds, ensuring that they could get into combat, and the sicaran would move 9" (with dunestrider) and daisy chain back to Celestine so she can use her jump pack for the assault = reroll charge distances. Now the question remains: which to put her with? I'm actually thinking the rust stalkers on this one. They fill the lack of ap 2 attacks (needs 6s to wound 1 round and then ap 2 for the rest of the time). Give them the Omniscient Mask and with hit and run from Celestine you can get into combat then jump out at the end of their turn and charge back in! So thoughts about this? Am I missing something? I could see this being a good harassing unit and since we are forced to take stalkers and infiltrators in the battle maniples, it seems like a win.
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It would certainly help them. The hit and run might not work out great since it resets their ap2 (though it would definitely be good with infiltrators) but I guess if anything is tanking that much ap2 anyway it must be a special situation.
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It would certainly help them. The hit and run might not work out great since it resets their ap2 (though it would definitely be good with infiltrators) but I guess if anything is tanking that much ap2 anyway it must be a special situation.

Well, you idealy wanna hit and run away on your opponent's turn so you avoid a turn of shooting before running in order to free the unit up to shoot at, thus giving you at least one turn of Ap2 before you run away. I had celestine do that to my robots and it was a pain in the arse just by herself, so it could work.

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It would certainly help them. The hit and run might not work out great since it resets their ap2 (though it would definitely be good with infiltrators) but I guess if anything is tanking that much ap2 anyway it must be a special situation.

Well, you idealy wanna hit and run away on your opponent's turn so you avoid a turn of shooting before running in order to free the unit up to shoot at, thus giving you at least one turn of Ap2 before you run away. I had celestine do that to my robots and it was a pain in the arse just by herself, so it could work.


Giving up that ap2 and inviting more overwatch just to throw one grenade is a really bad tradeoff.  Doing it with infiltrators could be good, as I said, but the only value here for ruststalkers would be to move on to another target.  

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My thoughts were hit and run for moving to the next target, getting out of bad match ups or getting the most out of the Omniscient Mask's zealot. Charge in, get to reroll misses with zealots, if they live through that then get ap 2 on their turn and then rinse and repeat. Unless they have flamers overwatch might just take out a Gemini but they come back for free! just some food for thoughts. Im going to try it in the next game I play.

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Just remember that with the latest rulebook FAQ when you re-roll the charge distance for a unit containing the models with jump packs, only those models can utilise the new distance.


"When charging, the Jump model may use its jump pack (if it did not do so in the Movement phase) to re-roll the charge distance – however that model, and only that model, must use the new distance rolled." page 7 of the final rulebook FAQ

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Well, I just finished a game which involved celestine leading a pack of sydonians. She did tank 10 wounds and they would have charged into combat. We ended the game though before... I only had 5 vp to my opponent's 11... it was a sad game...
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Why didn't they get into combat? No targets, or too slow?

I kept them in reserves because of the danger of flamers deep striking near them and melting them, by the turn they could charge (turn 3) I was too far behind in VP to ne worth continuing the game.

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I kept them in reserves because of the danger of flamers deep striking near them and melting them, by the turn they could charge (turn 3) I was too far behind in VP to ne worth continuing the game. 


Sounds like a tactical error to me. Keep in mind that Celestine is 200 points and very tanky. You want her in combat, probably more than you want the Sicarians in combat. To me it would just be a nice bonus if the Sicarians make it into CC. But with Celestine there you just can't allow yourself to let that squad sit somewhere without doing stuff. Thats almost 400 points of you army doing NOTHING! So my advice would be that if you stick the living saint with your tinmen you have to play them as aggressively as possible. Turn 1 scout/run and Turn 2 get them into CC. Celestine is tanky enough to soak up one or two turns of fire on her own.

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I kept them in reserves because of the danger of flamers deep striking near them and melting them, by the turn they could charge (turn 3) I was too far behind in VP to ne worth continuing the game.

Sounds like a tactical error to me. Keep in mind that Celestine is 200 points and very tanky. You want her in combat, probably more than you want the Sicarians in combat. To me it would just be a nice bonus if the Sicarians make it into CC. But with Celestine there you just can't allow yourself to let that squad sit somewhere without doing stuff. Thats almost 400 points of you army doing NOTHING! So my advice would be that if you stick the living saint with your tinmen you have to play them as aggressively as possible. Turn 1 scout/run and Turn 2 get them into CC. Celestine is tanky enough to soak up one or two turns of fire on her own.

Understand that if I had started them on the board, and all other rolls going as they had, 4 units of s5 ap 4 tzeench flamers would have wiped the Sicarians and thas not counting the 14 warp charges of psychic dice that flew at me. Having them outflank turn 2 and in charge range of my opponent's back units was the best I could have hoped for. I just didn't charge them because after my shooting phase I knew I couldn't win.

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