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Under what circumstances the Angel returns?


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The blood coffin is the key to it. He comes back because of the gathering storm. Timelines I don't have unfortunately.


Again, huge amount of salt associated with this. Its just a rumour I have heard from a guy I trust. But it could easily be bs

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You can 'I told you so' all you like, won't matter to me tongue.png As Blindhamster said we have nothing to go on, most people will be sceptical of rumours like this for obvious reasons.

Do you play BA yourself? Is that your model as your avatar? A new member is always welcome, and Blood Angel (or successor!) players all the more so ;)

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Time will tell. With all the Primarchs coming back this year, Id be fairly annoyed if we didn't see Sangy, either in 30k or 40k.

Yup, blood angels player since 2nd ed, with a long break until about 15 months ago. That's my DC Chaplain in my profile pic

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So here is another interesting piece. We all know that tyranids are heading towards Baal. But why exactly? Normally, bug fleets either follow psychic beacons from genesteeler cults or places of high biological/mineral content. So exactly why is Baal on the chopping block to begin with?


We don't necessarily have a high psycher content though we supposedly have a good amount. Baal and its sister moons/planets aren't what I would call teaming with life or providing any specific mineral benefit. So why are they coming?

Perhaps, Sanguinius actually didn't die (queue "Mostly dead" ala Princess bride) and is regenerating. His life force building and tyranids are being led Baal's direction like a moth to a light bulb. I don't specifically remember but I thought I heard a long time ago that primarchs (like guilliman) are of a particular interest as a bio mass tyranids want to seek out. Maybe the tendril detected Sanguinius' signature in the warp and are drawn to it in order to consume its rich DNA.

Just a thought.

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had kind of assumed the hive fleet was heading for terra, and baal was just in the way honestly.


To be honest, I can totally believe that they'd bring Sanguinius back, he'll easily be the most visually impressive Loyalist model we could get thanks to the large wing span etc. He also will make a perfect counterpoint to the daemons and sort of continues the theme of angels.


But i dont think it'll be soon, and I've no idea what the circumstances surrounding his return would be like.

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Is it weird that storywise I am totally ok with a nid sang? (Although I think it would probably be a bad business decision because of audience size and parallels)




The idea is abhorrent.


Feed them Guilliman or some other mook.

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WELL - the twist comes from that Blizzard were originally going to make a GW game back in the day and it sort of fell through and the ideas became Terran and Zerg.


Why do you think they have big-blue armoured space marines and bug monsters? :P

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