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Converting Antor Delassio (KT Cassius Box Set)

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Haven't actually converted him, but looking on the model you have a few options:


Remove the head and give him a helmet(maybe a death masque), and exchange the left arm. You could also exchange the right sword and hand with a downwardpointing spear. Exchange the jumppack with a mk4 jumppack and add wings. And finally: make him truscale. If he should not bear any resemblance to fleshtearers: remove the iconography.


You know that let's me wish I own the model and convert him? ^^


What are you converting him into?


Anything but a Chainsword/Hand Flamer VV....


I kid, I'd like to keep him as a Deathwatch VV but the default weapon loadout he comes with is trash so I needed to switch it up.


Oh, well that's an easy fix.  Cut the hands off at the wrist joint-- find some replacement weapon hands and attach them.  I would recommend pinning them just for some extra strength, but then again I pin just about everything for peace of mind.


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