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WIP Successor Chapter Blood Scorpions


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Blood Scorpions Chapter Lore


Blood Scorpions

Founding Chapter: Blood Angels

Founding: 24th (38th M)

System: Unknown

Segmentum Obscurus

Home World: Irika - Death World

Home World Population: 1.8 Million

Fortress Monastery: Purgation

Colors: Ashen Gray/Dark Red/Black

Specialty: Close Assaults, Aerial Superiority

Codex Astartes Compliant: Yes

Battle Cry: Celeriter hostes caedere et medico! (Strike quickly and envenom our foes)


Chapter Master- Commander Adonael

Chief Librarian- Chief Librarian Israfil

Master of Sanctity- High Chaplain Chamuel

Master of the Forge- Althimar Zarkus

Chief Apothecary- Brother Hamon


1st Company Lord of the Sands- Captain Barakiel

2nd Company Master of the Watch- Captain Cassiel

3rd Company Master of the Sacrifice- Captain Duma

4th Company Lord Adjudicator- Captain Hadraniel

5th Company Keeper of the Arsenal- Captain Iaoth

6th Company Caller of the Fires- Captain Jeduthun

7th Company Master of the Marches- Captain Kalaziel

8th Company Lord of Skyfall- Captain Onoel

9th Company Master of Sieges- Captain Raziel

10th Company Master of Recruits- Captain Suriel



The Blood Scorpions act as stewards over Irika, standing guard over their home planet. Irika is a wasteland planet were resources are few, and what few resources are fought over by the nomadic tribes of the planet. The planet is an expanse desert with burning temperatures and freezing cold during the planet's 50 hour day. The planet is quite violent due to large chains of volcanic mountains burning the sand in fine black ashes for miles. In particular the planet is home to a vicious breed of scorpion, the Blackrock scorpion is 4 meters tall and 8 meters long. The species has claimed its place as the apex predator of the planet. The Blackrock scorpion will burrow near the volcanic region hiding the in the black sand in wait of prey. In a flurry of tearing claws it restrains it's victims before melting its victims wholly with potent venom from its barbed tail. The peoples of Irika band together nomadic tribes moving from oasis to another constantly on the move in search of resources and avoid the Blackrock Scorpions, but such as harsh world is ripe for recruits. During the trail of the sands, potential recruits engage in brutal gladiatorial combat. Those that survive and advance then must go on a solitary hunt and bring back the carcass of a adult female Blackrock scorpion to prove they worthy of recruitment. Most recruits will fail one task or the other but those that are successful prove to candidates for the transformation into a space marine.


The Blood Scorpions beliefs are to the Emperor and their primarch Sanguinius. They also take great reverence in the ancients and chapter elders. Their demeanor is cleanse and purify the enemies of mankind and strength it's dominion in the galaxy. Due the being stationed in the Segmuntum Obscuris the chapter has particular hatred towards the Warmaster's own, the Black Legion.


The Blood Scorpions have developed ties of alliance with the Knight House Althimar and the Ash Wyverns Chapter during a joint campaign in the Kundis sector against a Black Legion warband led the Chaos lord Zarkus Baleheart. That if any of these organizations need aid the call would be gladly answered.


Chapter Legends


The original Chapter Master, Commander Paschar led a glorious campaign to retake the Tyrannis System when the Planetary Governor led the entire sector in outright rebellion of the Imperium in 056.M38. The Blood Scorpions struck quickly like the Blackrock Scorpions of Irika quelling the rebellion within months.

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