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Deathwing Termies

Rogue Crusader

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While digging through a box of neglected stuff I found a set of Deathwing models that I converted back in 2009 when they re-issued Space Hulk. Back when Deathwing was released for the orginal version of SH we played the heck out of it and I vastly prefer the look of Dark Angels minis over Blood Angels so I wanted a proper DW unit. I may need to revisit the squad using some of the newer bits that have released in the time since these were made. The models have magnets in both arms and the waist so they can be reposed slightly and the weapons can be switch out depending on the mission requirements.





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What helmet has the guy with the Heavy Flamer and the Chainfist got? 


It's a regular terminator head that had the face cut down to give it a more knight like look. (same with the one that has the stormbolter & chainfist)


I'd probably use a grey knight head nowdays but they didn't have them out in plastic at the time.


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