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Sons of Horus 3000 pointer


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Hey peeps, I am just starting out with 30K and this is my first 30K list. Any help is much appreciated!



Sons of horus / luna wolves



Abaddon 215

Centurion with master of signals jump pack and power weapon 125


Apothecary with a/scanner  50pts

Mortis dread with twin lascannons  155pts

Justaerin terminators x 10, 2 chain fists, 5 power fists 500pts


20 man tactical squad, sgt with , melta bombs  255pts

15 man Assault squad, sgt with artificer armor, power weapon and melta bombs 320pts

15 man Assault squad, sgt with artificer armor, power weapon and melta bombs 320pts

6 man support squad 1 sgt with plasma pistol and chainsword, 5 plasma guns dedicated rhino 240




2 javelin land speeders with twin lascannons 170pts


Heavy support

Scicaran with sponsor bolters 155pts


Stormblade, ceramite armor, spacemarine crew 490pts


Total 3000  pts


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It looks pretty good to me :) the only things you might want to change is to change the javelins into another sicarian as it is a bit more survivable. You may want to check the master of signals as well as I don't believe they can take jump packs unsure.png Apart from that the list looks pretty fun to me tongue.png

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Masters of Signal are allowed to take jump packs. I'm not sure why you're including one though - what is he realistically going to do? A Chaplain would probably give you a lot more. If you want to run The Black Reaving, you need more fast attack than heavy support. Otherwise there's no reason to run one if he isn't going to be boosting a valuable shooting unit.


Keep the Javelins over another Sicaran.


I would strongly recommend cutting the Tactical Squad down significantly and using them to just hold objectives, ideally in a Rhino. Move the Apothecary to an assault squad, who will likely need the survivability more, and then put combi-weapons on the Justaerin. Justaerin with combi-weapons are utterly lethal, and really make use of the Sons of Horus special rules. They'll have a lot more impact when armed that way.

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Masters of Signal are allowed to take jump packs. I'm not sure why you're including one though - what is he realistically going to do? A Chaplain would probably give you a lot more. If you want to run The Black Reaving, you need more fast attack than heavy support. Otherwise there's no reason to run one if he isn't going to be boosting a valuable shooting unit.


Keep the Javelins over another Sicaran.


I would strongly recommend cutting the Tactical Squad down significantly and using them to just hold objectives, ideally in a Rhino. Move the Apothecary to an assault squad, who will likely need the survivability more, and then put combi-weapons on the Justaerin. Justaerin with combi-weapons are utterly lethal, and really make use of the Sons of Horus special rules. They'll have a lot more impact when armed that way.


Yes Black Reaving was the ROW i was going for.


 My Plan was to have the speeders seperate so count as 2 fast choices. The just the Sicaran as a heavy support choice. Is the LOW also a heavy choice? Or  maybe swap a assualt squad for a smaller Reaver squad in the fast slot?


My plan was to have maxed out tac squad for the added bonus, but i will cut them down if you think a 10 man with a rhino would be better?


Masters of Signal are allowed to take jump packs. I'm not sure why you're including one though - what is he realistically going to do? A Chaplain would probably give you a lot more. If you want to run The Black Reaving, you need more fast attack than heavy support. Otherwise there's no reason to run one if he isn't going to be boosting a valuable shooting unit.


Keep the Javelins over another Sicaran.


I would strongly recommend cutting the Tactical Squad down significantly and using them to just hold objectives, ideally in a Rhino. Move the Apothecary to an assault squad, who will likely need the survivability more, and then put combi-weapons on the Justaerin. Justaerin with combi-weapons are utterly lethal, and really make use of the Sons of Horus special rules. They'll have a lot more impact when armed that way.


Yes Black Reaving was the ROW i was going for.


 My Plan was to have the speeders seperate so count as 2 fast choices. The just the Sicaran as a heavy support choice. Is the LOW also a heavy choice? Or  maybe swap a assualt squad for a smaller Reaver squad in the fast slot?


My plan was to have maxed out tac squad for the added bonus, but i will cut them down if you think a 10 man with a rhino would be better?


Thanks for advice by the way :)

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No, the Lord of War isn't a heavy support choice - if you do it that way, you're good to go on the requirements. The minor issue is that 2x separate Javelins = another kill point for your opponent, as they are quite fragile.


I'm not a huge fan of tactical marines (some probably are), so yeah I'd cut them down significantly. The problem with their use here is that while you have a large squad of 20 with an apothecary, they're not very fast and don't really do much damage at all. It's going to take them a few turns to get into enemy lines, and if you need to dash for objectives on the last turn of the game, they don't have any maneuverability without a Rhino to do it - your assault squads will likely either be dead or mopping up units by then, and having a cheaper fast tactical unit can be quite useful. If you took 7x marines out, and put those points into 10x combi weapons on the Justaerin, I guarantee you that you'll get more kills/points out of those weapons than you would out of those marines. Cut the 20 man squad down to 10 and you've almost got the points for a Rhino + 10x combi-weapons, trading off 10 wounds for significantly more speed and a lot more hitting power on your most important asset - the Justaerin Terminators. With so many points sunk into a deep striking unit, you want to make sure it has the desired impact.


If they were in something like a Spartan/Kharybdis/Storm Eagle (all huge points investments) they'd be far more likely to get the Rage bonus and reliably get into combat - but without that, they're just too slow to pull it off in my opinion. It might work some games, but it's a bit unreliable for my tastes. Ideally, play some games and see what works for you.


And not a worry on the advice, hope it leads to some victories in the Warmaster's name

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