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2500pts Salamanders/Blood Angels


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After playing around with various lists, I've decided that I want to include a detachment of Blood Angels. However, I don't really know much about them rules-wise (and what works and what doesn't), so input would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, I'm concerned about the low-model count and general lack of scoring units, so advice on that front would also be welcomed. I know it's not the greatest, but I don't really know how to improve it. Feel free to slash and burn it, then tongue.png



Salamanders Primary Detachment - Primarch's Chosen


  • Vulkan


  • 5x Marksman Veterans - 2 combi-flamers, 1 heavy flamer in a Rhino with a Multi-melta
  • 5x Marksman Veterans - 2 combi-flamers, 1 heavy flamer in a Rhino with a Multi-melta
  • 5x Firedrakes with TH/SS in a spartan w amoured ceramite, flare shield and a multi-melta
  • 3x Legion quad-launcher support batteries w Shatter Shells

Blood Angels Allied Detachment

  • Centurion - artificer armour, blade of perdition, inferno pistol, jump pack, melta bombs and a refractor field


  • 14x Assault Marines w 3x power axes, 1x sergeant w artificer armour, combat shield and power fist

Fast Attack

  • Primaris-Lightning w battle-servitor control, ground-tracking auguries, 2x krakens, 1x twin-linked auto cannon, 1xtwin-linked lascannon


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.... Additionally, I'm concerned about the low-model count and general lack of scoring units ...



You have 4 scoring units in 2.500 pts. which is not a bad ratio at all, though my personal formula is to include 1 scoring unit per 500 pts. in a list.

But that is of course highly subjective and dependent on the environment you normally play in. With 4 scoring units you might just be fine.

However, as you already mentioned and as it was pointed out by Harrowmaster above, the low model count might seriously hurt you.

Two of your 4 scoring units are 5 strong squads of Tac Vetc. They won't withstand a thing thrown at them and you only have 30 marines on the table in total (not counting Vulcan).


While I can see the appeal to include the Blood Angels, it might just be best to drop them at this points level, especially if you want a list featuring your primarch.

Perhaps build up a main force of Salamanders first, 2.500 pts. including Vulcan, centered around a RoW of your choice (and yes, CoF is very strong indeed), before adding a cheap BA HQ and that Assault Squad to bring the total to 3.000, leaving you with more room to do something more balanced with your primary detachment.

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Honestly I think you might be better off either removing Vulkan or the Blood Angels. For 2500 you have very few models on the table which will hurt a lot. It might be best to play pure Salamanders with the covenant of fire to buff your weapons even more.





.... Additionally, I'm concerned about the low-model count and general lack of scoring units ...



You have 4 scoring units in 2.500 pts. which is not a bad ratio at all, though my personal formula is to include 1 scoring unit per 500 pts. in a list.

But that is of course highly subjective and dependent on the environment you normally play in. With 4 scoring units you might just be fine.

However, as you already mentioned and as it was pointed out by Harrowmaster above, the low model count might seriously hurt you.

Two of your 4 scoring units are 5 strong squads of Tac Vetc. They won't withstand a thing thrown at them and you only have 30 marines on the table in total (not counting Vulcan).


While I can see the appeal to include the Blood Angels, it might just be best to drop them at this points level, especially if you want a list featuring your primarch.

Perhaps build up a main force of Salamanders first, 2.500 pts. including Vulcan, centered around a RoW of your choice (and yes, CoF is very strong indeed), before adding a cheap BA HQ and that Assault Squad to bring the total to 3.000, leaving you with more room to do something more balanced with your primary detachment.




Thanks guys. I'll drop the BA detachment for now, make Vulkan a LoW, and run covenant of fire instead. Thus, I'll have to replace the vets with tactical marines. Would you keep the Lightning (and just move it to the Sallie detachment)?

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Cataphractii Chaplain with the Firedrakes riding in the Spartan should work like a charm.


Depending on your final list a Forgelord might also bring some benefits, depending on the unit he joins.


Or you just keep it cheap and take a Centurion with Combi-Melta who'll join a unit of Melta Tac Supports (who will count their Melta Guns as master-crafted in CoF).


Definitely keep the Lightning. I'd rather drop the Autocannon upgrade than the Tracking Auguries though !

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^ Good advice here!


It looks like you have 3 different weapons on your Lightning. Just take 2 x 2 Kraken Penetrators, GTA and BSC. There's you Spartan destroyer.


Have you considered Sky Slayer Jetbikes? They come stock with multi-meltas, so Covenant of Fire makes them awesome!

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Okay, new list. Any advice?


+++ SALAMANDERS (Warhammer 30,000 - The Horus Heresy v46) (2525pts) +++

++ The Age of Darkness (Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List v208) ++
+ HQ +
Legion Centurion [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, Dragonscale Storm Shield]
Consul [Chaplain]
+ Elites +
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon
Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Graviton Gun, Multi-melta]
Firedrake Terminator Squad [4x Dragonscale Storm Shield, 4x Firedrakes, 4x Thunder Hammer]
Firedrake Master [Dragonscale Storm Shield, Master-crafted Thunder Hammer]
Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield, MultiMelta, Quad Lascannon Sponsons, Twin-linked Heavy Flamer]
Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery [3x Legion Rapier, Shatter Shell]
+ Troops +
Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Additional Wargear [bolters]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [MultiMelta]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Additional Wargear [bolters]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [MultiMelta]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Additional Wargear [bolters]
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier [MultiMelta]
Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
+ Fast Attack +
Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter [battle Servitor Control, Ground-tracking Auguries, 2x Kraken Penetrator Heavy missile]
+ Legion +
Legiones Astartes [  XVIII: Salamanders, Loyalist]
Rite of War [The Covenant of Fire]
+ Force Organization +
Force Organization
Battles in the Age of Darkness [ Age of Darkness Primary Detachment]
+ Lords of War +
Created with BattleScribe (http://www.battlescribe.net)
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