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Mulling over Selling my Skitarii


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Hello everyone, recently I have been in the mindset of perhaps selling my built and unpainted Skitarii for a number of reasons including medical bills, opponents not having fun playing the army and how it would be nice to pay off some things. It is a massive force between 3000-3500 points depending on upgrades and I figured I would post it here to a community that would be most interested in it and benefit from it. I have the following:
-Special Edition Skitarii Codex
-Custom Skitarii Ryza Dice
-x1 Techpriest Dominus
-x8 Arc Riffle Vanguard
-x8 Plasma Calivers Vanguard
-x20 Standard Vanguard
-x12 Sydonian Dragoons
-x6 Iron Striders
-x5 Dunecrawlers (x3 with Neutron Lasers, x2 with Iccarus Arrays)
-x40 Skitarii Hoplites (unbuilt)
-x20 Peltasts (unbuilt)
Now the total Retail Cost of this army ran around $2100.00 but I would be only looing for 1750.00 for the whole lot. Do you feel this is a fair price for a mostly built but unpainted Skitarii force?

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Wow thats 1 hell of an army built up.


As for price, thats pretty fair i guess. Though it might be easier to sell them on if you break the army up so people can pick and mix what they need. Possibly if you are willing to haggle in that aswell given how large the force is.


Im assuming you are in the US given you said medical bills, which is a shame as i would be very tempted to buy a good chunk of stuff but am in the UK and the shipping costs will kill any saving i could make.


Suprised your opponents dont enjoy fighting you, its not like skitarii on its own is an OP army.


Good luck selling it bud, hope



BTW i just remembered, iirc miniwargaming was looking to buy whole armies, could be worth trying them, i dont remember which armies they wanted though.

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Sorry to hear of your medical situation.

Normally i say: Don't sell! Because i've seen people in the last 12 months hunting down 2nd ed miniatures of the type they sold years ago.

However these are just things. If you live long enough even if it costs you more in the long-term to rebuild again there's no point to having the army and being dead or going blind or being disabled if that's avoidable.

So with that in mind, sell if you have to. Keep any favorites you love or paint-jobs you are especially proud of, sell the rest and buy new ones later when you are well again and can re-enjoy building and painting again.

As for opponents, if you are too skilled with this army just take deliberately flawed lists. Raise the challenge for you and make it more fun for them.

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BTW i just remembered, iirc miniwargaming was looking to buy whole armies, could be worth trying them, i dont remember which armies they wanted though.

Where would I go to ask out of curiosity? And I'm a split up in the future I just know how much easier it is to sell the whole Army is one lot.


Even though it doesn't look like conventional netlist I have annihilated several top to tier armies and their best list with it, so people naturally don't like it.

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Wow, very suprising to hear you did that, i have found skitarii to generall be a rather "subpar" force due to having the whole toughness 3 infantry without transport thing.



matthew@miniwargaming.com i think is the email they use for it, though i think they want fully painted/mostly painted armies to save on their own time.

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Wow, very suprising to hear you did that, i have found skitarii to generall be a rather "subpar" force due to having the whole toughness 3 infantry without transport thing.



matthew@miniwargaming.com i think is the email they use for it, though i think they want fully painted/mostly painted armies to save on their own time.


I hope I'm not sounding like a cocky you know what, most people are just taken off guard when I put 18 fast moving walkers on the table with S8 hits and lots of autocannon shots, majority of people ignore my infantry.

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