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Iron Hands, Head of the Gorgon with Shadrak


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Hey guys


This is my first go at a loyalist post isstvan list with Shadrak Meduson. As usual, I am trying to mix a good amount of fluffy units whilst maintaining some competitiveness in the list. I don’t have much experience with iron hands so any help would be great.


2500 points, Head of the Gorgon



Shadrak Meduson (goes in the spartan)

Damocles Command Rhino



- 5 Gorgon terminators, 2 chainfist, 2 power fists, Spartan assault tank, flare shield, armoured ceramite

- 5 Gorgon terminators, 2 chainfist, 2 power fists, land raider phobos, armoured ceramite, multimelta

- Contemptor with conversion beamer, extra armour

- 2 graviton rapier batteries



10 tactical marines, artificer armour, melta bombs, rhino, multi melta

10 tactical marines, artificer armour, melta bombs, rhino, multi melta


Heavy Support

2 predators with melta cannons

Vindicator, laser destroyer


The idea is to outflank the predators, spartan and landraider to put pressure on the flanks whilst the vindicator, grav batteries soften up armoured targets and the troops move to secure objectives, supported by the contemptor


I'm not sure this covers all the bases, but it looks quite fun to play, 8 vehicles, 2 artillery and a dreadnought.


I'd be grateful for any feedback


Thanks for reading

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You don't have many scoring units (just twenty tacticals), it might be a good idea to drop 5 of the gorgons in favour of a legion terminator squad which can score.


If the contemptor is to be moving around the board, there's no point taking the heavy conversion beamer as it can't fire it on the move. You have no AA in the list so maybe take a contemptor mortis instead?



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^ Don't do that. Gorgons have Implacable Advance, so you're covered for scoring units.


I agree with the conversion beamer though - it's cheaper to get a Predator with one. Maybe make him a Kheres Contemptor-Mortis to support the Tacticals? Adds some anti air, and 12 S6 Rending shots are amazing at dealing with all sorts lf targets!


I would put dozer blades on all tanks except the Vindicator. Don't really need the multi-melta on the Phobos, as it's going to be moving a lot.


Looks good otherwise!

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