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So... where to continue?


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I've recently started an AdMeck/Skitarii army after placing 3rd in a recent doubles tournament and using the winners to pick up a box of Skitarii Rangers. Next paycheck I intend to pick up the Start Collecting Box and the codecies for both.


A little history: I started off a Blood Angels player, and still have a sizable force. I fell to the orks, and while I enjoyed playing and modeling them, I got frustrated at how... weak they are really. It felt like that while each ork was fragile, they just couldn't field enough numbers to overcome that fragility. Against Tau I'd loose half my army turn one. Against Space Marines I'd get my rear flank attacked and loose all my vamuable units. Against the Guard I'd be turned to kibble by tank fire. 


I'd considered dabbling with the Deathwatch, but then their Codex turned out to be a veritable thud. I then considered Imperial Guard, but then I thought it'd be nice to play an army that didn't require a wheelbarrow. So, spurred on by my love of Transhumanist literature and an admiration for the aesthetic of cybernetic soldiers backed up by slow-rolling death machines, I opted to join the The Priesthood of Mars.


So after I've gotten those, what should be next steps be Rutstalkers/Infiltrators? Kastellans? A Knight?



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Start collecting is realy good, you can buy 2 or 3 of these !

Vanguards are your backbone, the Dominus is the only non special character HQ and Onagers are a must have as well imho. And all that for slightly more than a single box of Vanguards !


If you can get your hand on a Eradication Cohort Box you get a big saving there as well.


All in all you need to decide what you like more, Skitarii or Cult Mech ?

For Skitarii I would recommend Infiltrators and Dragoon (in addition to the start collecting boxes).

For Cult I would say 2 boxes of Servitors and a box of Robots.


You should then have enough to play arround and see how it goes. Belisarius Cawl and Knights are also nice to add, but not realy for the beginning I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would recommend Kataphrons and Kastellans. Kats add extremely good firepower, Kastellans bring that and a very hard assault unit.


Im a big fan of Dragoons as well as they can reach objectives downfield and really mess units up in assault.


Sicarians have their place (Infiltrators > Ruststalkers imo) but require wise implementation. They hit hard but are very vulnerable to shooting being expensive T3 guys. They really come into their own in War Convocation where you get the benefit of Canticles.

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