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Angels Sanguine meet Carmine Blades - Golden Host


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Greetings, brothers! Here I'll post painted models, WIPs, armylists and battle reports
First of all - intoduction. Blood Angels have been my one and only army for years. I started I late 4th, played though 5th and was repulsed by 6th for 3 years. Now 7th is closing to its end - time to come back! 
Originally I chose Angels Sanguine colour scheme - back in those days just red was too boring for me. I continue to collect this chapter, though little bit of variety is always nice...
Which leads us to next thing. Deploying a mid-tier force that can stand decently against most of the armies in our meta with momo-BA list is quite hard, so I`m looking for allies. Having no interest in Mechanicus, Inquisition, Imperial Knights and all that stuff my only choise was Space Marines. The biggest question is colour scheme. I looked into a lot of successor chapters, but none of them was fitting. The answer was sudden - I was browsing BA codes when I saw them. Carmine Blades.
Simple yet striking scheme and - more important - fluff. You all probably know it, but once again they believed to be Ultra successors until Astorath bombed it in M41. Considering timeline my allied force placed a little bit after the reveal. Blades accepted their successorship, invited Sanguinary Priests, started using BA specific pieces of armor decoration but the tactics and units aren't that easy to get rid of overnight.
This leads to force of visually striking united blood angels successors force while giving me access to Vanilla SM units. I will not however use more then 50% of army list for allies nor I will use any allies other than Carmine Blades.
One more benefit lies in modelling field. Angels Sanguine don't show their faces to people outside the chapter so I can't use BA Heads without helmets (of which I have a lot). With CB I can finally use them in bulk!

That`s it for introduction, I guess. Coming soon, coming more - for now have a look at marines from both of the chapters. AS marine is still on older smaller base, but rebasing is in progress.
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Love the gritty style, and I'm so glad to hear you're doing Carmine Blades - I love the scheme and it's seen all too little. The Veterans in my Blood Angels (will) have white helmets instead of gold so will look similar.


How big a force do you have? Keen to see more...

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Hello, brother!

Mmm, I see you are a fan of dirty weathered marines, aren't you)) I am the follower of that path too, and I definitely love your style and painting! Good job!!! Blue eye lenses look cool, and your gray has a very smooth and natural shading! Looking forward to see more!

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Love the gritty style, and I'm so glad to hear you're doing Carmine Blades - I love the scheme and it's seen all too little. The Veterans in my Blood Angels (will) have white helmets instead of gold so will look similar.


How big a force do you have? Keen to see more...

Thanks! I plan on building a Carmine Blades demi-company - works well on the tabletop and looks awesome.


Let's see what so I have:




Custom Mephiston

Furioso Dread x2 (one of them you already seen)

9 Death Company

2 command squads

2 tactical squads

2 scout squads

2 asm squads

2 abikes

Bikes squad


2 drop pods


LR crusader

5 assault terminators

Chaplains, 2 of them

Storm Raven



TDA Cataphractii Captain


Drop Pod


LS Storm


This stuff is in different conditions, something finished, something still on plastic. Add to it one new box of BA Tacticals, which I plan to divide between the chapters. Carmine Blades part is not that big right not, but certainly will be expanded.


There will be 1850 tournament in our community in February, so expect some painted stuff there!

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Hello, brother!

Mmm, I see you are a fan of dirty weathered marines, aren't you)) I am the follower of that path too, and I definitely love your style and painting! Good job!!! Blue eye lenses look cool, and your gray has a very smooth and natural shading! Looking forward to see more!


Thanks! I`ve tried lots of different styles of weathering last years (even one with salt and hairspray) and finally chose one that suits best. And one that`s fastest to paint at the same time, of course.


Love your gritty style man. They look amazing.


Thanks! This grittiness also helps my army to look consistent as models painted years ago and models I painted recently differ in red shade quite a lot.


Good to see a fellow Carmine Blades Player!


Yeah, I`m starting to like them even more then my good old Sanguine...


Anyway, today will be the game against my old buddy, so report coming soon!

For now I`d like to share this kitbashed Cataphractii TDA Captain to tank stuff for cheesy grav-Devastator squad.





Love the gritty style, and I'm so glad to hear you're doing Carmine Blades - I love the scheme and it's seen all too little. The Veterans in my Blood Angels (will) have white helmets instead of gold so will look similar.


How big a force do you have? Keen to see more...

Oh and I forgot Golden Host (2x5 Sanguinary Guard and Sanguinor, all painted, photos coming soon), Dante and that Sanguinary Priest from my avatar!


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Well, played against SM yesterday. It was a fun game, but not that much to white home about.

Apart from two speeders losing two HPs because they exploded my drop pod, of course.


Meanwhile, bringing in my two troop choices and their transports! 




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They look great - proper battle worn! That Rhino in particular has seen some action!

Thanks! Though I noticed that they don`t look that good on the tabletop - from some distance red, black and weathering tend to mix together in an indefinite dark-red spot. Have to fix it somehow, bright contrasting weapons should work.  Blue on shouder pads and gems also helps a bit, but maybe this tint is too bright and out of place.


Or maybe it`s the lot of all half and quarter colour schemes and there`s nothing I could do about, who knows. 

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I think the blue accent works great for contrast with the red / black / brown... maybe the vehicles need more of this colour though?


I noticed one marine has yellow instead of blue - is he a veteran?

Blue also works well with jump packs - I paint air intakes and thrusters blue.

This guy is a Veteran, right. I painted him long time ago to practice NMM. To think of it, I'd better repaint shoulder ornaments yellow or gold on all my other Sergeants so they will stand out more.


Speaking of blue on vehicles - my Sanguine don't have that much of them after I sold all my predators at one point. I miss them so much now when we have Lucifer...



This is my problem with weathering. I always feel like my models just look dirty/untidy/not well-painted.

Agreed. I guess the scale is too small for weathering to look nice on infantry. It works great on vehicles though. Not that I stop doing it on my marines, though.


I'll make some new pictures today - firstly of that Veteran, Librarian and Sanguinary Priest. I also plan to buy two Land Speeders as alternative to assault bikes and marines. They work well together with Dante's WT and are more survivable than simple marines thanks to Jink. Another question is that A-bikes are probably even more survivable, but their models... Meh.


Other than that, I think it's time to start working on Carmine Blades Demi-Company. I have a box of Tactical Marines that I wanted to divide between my chapters. Now I'm not that sure - maybe paint all of them CB? Seems like Sanguine have enough infantry models so far while CB really need to expand.

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They look great - proper battle worn! That Rhino in particular has seen some action!

Thanks! Though I noticed that they don`t look that good on the tabletop - from some distance red, black and weathering tend to mix together in an indefinite dark-red spot. Have to fix it somehow, bright contrasting weapons should work.  Blue on shouder pads and gems also helps a bit, but maybe this tint is too bright and out of place.


Or maybe it`s the lot of all half and quarter colour schemes and there`s nothing I could do about, who knows. 


Some OSL would do wonders on the Rhino imo. Your painting is on such a good level but the Rhinos headlights feel lacking and boring..

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They look great - proper battle worn! That Rhino in particular has seen some action!

Thanks! Though I noticed that they don`t look that good on the tabletop - from some distance red, black and weathering tend to mix together in an indefinite dark-red spot. Have to fix it somehow, bright contrasting weapons should work. Blue on shouder pads and gems also helps a bit, but maybe this tint is too bright and out of place.


Or maybe it`s the lot of all half and quarter colour schemes and there`s nothing I could do about, who knows.

Some OSL would do wonders on the Rhino imo. Your painting is on such a good level but the Rhinos headlights feel lacking and boring..

Thanks, sir! They indeed look boring. Now that I have an airbrush I'd better start painting OSLs, but here is the question: yellow or blue?

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They look great - proper battle worn! That Rhino in particular has seen some action!

Thanks! Though I noticed that they don`t look that good on the tabletop - from some distance red, black and weathering tend to mix together in an indefinite dark-red spot. Have to fix it somehow, bright contrasting weapons should work. Blue on shouder pads and gems also helps a bit, but maybe this tint is too bright and out of place.


Or maybe it`s the lot of all half and quarter colour schemes and there`s nothing I could do about, who knows.

Some OSL would do wonders on the Rhino imo. Your painting is on such a good level but the Rhinos headlights feel lacking and boring..

Thanks, sir! They indeed look boring. Now that I have an airbrush I'd better start painting OSLs, but here is the question: yellow or blue?


Definitely blue. As seen with your Infantry it gives a much nicer contrast. ;)

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Sorry for the delay, was too busy lately.

Here the update comes, pic heavy post ahead! There are the guys I painted a long time ago, but still proud of them. The first is...






Sanguinary Priest! He was some kind of a turning point of my painting experience - I tried almost all techniques here for the first time. NMM, OSL, painting vials, weathering - you name it. Packs are magnetized and now I consider getting some 32mm base extenders to keep him consistent with the rest of the army. Then goes...






Librarian! As he is from Angels Sanguine, I thought the best variant is to paint him blue instead of red. This is the most kitbashed model I have so far - legs from Death Company, Sword from Sanguine Guard (or maybe Grey Knights box?), Bolt Pistol from Space wolfs and so on, so on...




This Veteran Sergeant rounds up this update post. Here I went all out on painting NMM. It still looks too yellow to my taste.


Though I painted these guys long time ago, I still play them on the tabletop. They remind me of good old time when I could afford spending 3 weeks on a single Marine.

More stuff to come, hope you enjoy it so far! 

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Those are some magnificent minis you got over there.

Very curious how you do all the battle damage as i would like to attempt to replicate it onmy Blood Angels if u allow.

Would You mind sharing a step by step?

Only criticism would be the NMM. While I am no master of it myself i think you need to get that gold a little bit higher in contrast. The extreme highlight (not the edge highlight) should be close to Vallejo Game Colour Beige in my opinion. At least this is how i did it here (if you dont mind posting pictures in your thread):



While it is nowhere near the mastery i've seen, i think the extreme beige or even white highlight adds a lot to it.



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Those are some magnificent minis you got over there.

Very curious how you do all the battle damage as i would like to attempt to replicate it onmy Blood Angels if u allow.

Would You mind sharing a step by step?

Only criticism would be the NMM. While I am no master of it myself i think you need to get that gold a little bit higher in contrast. The extreme highlight (not the edge highlight) should be close to Vallejo Game Colour Beige in my opinion. At least this is how i did it here (if you dont mind posting pictures in your thread):



While it is nowhere near the mastery i've seen, i think the extreme beige or even white highlight adds a lot to it.



Thanks a lot, mate! I always wanted to make a step by step for weathering, so this may be the right moment. Will do it asap, possibly this week.


I totally don't mind having your Captain in this thread. This guy is amazing, good job! Agreed with contrast on gold, it would certainly help. Too sad that I generally don't do that much NMM nowadays sticking to metallics and attempts at TMM instead.

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Man, they are just awesome! Yor paint job is outstanding... color blending, and that damage and rust... wow. That looks very Real, and as for me - more beatiful and rough, than shiny ass marines) I save all photos posted here for learning and inspiration, and I thank you a lot for giving such opportunity)

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Man, they are just awesome! Yor paint job is outstanding... color blending, and that damage and rust... wow. That looks very Real, and as for me - more beatiful and rough, than shiny ass marines) I save all photos posted here for learning and inspiration, and I thank you a lot for giving such opportunity)

That is one of the most motivating replies I`ve ever received! I do appreciate it, man. 


Posting my recently painted squad next day - finished them yesterday, so that`s my latest Sanguine unit. I wonder just how much my style changed over the years.  

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I agree completely with Spikedhalo! Looking forward to seeing more!

There will be for sure!


I think about demi companies from vanilla Space Marines books at the moment. Sadly our ones - Battle and Blooded - are subpar at best.

One of the main point is to boost Carmine Blades part of my army by building demi company - lots of models there and a pack of nice rules. The only restriction I set for myself is half a roster. 925 for 1850, for example.

The question is which one to take. I'm between Stormlance and a common Demi Company. The set of models is roughly the same, but the rules differ quite a lot. Stormlance with Khan (properly kitbashed as Carmine Blades captain) perfectly reflect the way Blood Angels 2nd Company fought at Grimmock Sector against Tau Empire with swift advances and hit-n-run tactics.

Standard DC has ObSec. That is pretty huge already, but not that fluffy as Stormlance.


BTW, don't like to spam bikes. Captain (Khan) will travel by Rhino. BA part of the list will be built around drop assault with meltas and all our stuff, so the whole army rushes forward wrecking chaos turn 2 with short range fire and charging turn 3.


Standard DC will utilize multiple Rhinos as well, only supported by Grav-Devastators with Captain TDA on a Pod. Providing ObSec Rhinos and some consistent firepower they will make a good anvil for my Sanguine hammer to strike.


Best way I believe is to build both variants, but maybe you have some thoughts about it?

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Update time! Command Squad painted 3 days ago, already tested on the tabletop this weekend. Does the colours look too different from my older tac. marines?


P.S. battle report of this weekend coming soon as well as weathering step-by-step.



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