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Angels Sanguine meet Carmine Blades - Golden Host


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Update time! Command Squad painted 3 days ago, already tested on the tabletop this weekend. Does the colours look too different from my older tac. marines?


P.S. battle report of this weekend coming soon as well as weathering step-by-step.



Nice! I think they match up well with the older ones. A nice balance between colourful and worn / battered – like they've seen a lot of action and heavy fighting.


Looking forward to the report and tutorial!

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Update time! Command Squad painted 3 days ago, already tested on the tabletop this weekend. Does the colours look too different from my older tac. marines?


P.S. battle report of this weekend coming soon as well as weathering step-by-step.




speaking of step-by-step, I love the gold! how did you do it?

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Update time! Command Squad painted 3 days ago, already tested on the tabletop this weekend. Does the colours look too different from my older tac. marines?


P.S. battle report of this weekend coming soon as well as weathering step-by-step.



speaking of step-by-step, I love the gold! how did you do it?


Update time! Command Squad painted 3 days ago, already tested on the tabletop this weekend. Does the colours look too different from my older tac. marines?


P.S. battle report of this weekend coming soon as well as weathering step-by-step.



Nice! I think they match up well with the older ones. A nice balance between colourful and worn / battered – like they've seen a lot of action and heavy fighting.


Looking forward to the report and tutorial!

Thanks guys!

Steps for the gold:

1. Dryad Bark basecoat

2. Vallejo Gold, 1-2 coats

3. Seraphim Sepia wash

4. Army Painter Shining Silver highlights

5. Vallejo Gold to restore gold


Steps 4 and 5 could (and probably should) be done in reverse, but that's personal preference here. Of course, you can use other paints analogous to mentioned.


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Battle report, incoming!

BA vs CM, 1850 points, league game.

I don't remember the names of our missions, but we deployed in corners, had 6 TO cards first turn and gain additional points for killing fast attack units


Our lists:


+++Cult Mechanicus+++


Dominus Maniple


Tech-Priest Dominus

Skitarii Vanguard

Onager Dunecrawlers



Oathsworn detachment


Knight Crusader



Skitarii maniple


Scitarii Ironstriders

Onager Dunecrawler

Scitarii Rangers

Scitarii Vanguard

Sicarian Infiltrators



Officio Assasinorum Detachment


Culexus Assasin



+++Blood Angels+++


Blood Angels (Combined Arms detachment)



Librarian, Mastery Level 2; Auspex; Angel's Wing


Furioso Dreadnought, Frag cannon; Heavy flamer;

> Drop Pod

Command Squad, x3 Meltagun; Storm Shield;

> Drop Pod

Command Squad, x3 Meltagun; Storm Shield; Jump Packs


Scout Squad

Scout Squad


Assault squad, Combi-melta; Meltagun x2


Whirlwind, Overcharged Engines


Commander Dante



Space Marines (Allied detachment)


Terminator Captain, Cataphractii Terminator armour; Storm Bolter; Storm shield; The Hunter's Eye; Melta bombs;


Scout Squad

Land Speeder Storm, Heavy flamer


Devastator Squad, 4x - Grav-cannon; Grav-amp;

> Drop Pod




This is my first game with this list, btw. Sorry, I have no idea about Mechanicus upgrades.




Mission markers placed more or less symmetrically. Mechs deploy and and go first, which is totally ok with me. The bulk of his force is in his corner, two Vanguard units are further up near twelve markers. Looks like a triangle at some point.


I have my 2 Scout Squads and a Whirlwind deployed in the opposite corner utilizing some LoS blocks. Meph and Librarian failed to roll anything interesting for their powers, ended up casting Divination Primaris and Sanguine Sword most of the time.


Mechs infiltrate Infiltrators (duh) and Culexus near my deployment. Wow, Culexus himself to kill my Scouts. They should feel honored.


+Turn 1+

Mechanicus move Vanguard squads up to their objectives. Culexus shoots Whirlwind, brings in a glancing hit. Infiltrators move closer to Scouts, then shoot them all down. First blood.


Angels Sanguine coming in on 2 Drop Pods - one with allied Carmine Blades Devastators, another with Fragioso. Both scatter, but nothing extreme. Devastators try to take down the Imperial Knight stripping him of 2 hull points. Doesn't look good at all. Meanwhile Fragioso revenges his younger brothers and wipes Infiltrators with 3 templates. Scouts move up to control closest objective. Whirlwind does nothing of note, except for threatening mechs with large blast.


Mechs got lucky to get some easy to complete objectives while mine marines didn't. Approximate score of the 1 turn - 6 to 2.


+Turn 2+

Mechs don't move that much, but shoot a lot. First of all, Culexus finishes off the most dangerous unit I have. Whirlwind. Then some bastards manage to glance my Fragioso once with Haywire rifles. Rangers shoot down 3 scouts of 5, Ld test passed. Knight and all the rest of the army fire at Devastators. Cataphractii Captain doesn't give a darn about gatling shots, but rolling 3++ with rerollable 1s against s10 is thrilling. The Captain fails no saves this turn. The bad thing is that Vanguards are directly behind the Devs which leads to 2 Grav-cannons and the Sergeant being killed.


Angels Sanguine arrive. Only LS Storm is late for fun. Mephiston and his command squad, Dante and his one and Assault marines all drop close to mechs' deployment. Meph's squad shoots at an Onager that has s10 template cannon, brings in two hits stunning it. At least no templates next turn. Total of 7 meltaguns at meltarange and 2 grav-cannons shoot at Imperial Knight from different arcs. Guess what? 2 hull points left. Fragioso charges Vanguards and wipes them out.


The situation with objectives is the same here, mechs still completing more than we do.


+Turn 3+

Mechs: Culexus closing in on Scouts, they hide behind the wall. Ironstriders take position to charge Mephiston and his squad. Shooting: combined fire from several squads kill 3 marines from Meph's squad, no more FNP here. Knight shoots rockets and cannon at Fragioso, leaving in at 1 HP. Gatling fails to inflict any damage on Captain's squad. Ironstriders charge Mephiston's Command Squad. Inflict 19 saves, all marines are dead... expect for the Chief Librarian with 1 wound left. Which is too bad for mechs - Mephiston kills two strikers with his s10 sword. Knight charges Dante and his squad, fails to do anything but killing a Veteran with Hammer of Wrath. I imagine it as a very powerful kick. Dante hit-n-runs his squad out of combat. Meanwhile Magos Dominus charges Assault marines, they fire overwatch back - lucky 6, unlucky 4++ - Dominus instakilled. Turning point for Angels Sanguine.


Angels Sanguine, what are they doing next? Turning the tide. LS storm arrices, hides from interceptor Dunecrawler. Fragioso moves towards the Knight (this decision will pay back negatively in close future). Shooting: Dante and his squad finishes the Knight, Assault marines kill the interceptor Dunecrawler. Devs finish the template Dunecrawler. Mephiston destroys remaining Ironstriders. LS Storm flat outs to control one objective.


This turn Sanguine manage to complete lots of objectives while mechs suffer severe casualties.


+Turn 4+

Mechs are left with 2 squads of Scitarii and Culexus. The latter charges scouts, both sides fail to inflict damage. Vanguards cowardly kill 2 Devs and charge the Captain wounding him. Rangers shoot something, no damage caused.


Angels Sanguine and Carmine Blades clean up mechs deployment zone. Meph joins Assault marines and charges Rangers - 2 assault marines die on overwatch, ugh. Dante charges Vanguards that fight with Captain. Both assaults wipe out corresponding units.


Not much to say about this turn rather than it was great for the Angels - lots of killpoints, some more missions completed.


+Turn 5+

Culexus kills Scouts, hides behind the wall on consolidation move.


Angels move out to take objectives and kill Culexus on next turn.


The game ends - rolled 1 on end game roll.




The result - 11-9 in Sanguine's favor. I almost tabled the mechs (technically I did, Culexus doesn't count as mechanicus), but they completed too much objectives first turns - our new system in action, making 20-0 games a very rare occasion.


The game was awesome, we both had great time. The ending was totally unexpected - my bad rolls, BA being low-tier army... and still!


This is the first time I write a battle report. What do you think of it? Is it even readable? Maybe it is too detailed? Maybe not enough?..

Anyway, looking forward for your feedback!

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Hey guys, I prepared a short step-by-step for Carmine Blades marine. Tbh, this is done mostly to prevent me from forgetting how I actually painted the scheme - it feels counter-intuitive to think of it. Mind you, it`s best to use an airbrush. Hope you`ll find at least something useful here so enjoy and sorry for photo quality!


I have following steps:

1. Pre-shading and base coating 1: paint the body with Vallejo German Grey, the helmet with GW Dryad Bark.
2. Pre-shading 2: take Vallejo Stonewall Grey and paint it from above the miniature to create shadows.

3. Main colour: apply Vallejo Vermilion over the surface that`s supposed to be red.

4. Grey details, highlights and decals: for shoulder`s rim I used first Vallejo Neutral Grey highlighted with Stonewall Grey. All grey areas were then extreme highlighted with Vallejo Dead White. Red is highlighted with Vallejo Cadmium Skin.
Decals: chapter symbol is simple - just have to cut off the top of the skull from standard decal sheet and paint white drops freehand. 2nd company symbol (yellow blood drop) goes to another shoulder pad.
I also painted the base at this step first Dryad Bark + Doombull Brown drybrushed with Cadmium Skin.

5. Rest of the details - based on preference, do whatever you feel like here. I painted the bolter black to give greater contrast.
6. Weathering and finalising. Though this is no proper weathering step-by-step, but the base principle is to paint random patches of highlight colour (Cadmium Skin for red, Dead White for grey) at random patterns using brush or sponge. It`s wise to concentrate these patches around edges. Then I take another colour, darker one - I usually go with Dryad Bark - and paint over these patches leaving the small trim visible.
I also apply several thin layers of Dryad Bark (I DO love this paint) over his legs to make him look even more weathered and blend him with the base.

That`s it! Now you have a nice tabletop quality marine of Carmine Blades chapter ready for battle! All in all this one took me 2 hours. More of them ahead smile.png
Hope it was helpful. cheers!

P.S.Full-scale battle damage s-b-s is still to be done, I want to make it both infantry and on vehicles.

P.S.S. I totally screwed up colour balance on some of the photos, especially final one. Will do better next time, I promise.

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Looks great! Really excited to try and get my guys looking super weathered, but I'm worried I'm going to muck it up a bit!



Edit: thank you for the tutorial!

You are welcome! Just remember - less is more with weathering, take your time and not overdo it. You can always add more if you wish so, apply gradually and in moderation - getting rid of excessive weathering is hard.


Nice tutorial and report - congrats on the win!

Thanks! It seems like we will stand against Tyranids next time. Their force is known for not losing any battle in this campaign. They have 3 flying tyrants and 3 or 4 mawlocs and a tervigon in their ranks supported by smaller creatures. We have no anti air weaponry, but we sure can kill those monsters in close quarters both with guns and swords. This will be a hard battle expecting high casualties, but retreat is not an option!
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I`m still quite short on time, but nevertheless update time!
I played against the Tyranids this weekend, AAR coming tomorrow. It will be a short one, though.

For now, I have LS Storm almost painted, here it is: 



I also started working on my Grav-Devastators and Cataphractii Captain tandem. Right now they are preshaded, going on soon: 


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That speeder looks awesome. I'll have to get myself some of that Cadmium Skin, I think I prefer it to the Amarantha Red I use for highlights...

Thanks a lot! I consider Cadmium Skin to be some sort of middle ground between white (that makes red look too pink) and orange (too yellow/orange).


To think of it, there is no need to write full AAR for my game against the tyranids. Just a short summary will be enough.

First turn I almost tabled him - killed Tervigon and most of Spore mines, only one left. I might have won first turn if only I chose targets for my psychic powers and shooting better.

Second turn he starts deep striking Mawlocs. They focus my unit of Grav-Devastators, but fail to do anything. All of them mishap. 2 die outright, one is delayed and the last one I place in front of Mephiston's squad to charge next turn.

Flying tyrants is nightmare fuel. I fail to figure out their movement and shooting vectors to effectively hide my troops. Their shooting killed the majority of my army from above while I killed all tyranids on ground level.


Overall I won 15-5! Lots of missions, including Domination TO, my first one ever.

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Nice! I really like the black wings and red blades!


I'll be doing a second squad of SG soon so I can run this formation with Dante. Got a pretty neat kitbash in mind – watch this space!

Thanks! The formation is just great with Dante, Sanguinor is not even close.

Looking forward to see yours!

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Not much actual progress, working on a next list to collect. So far I figured out this roster:



Skyhammer Annihilation Force


Assault Squad [Jump pack, Flamer, Melta bomb]


Assault Squad [Jump pack, Flamer, Melta bomb]


Devastator Squad, 5 marines[Grav-Cannon and Grav-Amp x3]

Drop Pod


Devastator Squad, 10 marines [Grav-Cannon and Grav-Amp x2, Multi-Melta x2]

Drop Pod



Blood Angels CAD




Command Squad [Jump Packs, 3x Meltaguns, 3x Storm Shields, Melta bomb]


Scout Squad [Camo Cloaks]


Tactical Squad [Meltagun, Combi-Melta]

Drop Pod


Assault Squad [Jump Packs, 2x Meltagun, Combi-Melta]


Bike Squad [2x Grav-guns, Melta bomb]


Land Speeder x2 [Multi-Meltas]


Stormraven Gunship [searchlight, Twin Linked Assault Cannon, Twin-linked Multi-melta]


Commander Dante


As you see, this is very reserve-heavy list. First turn I start with only Scouts (taking advantage of Bolster Defences and Camocloaks) and bikes. Then come Skyhammer together with Tactical Marines providing decent alpha-strike. Next turn Dante with all other stuff arrive using his WT for reserve re-rolls. In case my opponent also using reserve-based army, I drop Skyhammer on turn two. What do you guys think?


Already ordered more Assault Marines and Devastators, looking forward to build them and play!

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