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Ultramarines Pride of the Legion 2000


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Here is my idea for a 2,000-point Pride of the Legion army without Roboute Guilliman (for a change) and using mostly models from the Calth and Prospero sets. The idea is to have a strong firebase of terminator and predators, while Remus helps bring the outflanking veterans in. The contemptor is there because I like the model. Feedback would be welcome. Thanks!



  • Remus Ventanus
  • 3x Veteran Tactical Squad (10) - vexilla, melta bombs, 2 missile launchers - with Rhino - hunter-killer missile, heavy bolter [3x 295]
  • Legion Terminator Squad (5) - cataphractii armour, reaper autocannon, 2 power fists, chainfist, sergeant with lightning claw and grenade harness [225]
  • Legion Terminator Squad (5) - tartaros armour, plasma blaster, 2 power fists, chainfist, sergeant with lightning claw [215]
Heavy Support
  • Predator Squadron (3) - lascannon sponsons and squadron command tank [380]
  • Contemptor-Cortus with multi-melta [135]
On a side note, if there is another legion that I've overlooked whose special rules would enhance the army above, please let me know.
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Good points about the Terminators and Predators. I'll look at splitting the tanks. I keep forgetting that 30K terminators can't deep strike; what do you suggest?


The lack of AA is not an issue in my meta.

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Suzerains are very good but without a transport will have the same problem as the terminators, a Locutarus squad would be a good choice either as they can deepstrike and re-roll scatter and fire their pistols twice on arrival.


Edit: If you split the predators you won't need a command tank, maybe look at getting some upgraded turret weaponry

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The melta turret appeals to me for the Predators to help with anti-tank duties. I will add some Ultramarines-specific units as I build towards 2,500 and 3,000 points, but for now, since I have the Terminators already (Calth and Prospero sets), how can I help make them better?

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A Phobos LR or dreadclaw provide great options for 5 termies.


A spartan or kharybdis are great options for larger squads.


In terms of long term investment and use I personally don't think you can go wrong with a spartan/ phobos and a dreadclaw in your collection (as long as you like the models!)

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I'd drop one of the vet squads to help pay for the terminators transports.


May be just go with one squad of terminators at this points level?


Use the remaining points for additional fire support (scorpius/ quad guns, javelins,etc).

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A land raider would really help, mobility is more of an issue for cataphractii as they can't run meaning they have  hard time getting across the board (they also can't fire overwatch so they need to be charging)


Melta turrets are good but short ranged


The executioner cannon has double the range and is better against infantry

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