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2000pt Solar Auxilia


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Lord Marshal - the Lord takes Blind Barrage giving all units shroud first turn, allowing them some cover to run.

4 20xman Infantry Tercio's. SGT's with Melta bombs

3x Vanquishers with HMLC's

3x Demolishers with HMHF's

1 Malcador Infernus with Chem Inferno Gun

Aegis Defense Line with Comms relay to help the Vanquishers arrive from outflank to target side armor and contest.

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I'd keep the Demolishers with heavy bolters, as the heavy flamers can't Snap Shoot after firing an Ordnance weapon.


Also, mix it up a bit! It's a very 1-dimensional list. Maybe you only need 3 Lasrifle Sections, each with their own Aegis (the other two can take Troop Masters and Quad Guns for some AA).


And a pair of Tank Commanders would add a lot to the Leman Russ Squadrons.

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Good call Callium.  Thank you.  Changes below.


Lord Marshal - the Lord takes Blind Barrage

3 20xman Infantry Tercio's

3x Vanquishers with HMLC's - one upgraded to tank commander with tank hunter

2x Demolishers, 1x Executioner, all with HMHB's

1 Malcador Infernus with Chem Inferno Gun - upgraded to Command Tank - the Morale rerolls will be helpful

Aegis Defense Line with Comms relay

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