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First Night Lords list, need advice


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I am starting 30k and excited.


I have now formulated my first 2000 point night lords list - problem is it is 2245 points and I don't know what to cut,


I asked around if it was viable to play Night Lords as a more balanced force rather than an all out melee force - which I was tild it was, so in that vain I have come up with this list


What do you guys think and be honest - Any advice and suggestions will be greatly appriciated



Sevatar         (175 pts)


Legion Centurion - Consul master of signal, articifer armour       (105 pts)



Contemptor-Mortis        Extra armour, Kheres Pattern Assualt Cannons x 2 (185 pts)


Legion Terminator Squad 5 with sergeant      Cataphractii armour combi-bolter PW 4 chainfists teleport transponder    (230 pts)


Terror Squad 9x executioner, 9x Volkite charger

Headsman Artificer armour metla bombs and nostraman Chainglaive (385 pts)

Anvillus PAttern Dreadclaw Drop Pod



Legion Tactical Squad x15 Legion Vexilla             (215 pts)

Sergeant w/ articifer armour and combi plasma


Legion Tactical Squad x15 Legion Vexilla             (215 pts)

Sergeant w/ articifer armour and combi plasma


Fast Attack

Night Raptor Squad x10 x5 chain glaives                  (320pts)                             

Huntsmaster artificer armour chain claive


Heavy Support

Legion Heavy Support Squad x5  w/ missel launcher (180 pts)


Legion Sicarian Battle Tank

Accelerator Autocannon, armoured ceramite, auxillary drive, lascannon sponsons, pintle mounted heavy bolter   (235 pts)



So what do you guys think and what would you do differently?



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I'd probably drop or reduce the size of the terror squad.


A nuncio-vox on a tactical squad would help with the terminators by removing scatter


You should strongly consider a rite of war to add bonuses


Where is sevatar going? With the terror squad?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be brief since there's a couple of things staring at me in the face:


Sevatar - take units that take advantage of his warlord trait or he's wasted, he can't join the Terror Squad and he can't teleport with the Terminators so he's left footslogging with the tactical marines which is the worst of all worlds.


Raptors - run them naked apart from the Huntmaster, you'll get more joy from more attacks benefiting from A Talent for Murder rather than going for a points sink like a Chainglaive.


Heavy Support Squad - Ditch em, 5 missile launchers isn't going to do much and they're going to take a good share of fire in the earliest turns.



I agree that this really needs a RoW though. Sevatar does Pride lists pretty well and Terror Assault is one of the strongest Legion specific RoW available.

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