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3,500 Iron Warriors with World Eaters Allies"Shake and Bake"


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ROW primarch's chosen

Force Org: Crusader







Damocles command Rhino




(7) Cataphractii Terminators

3 x Chainfist (1 on sergeant), 2x Power Axes, 2x Twin Lightning Claws,

2 x combi plasma



(7) Cataphractii Terminators

3 x Chainfist (1 on sergeant), 2 x Power Axes, 2x Twin Lightning Claws,

2 x combi plasma



(6) Cataphractii Terminators

3 x Chainfist (1 on sergeant), 2 x Power Axes, 2 x power swords

2 x combi meltas



Fast Attack:


2x Kraken, BSC, GTA




(7) Tyrant Siege Terminators

2 x Chainfist



(2) Legion Medusa








World Eaters Allied Detachment



WE Legion Forge Lord

artificer armor, servo arm

refractor field

power axe

chain axe

rad grenades- during the turn in which a unit equipped with rad grenades assaults or is assaulted, the enemy unit (s) suffers a -1 penalty to toughness until the end of the assault phase. This coupled with +1 strength with chain axes, as well as furious charge from Perturabo's relentless strategist in enemy deployment zone will be insane.)

melta bombs




(20) Tactical Squad

Chain Axes Bolt Pistols, Vexilla

Power Fist; Artificer Armor, melta bombs






Dozer Blade, Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Heavy Flamer



3502 pts.


need to shave some off.





Perturabo will allow reserves to come in on turn one. With Command rhino they will not scatter and have +1 for rolls to come on. T1 termies, tyrant siege bros, and pert come in behind cover or obscured. shoot combi weapons and what they can. Lightning goes tank hunting. Medusa's and siege terminators work on tanks, transports, heavy units. Spartan charges forward. T2 deredeo serves as anti Air. Terminators, and WE's move and get ready for assault. Pert uses his orbital bombardment. More medusa and siege termi action. Perturabo confers furious charge due to the relentless strategist special rule to his whole army (not just iron warriors but allies as well) when within enemy deployment zone. Assault enemy lines with both termies and WE.


- cheers


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Thanks a lot for the help and advice.


Here is the list. Let me know what ya think



Row: primarchs chosen

Force org: crusade








Damocles Rhino




(7) Cataphractii Terminators

Chainfist on sergeant, 4 x Power Axes, 2x Twin Lightning Claws, Grenade Harness



(7) Cataphractii Terminators

Chainfist on sergeant, 4 x Power Axes, 2x Twin Lightning Claws, Grenade Harness



(7) Cataphractii Terminators

Chainfist on sergeant, 4x Power Axes, 2x Twin Lightning Claws, Grenade Harness



Fast Attack:


2x Kraken, BSC, GTA




(8) Tyrant Siege Terminators

2x chain fist



(2) Legion Medusa








World Eaters Allied Detachment




85 pt WE Legion centurion (had to pick him because surlak is a support officer...)

Artificer armor

Refractor field

Power axe


Gahlen Surlak




(20) Tactical Squad

Chain Axes & Bolt Pistols, Vexilla

Power Fist & Artificer Armor






Dozer Blade, Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Heavy Flamer






3500 total.

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Can't have 2 HQs in an allied detachment.


Yea, with that annoying Support Officer thing with Surlak, I would say just go for a kitted out Consul of some sort and an Apothecary on the side. See if you can maybe squeeze in a MM/CML Javelin after! :)

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Thanks a lot! Here are the corrections

Row: primarchs chosen
Force org: crusade


Damocles Rhino

(7) Cataphractii Terminators
2 x chainfist, 2 x Power Axes, 2x Twin Lightning Claws
Chainfist/combi bolter

(7) Cataphractii Terminators
2 x chainfist, 2 x Power Axes, 2x Twin Lightning Claws
Chainfist/combi bolter

(7) Cataphractii Terminators
2 x chainfist, 2 x Power Axes, 2x Twin Lightning Claws
Chainfist/combi bolter

Fast Attack:
2x Kraken, BSC, GTA

(8) Tyrant Siege Terminators
2x chain fist

(2) Legion Medusa


World Eaters Allied Detachment


125 pt WE Forge Lord 

Rad grenades-(during the turn in which a unit equipped with rad grenades assaults or is assaulted, the enemy unit (s) suffers a -1 penalty to toughness until the end of the assault phase. This coupled with +1 strength with chain axes, as well as furious charge from Perturabo's relentless strategist in enemy deployment zone will be insane.)
Power Axe

chain Axe
Artificer armor
Refractor field
Melta bombs

55 pt WE legion apothecary
Artificer armor

(20) Tactical Squad
Chain Axes & Bolt Pistols, Vexilla
Power Fist & Artificer Armor, melta bonbs

Dozer Blade, Flare Shield, Armored Ceramite, Heavy Flamer



3520 points.


need to shave a little off. But like it so far.

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Also it says for perturabo under sire of the iron warriors. "That all models with the legion astartes (iron warriors) special rule in the same aemt as perturabo gain the stubborn special rule." Later it states for logos that terminators pf any type with the (iron warriors) get deep strike. Both these rules lay a precident. That their is a specification for rule given if they have iron warriors special rule. But under relentless strategist their is no specification for the addition of furious charge. It just says units in the army with perturabo get it. So do my allied WE get furious charge in the enemies deployment?
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Thats awesome! Def opens up doors for fun fluffy allies with perturabo!

It would be great to throw them in a Kharybdis... To get extra nasty use a full AOD list to gain a Delegatus and Surlak, Crimson path ROW for your World Eaters...

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Age of Darkness



Yeah so instead of an allied detachment, go for another full Age of Darkness detachment but you will need 2 troops choices instead of 1. Was thinking Delegatus (or Khârn thx  em_en_oh_pee) for the Crimson path  ROW that giives you +1 FNP. These guys will need to be in the enemy deployment to gain the furious charge bonus so if you go full hog you can fly in turn 1, land turn 2 and assault. If Surlak is in the unit and you are in the deployment zone that unit will have a 3+ FNP...

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Age of Darkness

Yeah so instead of an allied detachment, go for another full Age of Darkness detachment but you will need 2 troops choices instead of 1. Was thinking Delegatus (or Khârn thx em_en_oh_pee) for the Crimson path ROW that giives you +1 FNP. These guys will need to be in the enemy deployment to gain the furious charge bonus so if you go full hog you can fly in turn 1, land turn 2 and assault. If Surlak is in the unit and you are in the deployment zone that unit will have a 3+ FNP...

I may be missing something here but how do you take TWO AoD detachments in the same army list?

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Age of Darkness

Yeah so instead of an allied detachment, go for another full Age of Darkness detachment but you will need 2 troops choices instead of 1. Was thinking Delegatus (or Khârn thx em_en_oh_pee) for the Crimson path ROW that giives you +1 FNP. These guys will need to be in the enemy deployment to gain the furious charge bonus so if you go full hog you can fly in turn 1, land turn 2 and assault. If Surlak is in the unit and you are in the deployment zone that unit will have a 3+ FNP...

I may be missing something here but how do you take TWO AoD detachments in the same army list?


Very good point, it is dependent on mission being played as stated on page pg9 of our armylist. I am usually playing against cheeseball 40k armies rather than fluffy 30k armies so i use a regular CAD rather than the AOD list. My mistake and i should have been clearer...

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Age of Darkness

Yeah so instead of an allied detachment, go for another full Age of Darkness detachment but you will need 2 troops choices instead of 1. Was thinking Delegatus (or Khârn thx em_en_oh_pee) for the Crimson path ROW that giives you +1 FNP. These guys will need to be in the enemy deployment to gain the furious charge bonus so if you go full hog you can fly in turn 1, land turn 2 and assault. If Surlak is in the unit and you are in the deployment zone that unit will have a 3+ FNP...

I may be missing something here but how do you take TWO AoD detachments in the same army list?



You can't, that I am aware of. You get one Primary, one Allied (RoW permiting), and maybe a Fortification (also RoW permiting).


I will have to dig into the rulebooks for it, but I am rather sure on this.

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Yeah I was under the impression just one primary detatchment and an allied one. I originally wanted Khârn and or surlak with a praetor. But was told only allied detatchment


100% correct... i play in a 40K meta so use a CAD,, i totally forgot you can only have 1 :(


Khârn + apothecary + 18 despoilers (sgt with powerfist and art. armour) in a Kharybdis is awesomesauce and i guess the only ROW you actually need is Beserker Assault ;)

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Slightly late to the party, but an incredible replacement for Surlak is a Forge Lord with Rad Grenades and a normal apothecary. You still get exhortations of butchery, and -1T is stronger than +1S, especially if you're already S6 on the charge due to Perturabo. ID everything! The downside is more points and a lesser fnp, but it retains the chomp!
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I'm wondering why you are taking such large numbers of deep striking terminators, but no combi weapons on them. Combi weapons are one of the greatest uses of deep striking terminators, it gives you a lot more firepower and something for your terminators to do in the turn they drop in, so why miss out on that? I'd give two units combi plas, maybe one combi melta. Drop a terminator from each unit and you can find the pts. Losing the one model is definetly worth it. 

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