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2500 Alpha Legion - Coils


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My continued brainstorming of lists for the various legions marches on. I really want to decide on a list I like before I start painting. I've always liked AL in 40k, so they seem like a natural fit. Here's what I was thinking


2500 Alpha Legion - Coils of the Hydra



Delegatus - Tartaros Terminator Armor, Chainfist (MC), Combi-bolter, Power Dagger



Apothecary (goes with Suzerains)

2x Rapier - Quad Mortar, Shatter Shells

7 Invictarus Suzerains



10 Tactical Squad - Vexilla, Artificer Armor, Power Fist, Power Dagger, Rhino, Multi-melta, Dozer Blade

10 Tactical Squad - Vexilla, Artificer Armor, Power Fist, Power Dagger, Rhino, Multi-melta, Dozer Blade

10 Tactical Squad - Vexilla, Artificer Armor, Power Fist, Power Dagger, Rhino, Multi-melta, Dozer Blade


Fast Attack

Dreadclaw - Suzerains, Delegatus, Apothecary go here

5 Seekers


Heavy Support

Deredeo - Aiolos




Lord of War



Tactics are fairly straightforward. Obviously I take Infiltrate every time. Tacticals set up to move 6, disembark, take a melta shot and rapid fire turn 1. One of them will have Alpharius, so my opponent has to be wary. Deredeo is anti-air and rhino. Venators hunt Spartans and Super-heavies. Rapiers Infiltrate to get side shots on tanks and drop barrages if no tank in sight. Suzerains drop in turn 1, and set up for a turn 2 charge. The Delegatus provides some s8 and anti-tank. Seekers I just like and they set up in a protected area to drop some ap2 shots where needed.



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With Alpharius in the list you don't need a delegatus (in fact I don't think you can have both).


If you plan on infiltrating all the time you could drop the rhinos to make some room for other units.


Bear in mind Alpharius doesn't have infiltrate so if you pick that he can't deploy in a unit

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You can have a Primarch and a Delegates. It's 15 points for a master crafted weapon. Given that his chainfist is the only s8/anti-tank in the unit I think it's important that he hits, so I think it's worth it.


I put the tacticals in rhinos for a few reasons. I start a multi-melta 12-18 inches from the enemy. With the 6" rhino move plus disembark I should get a full rapid fire with 10 guys, compared to hoping I get in rapid fire range with 12-18 plus a DT roll for 15 dudes. Its 3 extra scoring units. It's also some extra protection if I happen to go second or need to move the squad around.


I'm not sold on it but I feel like 10 dudes in a rhino with a heavy weapon is better than 15 dudes.


Alpharius will use his secret deployment. I don't think Infiltrate affects that.

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I'm wondering if the Suzerain are allowed to embark in the Dreadclaw ? CotH restriction for infantry units forces them to infiltrate or to have a DT, doesn't it ?


I second ditching the Delegatus for a better force multiplier HQ.


Also, the list isn't really building up on CotH strengths, except for including a unit of Suzerain, a strong choice, granted. 

But I'd take a look at Primarch's Chosen instead if running the big A.

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Thanks for the input guys.


Alpharius was planning to replace a Tactical Marine. If he was going to go with the Suzerains I'd just deploy him. I figured the Tacticals will be close so he should get into combat and that gives me 2 Assault threats.


More points would be great but I didn't have much and thought the Delgatus was a good add. Once you start giving the FL gear he gets expensive.


I not quite sure what you mean by not using Coils strengths. Could you elaborate?

Also Coils required you to have a DT or be able to Infiltrate. With Mutable Tactics everything can Infiltrate so I meet the requirements.

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He can't just deploy with Suzerain if you take Infiltrate as your tactic, so he would have to replace one of them. Alpharius stupidly does not have Infiltrate (I would trade both scout and counter attack for this just to make list building easier).


If he goes with the tacticals, unless your opponent destroys a Rhino or you disembark, Alpharius can't show up. That's a lot of turns without preferred enemy.

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An IC can't join a unit with Infiltrate regardless of whether they're actually using Infiltrate to deploy. Total :cuss but that's the way it is sadly. 


TBH if you're running Alpharius you're light on infantry. You want to be milking his preferred enemy: everything for all it's worth

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They actually made it worse, because before a character without infiltrate could not join a unit of infiltrators, but an Infiltrator IC could join a unit of non-infiltrators (and thus let them outflank if he had joined them in reserve).  They added vise-versa, so there is no mixing of Infiltrate/not-Infiltrate under any circumstance.


Scout also got nerfed to work BEFORE seize the initiative rather than after. :(

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