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3000pts Blood Angels - Armoured Breakthrough


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So. Ive finally decided. Into the Gates of Terra I'll be taking my beloved Blood Angels. Just under a new Right of War. Something drastically different from the usual Day of Revelations list I usually run.


So, without further delay....


Right of War

Armoured Breakthrough



[225] Master of Armour - (Warlord) Sicaran Battle Tank, Lascannon Sponsons, Armoured Ceramite

[110] Chaplain - Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Power Sword, Melta Bomb



[115] Predator - Predator Cannon, Lascannon Sponsons

[115] Predator - Predator Cannon, Lascannon Sponsons

[165] 10 Tacticals

[Tran] Rhino, Combi Melta

[165] 10 Tacticals

[Tran] Rhino, Combi Melta



[690] 10 Terminators - Tartaros Armour,  3 Power fists, 2 Chain fists, 5 Power swords 

[Tran] Spartan, Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blades.

[250] 10 Veterans - Machine Killers, 2 Melta Guns, Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Powerfist.

[Tran] Rhino, Combi Melta

[250] 10 Veterans - Machine Killers, 2 Melta Guns, Sergeant - Artificer Armour, Powerfist.

[Tran] Rhino, Combi Melta



[50] Attack Bike -  Illiastus Assault Cannon, Meltabomb

[50] Attack Bike -  Illiastus Assault Cannon, Meltabomb

[50] Attack Bike -  Illiastus Assault Cannon, Meltabomb



[95] Baal Predator - TL Illiastus Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons

[95] Baal Predator - TL Illiastus Assault Cannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons



[565] Felblade - Armoured Ceramite, Space Marine Crew



So...  Chaplain in Spartan. Rest of it is pretty self explanatory.  Roll forward, pop enemy armour, then dakka.

Attack bikes are an easy and cheap LA unit to help tick the Blood Angels Host of Angels LA rule. Also act as distraction and harassment unit, trying to pop light armour or flying up to Melta bomb some backfield tanks.

Tacticals drive to objectives, get out in cover and camp, ready to Fury if needed.

Vets aim for the good armour, but try to drive by the enemy transports so the Predators can unleash the dakka.

Terminators are to protect the back line of tanks and sweep through anything they can.


Ive 7 Scoring units. 9 fast tanks.  A crap ton of mid to high str firepower and over 40 Hull points ( 32 of which are front Av 13+ )


Thoughts guys?

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The Host of Angels says... With the exception of dedicated transports, BA may not have more units with Vehicle type then units with the LA rule.

I have  9 Legion Astartes units and 6 Vehicle Units. So Im good. The 5 transports dont count.

Also spamming assault cannons, isnt my bag.  Its looks silly too.

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