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Starting a Militarum Tempestus Army


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I was able to get hold of 2 Start Collecting! Militarum Tempestus boxes for $100 and I'm going to be starting modelling/painting them in the next week or so and I was hoping to get some advice how I should set them up.


The way I see it is I basically get 4 Militarum Tempestus Scions boxes, all that have the option to be a Militarum Tempestus Scions Command Squad. I figuring I make 1 MT SCS and 3 MT SS.


I haven't taken a good look and the sprues yet but I'm assuming each boxes comes with 1 plasma gun, meltagun, grenade launcher, flamer and hot-shot volley gun bit. So with that I'd have 4 of each.


Bit reading a bit of info/tactics and it seems that a 5-man MT SS should have 2 Meltaguns, save the Plasma Guns for the MT SCS. I'm not so much worried about list building yet but I would like to model these in a way that would work in a list in the future.


Here's what I'm thinking about doing at the moment...


Commissar/Lord Commissar - the two of them are what they are, not too much to work with there.


Tempestus Command Squad - 4x Scions, 3x Plasma Guns, 1x Medi-pack, 1x Tempestus Prime w/Plasma Pistol (or is that just overkill)

Tempestus Scions - 5x Scions, 2x Meltaguns

Tempestus Scions - 5x Scions, 2x Meltaguns

Tempestus Scions - 5x Scions, ?????


Taurox Prime - I'm 100% open as to what loadout they should have. Ideally I'd like to magentize them to get the most bang for my buck. If anybody has a website or video that shows the best way to do this that would be great.


I'm also planning on adding an Imperial Knight to the mix. I also have a small Deathwatch force that I'd love to play them with.

Tempestus Scions - 5x Scions, 2x Meltaguns

I'm currently building a MT army from the 2 sets aswell.


Each box comes with 2 Plasma Guns, 2 Melta Guns and 2 Hot Shot Volley Guns as well as various bits and pieces.


I don't really get chance to play at all otehr than against my wifes Tau, but at the moment I have them set up the same as your list basically but I only have 2 Plasma guys in my command squad and the others with normal rifles.


For my Taurox I've got one with the Missile Launcher and the other with the Gatling Cannon.


I also have a Knight Warden that I'm going to buid and paint so looks like we'll have similar lists.


Looking forward to seeing some pictures :)

Welcome to the Guard :tu: Specialising the squads is a good idea, though I'd try not to make the CCS too expensive. They are best either supporting with orders and trying to stay alive, or acting as special weapon delivery platforms - so in this case better to go all plasma and unleash hell!


Plasma and melta are the main Stormie weapons, but in a pure MT list there is scope for flamer squads to handle hordes. The Taurox are best built to help out here too, as it's something the more elite army struggles with.

Welcome to the guard mate! Personally I really like the scion and intend and making them a stand alone force eventually.


I have the start collecting box so o haven't had loads of experience with them.


They're a fast, specialized army. Move through cover and fast vehicles are just cool.


What you kit your men out with depends on possible formations.


Melta are good for deep striking or assault tauroxes. AT = Gatling gun and hot shot. You can get your melta to blow up a transport and have the AT gun down what's inside.


You might want to kit your other tauroxes, long range, with misses and auto cannons. You could potentially have it holding a squad of 2/4 HSVG inside that get dropped off at an objective to camp, as has been mentioned, then move to another position for long range fire power.


I personally prefer the ground assault formation than the flying one, this formation can allow for some useful twin linking.


Having a formation of hell rain also can't hurt to recycle melta.


Or a CAD for obsec.


Looking forward to what you come up with. I hope you add a WIP as well as some batreps.

Honestly, I'd just run 2 hellrain formations with that set up. Add a Knight for some boom boom, and then just keep recycling scion squads. 


Agreed.  This is the best possible way you can run 2 starter set boxes.  Turning them into a CAD will really weaken the force.  Trading re-spawning squads for obsec is not worth it with MT where your soldiers die like flies being swatted.  

I was thinking on running dual Hellrain Formations to start, I guess I was just looking into the future when I may run a larger MT force.


I wondering if this is the "ideal" Hellrain Formation...


Commissar - As is. Keep things cheap.
Lord Commissar - Carapace armour. May stay alive longer?
Tempestus Command Squad - 4x Scions, 3x Plasma Guns, 1x Medi-pack, 1x Tempestus Prime w/Plasma Pistol. Is that just overkill? Also I'd be 1x Plasma Gun short modeling wise.
Tempestus Scions - 5x Scions, 2x Meltaguns
Taurox Prime - Taurox ML/TL-AC or TL Taurox Gatling Cannon/TL-HSVG. Long range vs. Short range?
There's plenty of short range shooting, so I'd run the TL-AC and either the Missiles or Battle Cannon on the vehicles, points dependent. as for the SCS, your setup probably isn't as efficient as just pure quad plasma guns, since if some one REALLY wants five T3 carapace models dead it's not that hard.. but it's certainly not bad and gives you more modelling possibilities so I say have at it.

For my Hellrain brigade I run a Lord Commisar with carapace (3W + a 5++ is worth the points IMO). The CCS gets 4 meltaguns and then deepstrikes where they are most needed. The regular squad get a plasma pistol and 2 plasma guns (since they can respawn, Gets Hot isn't really an issue). I then kit out my Taurox for long range stuff (Autocannon+Missile Launcher), but that's mainly because it fills in a bit of a hole in my list by doing so. That all comes to just over 400 points.


In terms of parts, with 2 start collecting kits you should have 4 meltaguns and 4 plasma guns total, so you may need to pick up some extra parts if you want to make more special weapon squads

@zero88 - Maximum plasma is probably the best way to go on paper but as you stated creating a Medi-pack will be nice just to switch it up. Long range Taurox Primes seem the best way to go as most of the other firepower that MT is bringing is short range. Also I assume there's a way to magnetize them for both, just need to do some interwebs searching.


@ThomasEll - The upgrades for the Lord Commisar seem worth it for sure but at least it's a place I can shave points if needed down the line. You idea of flipping the special weapons between the SCS and the Scions seem like a great idea for the Hellrain Brigade. In a way you want them to die to only come back. The Gets Hot roll in a way could kill your last guy in a 5-man squad, allowing the whole squad to then come back. You 'd feel that 4x Meltaguns in the SCS is overkill or are you just making sure what you want dead is DEAD.

For the Hellrain I'd say it's all about points efficiency and getting them back on the table as soon as possible. So the Commissar is better off cheap and hiding - if I remember right the formation uses a "Commissar", so the Lord Commissar might not be an option?

I think Warriorfish is right. In the Millitarum Tempestus Codex, the unit entry is Commissar and Lord Commissar is an upgrade. This is identical to the way Marines have Captain as a unit entry and Chapter Master as an upgrade.


As of the latest FAQ, the Captain in Marine formations eg (Battle Demi-Company & Hunting Force) cannot be upgraded to a Chapter Master. So there's precedent to say the same thing applies here, with the Airborn Assault and Ground Assault formations preventing the use of the Lord Commissar. That said, this is GW so precedent doesn't mean the same thing as it does for the rest of the world (consistency isn't really their thing). They might, in the future, rule that it's perfectly fine to upgrade the Commissar in these formations to a Lord Commissar. Of course, you can always agree with your gaming buddies that taking the Lord Commissar is legal.


Seeing as it's not been ruled either way, for the time being I'd say the safe thing to do is just use Commissars in those formations and only take the Lord Commissar in CADs or Unbound. Maybe see if you can get confirmation from GW one way or another if you really want to use the Lord Commissar.

Dual hellrain

- 1 command w hotshots

- 1 command with plasmas

- 2 scion with meltas


Tauroxes with either missile auto or gatling hotshot depending on troop or vehicle/momster heavy environment.


If you bring a long -range taurox, shove both commissars in it or alternatively camp with hotshot volley gun squad in a tall building.


Edit: I would totally run a blinged up lord commissar with power maul and... Relics??? If he could bloody well deep strike like the rest of them.

Regarding the Lord Commissar/Commissar issue it really is a moot point. It's one model in each box, would be the same model if used for either. Nothing more to worry about there, just model him up as is and move on.


I also see your point when referring to Space Marine's Chapter Master/Captain usage. Makes sense to me even if not spelled out in the MT FAQ the same way.


As to running a CAD I'd more than likely want to try using St. Celestine but that's a whole other topic....Another post perhaps.


@Emicus - I like your suggestion on the 2 different SCS. Gives me varition when modelling (I'll also have enough bits) and on the tabletop as well. I assume you're suggesting 4x special weapons for each SCS?

The hellrain formation is definitely useful, but as a faction I don't really find C:MT to be playable at all, at least not alone. I'm finding that I'm becoming more and more dissatisfied with almost all of the C:AM variants. 


Still, allied with knights and used as their "household troops" to take out infantry threats they're hard to beat. I'm a firm proponent of air support, so doing something for that might also be something to think about.


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