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How does Polux's void commander work with blood and honour?


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So I've run into an interesting rule interaction between Alexis Polux's void commander rule and the imperial fists blood and honour rule.


Void Commander allows Polux and any unit he's joined to pot to pass or fail any morale checks or pinning tests they have to take. However, the blood and honour rule Imperial fists rule says that they can never choose to fail a morale test, which affects Polux.


I checked the FAQ and didn't see this clarified, so I'm guessing that this is either an oversight.


Has anyone else run into this?

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Usually, specific rules (in this situation, Polux's void commander) overcome the general rules (blood and honour). Moreover, considering Polux himself has both rules, I would consider he allows the unit to fail a morale test, as it wouldn't make much sense to give him contradictory rules in such a direct manner.

As always, asking the source is the only way to confirm it, even if FW e-mails have been shown to be inconsistent at least regatding rules questions.


EDIT: a similar example, also regarding Polux, is the ability to deepstrike one unit for free, and its interaction with the Stone Gauntlet RoW, which doesn't allow units entering through deepstrike. In this situation, although both interpretations could be argued, it seems the RoW limitations overcome Polux rules, as it imposes the limitation upon all units. This limitation is probably intended to preclude the use of the transportation transponders available to some Fists units, and would affect Polux too (even if I would like to think otherwise).

Please, take this just as an example, do not use this topic to discuss the deepstrike rules interaction :D If somebody happens to disagree, it can be discussed in another topic

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