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Counting units for canticles of the omnissiah

Riot Earp

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Hi first sorry guys but i searched for hours to find an answer to my question.


Count Indipendent characters for the purpose of numbers of units nessersary for the canticles of the omnissiah as one unit if they are attached to another unit with this rule?


Domnius + Breacher = 2 Units (Like the Designers Note intended in the cohort cybernetica)


does this unit cout as one unit as per the BRB states in indipendent characters ic getting part of the unit.

Dominus + Breacher = 1 Units for purpose of the canticle rule?


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That note is for a different thing, though. I would definitely count the dominus on his own even if he's joined to a group though because of that precedent and the fact that killing an IC but not the unit he's in still counts for first blood and stuff like that.
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Yeah, I've seen people argue that you don't count them before, but if the designers note isn't enough to convince them, they're probably not going to be a very fun opponent.


The key here is it's a designer's note not a special rule. A special rule would obviously mean that it only works for the one formation, but since it's a designers note, it's merely a statement about how it's intended to work, meaning it is probably intended to be used with all matters of fused units with canticles.

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The way my group ran it is he counts as his own thing, simply for the point of "he counts as a point if killed he is arguably his own unit", otherwise you would simply have him be "out the unit" use a canticle then attach him to a unit that turn, its fairly silly to count him as "part of the unit" imo for the canticles, i mean, we pay enough for each model as is in points, if we cant count him in, it makes it much harder to simply get the most out the canticles.

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