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Sons of Hours 2500pts


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We are starting a mini 30K league in my gaming group with all new Legions.  The interesting part is that we roll a D20 to pick our Legion.  I rolled 16 so here I am working out how I want to build my sexy new Legion.  






Total 2470


HQ 140


140-Maloghurst the Twisted


Elites 600


180- Contemptor Mortis Dred  Kheres Assault Cannons


420-Justaerin Terminators Squad x5 with 5x Combi Weapons, 4x Powerfists  x1 Chain Fist mounted in a  Dreadclaw


Troops 1005


280-Legion Veteran Squad x10 5x Combi Weapons,  2x Flamers 2x Power Weapons  Artificer Armour  Power Fist 



280-Legion Veteran Squad x10 5x Combi Weapons,  2x Flamers 2x Power Weapons  Artificer Armour  Power Fist



280-Legion Veteran Squad x10 5x Combi Weapons, 2x Flamers 2x Power Weapons  Artificer Armour  Power Fist



All of the vets are mounted in Rhinos with Dozer Blades and  Multi Meltas


Fast Attack 330


330-Legion Outriders x6 Twin Linked Plasma Guns



 Heavy Support 395


190-Legion Heavy Support Squad x5 Volkite Culverin ,Augury Scanner


205-Legion Sicaran Battle Tank, Lascannons




I plan on using the Long March ROW.  Mal sits with the HSS preferable on a objective to score while the choom lights troops up.  The bikes can either outflank or scout depending on the situation and hit people with BS 5 TL plasma death!  Dredd keeps the skies clear and dakkas light and medium vehicles and troops.  The termies drop in and nuke something with their combi guns and then go hunting.  Sicaran helps take out tanks and anything that wants to jink.  Vets outflank with their rhinos and gun stuff to death before ripping them apart in cc. 


I have 30pts left over.  I was thinking of giving the Outrider squad some power weapons for fun.  Also I don't know what would be the best ratio of combi meltas to plasma.


Thanks for your input!

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I'd consider splitting your outriders into 2 units of 3, just so that if they have to jink you don't end up with 6 snap firing.


I would also think about swapping the flamers to match whatever the combi weapons are. If you've got 3 units of vets then 1 squad with plasma and 2 with melta is probably a good split. You have a decent amount of plasma (assuming the justaerin have plasma) with the justaerin and bikes, as the justaerin will be dropping in turn 1, they can reroll 1's to hit which gives great synergy with rapid firing plasma.


You're a bit short on high strength weapons so you might struggle against AV14 from afar. You could consider swapping the volkites for missile launchers. 


The list looks pretty solid though, good luck :)

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Thank you for reply.

I always get mixed up about combi weapon ratio's and it's nice to have some input. I can switch out the choom for missiles in fact I have 4 missile launchers siting around right now ( 3 shoulder and 1 Proteus II). I'll punk a 5th 40K one for the squad to save money plus it adds to the individualized nature of the SOH as well.

Good call of the bikes I never really thought about losing all my firepower due to jinking (I play Ork bikers msn-wink.gif ) Should I still give each squad a power weapon or just rely on shooting?

I know the flamers are a bit out of place but here is my thinking. Since I have sniper, dropping templates allows me to fish for more 6's cheaply as well as buffing my over-watch fire as well. I play sisters so I can tell you from experience how good rending templates can be lol.

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