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Falchion Neutron Wave Capacitor


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I couldn't find any relevant discussion about this so I figured I would pose the question to everyone here.


The Legion Falchion can take the Neutron Wave Capacitor as an upgrade for its Volcano cannon which gives it the Feedback and Shock Pulse rules. My issue came about last time I played a game where I failed to wound one of the models hit by the blast, and according to the Feedback rule any failed To Wound roll means you must roll another D6 and if it is a 1 you take a hullpoint of damage.


What confuses me is the Falchion has a D strength weapon and as far as I can tell, doesn't actually roll To Wound in the traditional sense and instead uses the Destroyer table.


My question is; Is the Falchion immune to the Feedback rule since it doesn't actually roll To Wound or To Penetrate, or are we meant to treat a roll of 1 on the Destroyer table as a failure?

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