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Iron Hands PotL 3000 semi-competitive


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I am trying to build a list for tournament coming later this year and the meta is somewhat semi-competitive with lists often tooled around X with Y in a Spartan often accompanied with Leviathan in a pod and a minimal amount of scoring units.


I could try to counter this by running redundant amount of troops but whats the fun in that? If I could wreck the Spartan and Leviathan and leave their 1000pts melee unit in the middle of field and in graviton bubbles I could laugh up to my sleeves.


So I have thought about this kind of a list.



+ power fist

+ Paragon blade

+ melta bombs

+ digital lasers

+ iron halo

+ Cyber-familiar

+ Scimitar Jetbike

• 2 Space Marine Chosen

+ 2× power weapon

+ Scimitar Jetbikes

+ 1 Standard Bearer

+ power weapon


9 Veteran Space Marines

+ 3× combi-weapon

+ 4× power weapon

+ legion vexilla

+ plasma gun

+ 1 Veteran Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ combi-weapon

+ power weapon

• Rhino

+ dozer blade

+ pintle-mounted multi-melta

9 Veteran Space Marines

+ 3× combi-weapon

+ 4× power weapon

+ legion vexilla

+ meltagun

+ 1 Veteran Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ combi-weapon

+ power weapon

• Rhino

+ dozer blade

7 Tactical Support Marines

+ plasma guns

+ 1 Tactical Support Sergeant

• Rhino

+ dozer blade

+ pintle-mounted multi-melta


3 Rapier Carriers

+ graviton cannon


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter

+ 3× 2 wing-mounted Kraken penetrator heavy missiles

+ battle servitor control

+ ground-tracking auguries

Land Speeder Squadron

• Land Speeder

+ pintle-mounted multi-melta

+ hull-mounted graviton gun

• Land Speeder

+ pintle-mounted multi-melta

+ hull-mounted graviton gun

• Land Speeder

+ pintle-mounted multi-melta

+ hull-mounted graviton gun


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer

+ dozer blade

+ armoured ceramite

+ 2 sponson-mounted lascannon

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought

+ carapace-mounted Aiolos missile launcher

+ armoured ceramite

Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron

• Vindicator

+ hull-mounted laser destroyer array

+ mine plough

+ Squadron Command Tank

• Vindicator

+ hull-mounted laser destroyer array

+ dozer blade

• Vindicator

+ hull-mounted laser destroyer array

+ dozer blade


What do you guys think about this?

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Good points. Changed those parts.



+ thunder hammer

+ melta bombs

+ digital lasers

+ iron halo

+ Cyber-familiar

+ Scimitar Jetbike

• 2 Space Marine Chosen

+ 2× power weapon

+ Scimitar Jetbikes

+ 1 Standard Bearer

+ power weapon


9 Veteran Space Marines

+ 4× combi-weapon

+ 4× power weapon

+ legion vexilla

+ 2× meltagun

+ 1 Veteran Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ combi-weapon

+ power weapon

• Rhino

+ dozer blade

+ pintle-mounted multi-melta

9 Veteran Space Marines

+ 8× power weapon

+ legion vexilla

+ 1 Veteran Sergeant

+ artificer armour

+ combi-weapon

+ power weapon

• Rhino

+ dozer blade

7 Tactical Support Marines

+ plasma guns

+ 1 Tactical Support Sergeant

• Rhino

+ dozer blade

+ pintle-mounted multi-melta


3 Rapier Carriers

+ graviton cannon


Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter

+ 3× 2 wing-mounted Kraken penetrator heavy missiles

+ battle servitor control

+ ground-tracking auguries

Land Speeder Squadron

• Land Speeder

+ pintle-mounted multi-melta

+ hull-mounted graviton gun

• Land Speeder

+ pintle-mounted multi-melta

+ hull-mounted graviton gun

• Land Speeder

+ pintle-mounted multi-melta

+ hull-mounted graviton gun


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer

+ dozer blade

+ armoured ceramite

+ 2 sponson-mounted lascannon

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought

+ carapace-mounted Aiolos missile launcher

+ armoured ceramite

Vindicator Siege Tank Squadron

• Vindicator

+ hull-mounted laser destroyer array

+ mine plough

+ Squadron Command Tank

• Vindicator

+ hull-mounted laser destroyer array

+ dozer blade

• Vindicator

+ hull-mounted laser destroyer array

+ dozer blade

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You have plenty of anti-tank but little anti-infantry would you consider changing the graviton cannons to quad mortars?


You have very few scoring units which could seriously hurt you, especially at the 3000 level.


It might be a good idea to try and find the points for an apothecary with an augury scanner to go with the support squad to increase their usefulness.

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Another thing to consider is the ratio of LA to non-LA, the format for your list is a bit messy but from a rough count you have more non-LA:LA which makes it illegal using PotL.
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