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Thousand Sons Test list 2.5k


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Drafting up what I would want to start off Thousand Sons with if I started them. I have 20 points left.



Guards of the Crimson King Rite of War 2.5k





  • Iron halo
  • Paragon Blade
  • Digital Lasers
  • Grenade Harness
  • ML3
  • Raptora
  • Arcane Litanies


Primus Medicae x2 (One for Each Sekhmet)

  • Artificer
  • Power Axe
  • ML1
  • Arcane Litanies
  • Pavoni, rolls on biomany



Sekhmet Terminators x2

  • +2 Termis
  • 5 Combi Plas
  • 2 Chainfists
  • Cataphractii
  • Raptora
  • Levitation and Molten Beam



Vet Tacs x2

  • +5 Vets
  • 2 flamers
  • Brotherhood of Psykers
  • Vex
  • Asphyx Rounds
  • Rhino w/ dozer
  • AA, Power Axe on Sarge
  • Marksmen
  • Corvidae, rolling on Divination

Heavy Support


Sicaran Venator w/ dozer x2



The RoW gives ICs and the Sekhmet Deep Strike. They come down outside of Augery Scanner range then Levitate in. They would have a 3++ rerolling 1s the turn they come down, FnP, and potential Biomancy buffs for survivability. Then they can molten beam some things, maybe smite another, and loose plasma.


I roll the powers for the two Primus first, then the Praetor to determine what he rolls on and which primus is going with him. Probably Biomancy too to get Endurance. It'll be a lot of WCs, but the RoW helps with that and I'll have upwards of 11 base before the extra d6.


Tacs roll up on objectives and loose twinlinked, sniper bolters with shred, and flamers. Or give ignores cover to a Sekhmet if I'm lucky. It'd be nice to be able to overwatch at full BS with their weapons too.


I could give the two Vets a vox to potentially help with scatter, or maybe hide a power axe in each.


The Deredeo is for quality AA, and because I have enough flyers in my RG. While the Venators augment AT.



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I agree with some Reserves manipulation being very important. I believe the reason he wants to Deep Strike is because when Terminators, IC's or Magnus do this, they get to re-roll failed Invulnerable saves of 1 for the turn.


If you have 20 points left, why not upgrade the Veterans' flamers to heavy flamers?

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I'm in the same boat as Angmarred, even with Levitate some bad scatters can still mess your strategy up so it might be worth it just hoofing it around the board. 6" move + 12" Levitate covers ground quicker than any other foot-slogging Terminator unit can! Alternatively, consider trying to fit a Damocles Rhino into your list? 

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I only have two Sekhmet(plus ICs) in reserve.


Then I have two tanks, a Deredeo, and 20 vets in rhinos on the field. I might drop the Deredeo for two icarus weapon batteries and put vox on the vets. Also might roll on Biomancy for smite on the vets as well.


I'm playing with a new list that swaps one vet squad out for some psybots instead. Might invest in a Damocles too...

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Alright after adjustments I have a new test list. There's no AA because the two people I'm playing against are just starting their armies and have no flyers either.



-Praetor, ML3, Halo, Digital Lasers, Paragon, Biomancy, Rapotra

-Master of Signal, ML1 Divination, Corvidae



-Sniper Vet squad with Asphyx, Sniper, Two plasma, +5 marines, Pavoni, Biomancy for smite and sending potential buffs, rhino, vox



-Sekhmet, 5 combi plas, two chain fists, leviatation, molten beam, Raptora

-Sekhmet, 5 combi plas, two chain fists, leviatation, molten beam, Raptora



-Ammitara scouts, Corvidae

-Khenetai Blade Kabal, +4, AA on sarge, Pavoni, rolls on biomancy




-Achea Psybots, two, aether flame canons

-Sicaran Venator

-Sicaran Ventaor


So I deploy the MoS alone in my deployment and infiltrate the scouts around him, my turn happens and they join. The scouts pop their Mind Killer power and grant the MoS Orbital Bombardments Twinlinked, Shred, and Ignores Cover. Then the MoS becomes a battery for WCs and buffing nearby psybots or a venator. The scout then just provide cover. Those units work together and anchor down a side.


The other venator deploys opposite the first to flank things like spartans.


Sekhmets come down, levitate, and beam/plasma stuff.


Blades are the QRF in the anvillus and go where things need to die, Praetor joins. They rip and tear.


Vets deploy wherever they would be most effective.

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I would take the Damocles for accurate deep strikes and reserve manipulation.


Also marksmen veterans using telekinesis or pyromancy work great, as sniper rule applies to models, not the weapons, so would transfer to their witchfires (as they count as shooting weapons). I works really well with flame breath and assail.

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Sniper might work on witchfires, but Smite, Life Leech, and Haemorrhage are guaranteed to ignore armor anyway rather than fish for AP2 with sniper. Then because they're a brotherhood they would all get benefits from Iron Arm or Warp Speed. Enfeeble would help any of my units shooting at that enemy unit. Endurance is Endurance, and if I get it on the vets I can buff the Sekhmet. I could also heal the Sekhmet with Life Leech if they are close enough. Really there's only good powers on Biomancy when you're a unit of psykers.


I am light on scoring. I keep flipping between too little AT or too little scoring. I know I want this RoW; I don't want line troop TS beyond potential Rotor squads with Asphyx rounds. I do have some points left over I forgot about. If I drop a Venator I could get a full 10 man rotor squad with asphyx ammo and have 2,500 on the nose. I'd have two melta beams, 4 chainfists, a venator,  20 plasma shots in a pinch, a bunch of S10 from the psybots, and twinlinked orbital for AT...

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The Ammitara are going to be "infiltrating" around the MoS who was deployed first in my deployment. But I may just drop both for a Damocles. That orbital is twinlinked and has lance as a trade for d3 and it gives me a large deepstrike bubble, and reserve manipulation.


That would leave me with 140 points left. With that I could get a Primus Medicae, with ML1, Boarding Shield for defensive grenades, and an axe. Or two tooled-up javelins...

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