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3,000 points of blood angels


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Hey guys here is the revised BA 3000 list. Let me know what works abd what you think doesnt. I think its pretty solid, and fluffy and would be fun to play.


Force org: crusade



185 pt praetor

Artificer armor

Iron halo

Jump pack

Digital lasers

Blade of perdition

Melta bombs


145 pt legion centurion

Forge lord - artificer armor, servo arm

Rad grenades - if a unit assaults or is assaulted, the enemy suffers -1 toughness. So now combined with bloodangels rules. Yhe squad he is with will benefit from enemy toughness -1 and the result of wounding with -1 also.

Refractor field

Jump pack

Melta bombs

Power axe



100 pt Democles command rhino

(All assault marines auto come in on turn 1 with 5+ cover and shooting weapons gain pinning with ROW. This will allow for no scatter within 24).




180 pt Appothecary detachment

Appothecary x 3 (one per squad)

Jump packs

(Give some solid FNP for assault squads)


305 pt legion contemptor dred

2 x dreadnought close combat weapon

2 x inbuilt melta gun

legion drednought drop pod





331 pt assault squad

(16 x marines 1 x sergeant)

4 x power axes


Artificer armor

Power axe

Melta bombs



331 pt assault squad

(16 x marines 1 x sergeant)

4 x power axes


Artificer armor

Power axe

Melta bombs



331 pt assault squad

(16 x marines 1 x sergeant)

4 x power axes


Artificer armor

Power axe

Melta bombs



Fast attack:


230 pt lightning strike fighter (one or two rounds of tank hunting)

Battle servitor control

Ground tracking auguries

2 x kraken missiles

Twin linked lascannons


Heavy support:


220 pt deredeo pattern dreadnaught (anti air)

Ailos missile launcher

Twin linked anvilus pattern autocannons

Torso mounted twin linked iliastis pattern autocannons


420 pt leviathan siege dreadnought

cyclonic melta lance

leviathan siege claw w/ inbuilt melta gun

armored ceramite

2 x torso mounted illiastus assault cannons

legion dreadnought drop pod


195 pt Sicaran venator (anti tank, try and hold up a super heavy)

Pintle heavy bolter

Additional twin linked bolter




2993 total points


Plan: all reserved assault squads auto come in turn 1. Dont scatter due to command rhino and land within or behind cover. Wither the storm... Venator goes for armor and light armor. T2 move assault squads and charge. Dred and leviathan come on in enemy back field and shoot at armor. Lightning strafes enemy. Deredeo serves as anti air. Rinse and repeat.



Let me know

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Made a few changes to the list.


Needed to clarify the point values and legality of thw squads...


Here is the updated list.



Location: Jacksonville NC


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Hey everyone,


Built a 3k angels list. Let me know what you think. Amd appreciate any and all feedback.



Row: the day of revelation




Allows for some cool stuff.

Force org: crusade



185 pt praetor

Artificer armor

Iron halo

Jump pack

Digital lasers

Blade of perdition

Melta bombs


145 pt legion centurion

Forge lord - artificer armor, servo arm

Rad grenades - if a unit assaultzls or is assault, enemy suffers -1 toughness. So now with bloodangels rules they will suffer -2.

Refractor field

Jump pack

Melta bombs

Power axe



100 pt Democles command rhino

(All assault marines auto come in on turn 1 with 5+ cover and shooting weapons gain pinning with ROW. This will allow for no scatter within 24).




180 pt Appothecary detachment


Appothecary x 3

Jump packs




370 pt assault squad

(19 x marines 1 x sergeant)

4 x power axes


Artificer armor

Power axe

Melta bombs



370 pt assault squad

(19 x marines 1 x sergeant)

4 x power axes


Artificer armor

Power axe

Melta bombs



370 pt assault squad

(19 x marines 1 x sergeant)

4 x power axes


Artificer armor

Power axe

Melta bombs



Fast attack:


230 pt lightning strike fighter

Battle servitor control

Ground tracking auguries

2 x kraken missiles

Twin linked lascannons


Heavy support:


220 pt deredeo pattern dreadnaught

Ailos missile launcher

Twin linked anvilus pattern autocannons

Torso mounted twin linked iliastis pattern autocannons


185 legion sicaran battle tank

Accelerator autocannon

Sponsons - illiastus autocannons


195 pt Sicaran venator

Pintle heavy bolter

Additional twin linked bolter




455 pt legion typhon

Armored ceramite

Lascannon sponsons


3005 pt even.


Plan: all reserved assault squads auto come in turn 1. Dont scatter due to command rhino and land withon or behind cover. Use typhon with support from venator and sicaran to tackle any armor. Wither return fire with cover/cover saves. Derdeo is air support. Lightning helps also. Then t 2 charge.



Let me know.

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I had to make a few adjustments to the orgiginal list. The one lower in the post is not the current update.


I cant take a superheavy unless its a flier.


So will need to replace the typhon.


Also battlescribe allows my sicaran to take autocannons. But the rules state that only model that have access to heavy flamers (Dreds etc)/ predators can take them.

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