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Trying to figure out a decent 1000 points Word Bearer list.


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As the title says, I'm trying to figure out a decent 1000 points Word Bearer list.


The problem at this points level, is that I'm having to deal with taking a second HQ, so I'm immediately down by ~100 points. So I need to make up for this by summoning stuff and/or making sure everything else is really points efficient. I've come up with a few options, all dead on 1000 points.


Option 1: Zardu & The Gal Vorbak


Zardu Layak

Legion Centurion (artificer armour, power fist & boarding shield)

5 x Gal Vorbak (dark martyr with artificer armour & power fist; power maul)

10 x Tacticals (sergeant with artificer armour; nuncio vox)

10 x Tacticals (sergeant with artificer armour & melta bombs)

Whirlwind Scorpius

Imperial Bastion (escape hatch)


Tacticals with nuncio vox go on top of the bastion to spot for the Scorpius. Gal Vorbak, Zardu & the Centurion start in the bastion and use the escape hatch, hopefully to set up a turn 2 charge. The other Tacticals either cap an objective or move into the bastion once the Gal Vorbak have vacated it.


Zardu uses Cursed Earth to boost the Gal Vorbak and hopefully does a bit of summoning.


Option 2: Terminator Pride of the Legion & Leviathan


Delagatus (artificer armour, master-crafted power fist & boarding shield)

Chaplain (tartaros armour, crozius, power axe, burning lore)

5 x Terminators (tartaros armour, chain fist, 2 x lightening claws, 2 x power axe, heavy flamer)

5 x Terminators (tartaros armour, chain fist, 2 x powe fist, 2 x power axe, heavy flamer)

Leviathan Dreadnought (grav bombard, siege claw, 2 x volkite caliver, phosphex discharger)


Chaplain will probably take Biomancy. The Delagatus will join the Chaplain and go with whichever terminator unit needs the most help. No clever tactics, everything just charges at the enemy and tries to kill stuff.


Option 3: Zardu & Leviathan

Zardu Layak

Legion Centurion (artificer armour, power fist & boarding shield)

10 x Tacticals (sergeant with artificer armour; nuncio vox)

10 x Tacticals (sergeant with artificer armour, rhino)

Whirlwind Scorpius

Leviathan Dreadnought (grav bombard, siege claw, phosphex discharger)


A mix of options 1 & 2. Zardu sits out with the Centurion and the Tacticals with the nuncio vox. As with option 1, the nuncio spots for the Whirlwind. Zardu summons stuff, but sits in the back field rather than pushing forwards. More static than option 2, concentrating on grabbing objectives rather than charging up-field, though it does add a Rhino to the mix. Only the Leviathan charges towards the enemy this time, acting more as a distraction Carnifex. Would have liked to have given him Volkite Calivers, but just didn't have the points.


Looking for input on the relative effectiveness of these lists. Any improvements that can be suggested will be most welcome. Also is a Leviathan too much at this point level? I'm hoping it will just balance out the issues Word Bearers have with low point games, but will it still be seen as too gamey.

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I don't think Zardu is that effective at low point games. He really shines when he gets enough PD to cast summoning.  I'd rather pick a delegatus and dark brethren to add some horros and heralds if you want to go for the psycher way. 


If you want pure WB, chosen duty with vets is the most flexible way to go IMO. Vets can do almost all while not being the best at it, they can be decent. 

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Plan to take Cursed Earth, Sacrifice and Summoning for Zardu.


If Zardu is objective camping with some Tacticals, for 3-4 WC he will summon a lvl2 Tzeentch Herald; for 5-6 WC he will summon some Plague Bearers; and for 7-8 WC he will summon a Herald and some Plague Bearers.


If Zardu is with the Gal Vorbak, for 3 WC he will do Cursed Earth, for 4-6 WC he will do Cursed Earth and summon a Herald and for 7-8 WC he will do Cursed Earth and summon some Daemonettes.


Remember he can always re-roll one casting if necessary. If I can get at least one summoning off, he's probably worth his points, two and he's definitely done his job. Besides he's painted and is a really cool model, so it would be a shame not to try and fit him in somewhere. Him not being in list 2 is what's putting me off that one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've done some more thinking about my 1000 point list. Going to pick option 3, because I have the models built and mostly painted. Only change is two swap the Scorpius for a Laser Vindicator. Firstly because the Scorpius is one of those units that can be really nasty in a low point game and I've already got a Leviathan to tick the nasty box, don't want to upset people by overdoing it. Secondly, the Leviathan with grav and claw covers me for anti-infantry, so having some long range anti-tank could be useful. I could throw in a couple of Laser Rapiers or Multi-melta Attack Bikes for a similar point cost and utility, but I'm thinking the Vindicator will be more useful. So here's my new 1000 point list:


Zardu Layak

Legion Centurion (artificer armour, power fist & boarding shield)
10 x Tacticals
10 x Tacticals (sergeant with melta-bombs, rhino)
Vindicator with Laser Destroyer
Leviathan Dreadnought (grav bombard, siege claw, phosphex discharger, 2 x volkite calivers)


Since my Leviathan will be on foot, thought it would be much more useful with the volkite upgrades. Also had to loose the nuncio-vox and artificer armour on the tactical squad sergeants to make the points fit, which I'm not happy about. 5 spare points went on melta-bombs for the sergeant in the Rhino because I couldn't think what else to do with them.


Also this expands to 1500 points quite nicely using the other models I have:


Zardu Layak


Legion Centurion (artificer armour, power fist & boarding shield)
10 x Tacticals (sergeant with artificer armour; nuncio vox)
10 x Tacticals (sergeant with melta-bombs, rhino)

3 x Laser Destroyer Rapiers

Attack Bike (multi-melta & melta-bombs)

Attack Bike (multi-melta & melta-bombs)

Whirlwind Scorpius
Vindicator with Laser Destroyer
Leviathan Dreadnought (grav bombard, siege claw, phosphex discharger, 2 x heavy flamers)

Dreadnought Drop Pod


Similar tactics. Zardu, the Centurion and my first tactical squad sit back capping a home objective and summon stuff. The Scorpius, Vindicator and Rapiers sit back and shoot stuff. Depending on my opponent and the mission, the second tactical squad either stays in reserve, heads off to cap another objective or stays and offers fire support to my first squad. The Leviathan drops in on my enemy's deployment zone, rather than charging forward. The Attack Bikes split up and run distraction and hopefully they will eventually kill something. With a bit of luck the static elements of my army will be left alone, whilst my opponent deals with the Leviathan and bikes, so I'll be free to rain Scorpius and Laser death on him, whilst summoning a couple of units of daemons (probably Plaguebearers and/or Daemonettes). If I can summon one unit, I'll have made back Zardu's cost over a more boring HQ choice, if I can summon two, I'll have mitigated the Word Bearers HQ tax.


All I need to do is fishing my drop pod and get my Scorpius and Vindicator painted.


Suggestions anyone? Is a Leviathan too much at this level? I really want to include it because it's newly painted and it looks great.

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