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Gerantius the Forgotten Knight


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So I've been thinking about buying a Knight this weekend as a birthday gift to myself and I noticed White Dwarf had posted this Datasheet on Facebook.


Edit:  Should probably mention that it looks like his major features are re-rolling 1's on the Stomp table and a 3+ save for his Ion shield.  Other than that he can't be taken as a Warlord and no Knightly Ranks.

Edited by Phantomzero17
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Hes okay , I dont reckon hes worth 500 points , he wasant back then and he aint now. 

Striker and the Lord Baron stats are nice but in the end hes sorta ... bleh ,   being a character again is cool but not that important cause he cant be the warlord  

Id say if you wanna buy yourself somethin fancy buy a Knight Atrapos  or a Lancer , or just build the Errant cause its still a Knight Errant and something useful .  


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Definitely not worth the points.  If you're going to go that far into IK, you'd might as well just play 3 and use a Formation to get more benefits.  He's a fun idea for background purposes, but honestly I'd just go with Bladewolf's suggestion and get a FW Knight.

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