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2,500 Army of Dark Compliance (aka: Skorr and friends)


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2499 Army of Dark Compliance


Autilon Skorr (Warlord)-125

Force Commander-127

-Cyber Familiar

-Power Fist (master crafted)

-Bolt Pistol

-Digital lasers

-Provenance: Cyber Augmetics



-Tartaros with Combi Weapon

-Power Maul


Imperial Militia Infantry Squad- 80




Tactical Squad-225

-Powerfist, power dagger, AA sarge


-Extra CCW

-Rhino dozer blade+multi melta


Tactical Squad-225

-Powerfist, power dagger, AA sarge


-Extra CCW

-Rhino dozer blade+multi melta


Scout Sentinel Squadron-135

-Autocannons x3

-Hunter killer x3

-Combat blades x3


Militia Recon Squad- 100

-Sniper rifles

-Camo cloaks

-melta bomb sarge


Militia Recon Squad-75

-Demo charge

-Camo cloaks


Militia Recon Squad-75

-Demo charge

-Camo cloaks


Thunderbolt heavy fighter-210

-Ground tracking Auguries


Leviathan Siege Dread-335

-Grav flux bombard and siege claw


-Phosphex discharger

-Armored Ceramite



-2 sets of extra sponsons

-Armored ceramite


The Plan here is fairly self explanatory: The militia squad get the Chaplain attached to keep them in line, and bubble wrap the baneblade firebase's advance up, and the leviathan supports this while very very strongly dissuading anyone wanting to charge into my flak armored now-zealous schlubs who have a sarge to stop the chaplain getting sniped by a challenge.


The demo squads play "you have to devote firepower to me or I go boom on you", and the snipers...sniper, while aso dissuading any sneaky business with the promise of high-ex hurled your way.


The scout sentinels harass artillery/transports, outflanking or not as needed. Extra attacks given as s5 aint worthless against AV10 if they can walk on, shoot, and then charge.


The tactical squads go wherever needed, either getting dropped on points and having their pseudo razorback rhinos bully stuff far above their weight class with multimeltas. Or maybe just fury of the legion and pray it stops anything too big from charging them (or failing that, that their big brother dread is nearby).


The Thunderbolt is their for air superiority, and because S6 armorbane ain't bad if you ask me.


My concern is on Skorr and the Force commander (henceforth "farce commander" as Skorr is pulling the strings)- Ininitally I was thinking to just chuck them in the militia blob, but I guess they could join recon squads to dissuade enemy fast-movers/keep them away from the main fighting.


What are your thoughts on the list? 


I have no idea what mutable tactic would/could be fun here. Chaplain and infiltrating militia for fun?


I am not sure which strategic trait would benefit me best- any thoughts here are appreciated.



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