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[3000] Questoris Knights & Silent Sisters


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Questoris Knight Primary Detachment
Knight Seneschal
Cerastus Knight-Lancer
Scion Martial
Questoris Knight Warden
Scion Martial
Questoris Knight Paladin
Scion Martial
Questoris Knight Magaera
Scion Arbalester
Questoris Knight Styrix
Talons of the Emperor Allied Detachment
Jenetia Krole
(10) Oblivion Knight Cadre
Kharon Acquisitor
(8) Vigilator Cadre
Kharon Acquisitor
(8) Seeker Cadre
Grenade Launchers
Kharon Acquisitor
So, with the rise of Magnus and the threat to Knight lists from a slew of D, I figured I would invest in a small allied detachment of Sisters. Honestly, it didn't require arm twisting or anything - that Kharon looks badass, as do the ladies themselves. The nice part is I feel this allied detachment can really hammer Psykers (especially the Seekers), but also can do more. They can jump in melee and their transports are pretty good. 

That being said, I ate up almost a third of my points in Sisters, but I get a lot for it. The remainder is my basics. The Styrix primarly takes out flyers, but can do more. The Warden, Paladin, and Magaera take objectives, while the Lancer kills big stuff. 
One alternative I thought about was if flyers pick up in volume having at least one Icarus gun might be worthwhile, so I can bump the Paladin to a Gallant with an Icarus, if need be. Though I never have been keen on the Gallant.

Thoughts? Ideas?
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Looks solid to me, and I agree with your sentiment that the sisters can cover other ground than mere anti-psyker. I mean, worst off are your seekers and they can still rain Krak down on Rhinos and other vehicles with weak rear armour.


I agree that the Gallant is one of the more lackluster knights. Freeing up points for an icarus is harsh but worth it, maybe drop a sisters each from the vigilators and seekers as well as the melta on the warden? Speaking of melta I reckon you should keep the Hellion cannon arrays on the acquisitors. Since they are twin-linked and hgih rate of fire you'll average slightly more than one hit while snap firing with each, so you'd be able to use it as anti-air with decent effect assuming you get line of sight. Especially with the -1 to cover that it gets. You don't really need the melta, anything with high AV is going to have AC anyway and you have loads of big stompy 'bots with can openers to handle spartans and such.

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Yeah, I would stick with the Hellions too. 4 shots at S7 AP4 Pinning vs. 1 shot at S8 AP1 Melta? Definitely worth keeping stock and pelting them at transports, medium vehicles and Robots.


Loving the Sisters in an Allied Detachment! You only ever get to take 3 units due to the Cadre Structure rule, but Pursuers are a bit of a fluff choice, so until they get some (likely awesome) models, it isn't a big deal.


Do you own the Magaera? It's such a weak Knight (unfortunately).

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Yeah, I would stick with the Hellions too. 4 shots at S7 AP4 Pinning vs. 1 shot at S8 AP1 Melta? Definitely worth keeping stock and pelting them at transports, medium vehicles and Robots.


Loving the Sisters in an Allied Detachment! You only ever get to take 3 units due to the Cadre Structure rule, but Pursuers are a bit of a fluff choice, so until they get some (likely awesome) models, it isn't a big deal.


Do you own the Magaera? It's such a weak Knight (unfortunately).


I own almost every Knight. :D The Magaera has one singular perk - Ionic Flare Shield. Otherwise, yea, it is lackluster. I honestly can swap that one out for another Warden. That is probably way better. And since this is House Vyronii, not taking AdMech Knights isn't a big deal, even though I know they have some fluff-wise. It will visually look better without them.


And I am not that interested in Pursuers. Cool idea, cool fluff... but unless the models blow my mind, just not into it. Curious as to when we will see the necessary Sisters kits to make the Seekers. And I am curious how much those transports will cost me.


Good point on the Hellions. I will likely magnetize (because who doesn't?) and if I do desperately need more Melta in my life, I can always try it. I do like them as back-up, last-ditch AA options, so that counts for more than a few MM shots. 

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