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3000 Points Space Wolves (Leman Russ, too many shiny toys?)

Lord Howling

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Hello Everyone,


Since I haven't seen any other Space Wolves Lists so far, I thought, why not throw my mad idea out there and see how people rip it apart and tell me what a bloody clueless noob I really am. (and I am, since I haven't played much Heresy yet!)


So here's my idea of a 3000 Point Space Wolves List, most likely with way too many fancy new toys in it, and way too less actually good units.



Leman Russ


Speaker of the Dead                                                                                                  

Artificer Armour  Exchange Power Maul for Great Frost Blade


5 Varagyr                                                                                                                         

5 additional Frost Claws, Exchange 3 Frost Weapon for Powerfist, Exchange 2 Frost Weapons for Chainfists



Flare Shields, Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Auxiliary Drive




Speaker of the Dead                                                                                                  

Artificer Armour  Exchange Power Maul for Great Frost Blade


9 Deathsworn                                                                                                                

1 Great Frost Blade, Rad Grenades, Meltabombs


Land Raider Phobos                                                                                                    

Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade




Wolf Lord                                                                                                                        

Paragon Blade, Iron Halo, Aether Rune Armour, Digital Lasers


Command Squad                                                                                                         

1 extra Chosen, 1 Poweraxe, 1 Powersword, 1 Powerfist, 1 Combat Shield & Charnabal Sabre


Land Raider Phobos                                                                                                    

Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade



10 Grey Slayer                                                                                                               

1 Great Frost Blade, Artificer Armour, 9  Bolter



10 Grey Slayer                                                                                                              

1 Great Frost Blade, Artificer Armour, 8  Bolter




As you can imagine the tactic I had in mind with this is so complex and unexpected that even a World Eater could figure it out....drive forward, get out of the tanks, hack things to bits.


My hope is that this contains enough "big" threats to make it difficult for my enemy to prioritise who to kill turn 1-2 and to allow my brutal killers to at reach the enemy lines at least partially intact.


Don't mind the loadout of the Command Squad by the way, I'm pretty sure it's sub optimal, but I have the models built looking quite good, and I can't think of a better/cheaper/equally effective units to use instead of a command squad that'd fit into a Land Raider.


I also know that using Russ without his wolfkin is kinda a sin, but I don't have them yet, and I don't want to proxy them.


What do you think about this list? Does it stand any chance? What are the most obvious flaws that'd cripple it? How would you improve it?

Please keep in mind that I'm still pretty new to Horus Heresy, so most likely obvious flaws that you'd see on one glance might have gone by me due to my inexperience.


Thanks in advance!

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Just wanted to get soem thoughts down and hopefully start some dialoge with the rest of the Wolf players.


I think you would struggle against Super Heavys, Fliers and potentially tanks in general. It generally looks a little light for 3000 pts (thoguh I guess Russ, the terms and the Spartan are about 1000pts right there...).


I am a little miffed at the 1 HQ per 1000 pts as it is a real bind and a point sink.


I also think the Grey Slayers seem designed for melee, but I am sure running them is a fools errand given the quad mortars/artillary everywhere which (to my mind) is just too cost effiecient. I won't to give them power weaposn and an assault transport, but a stormraven seems .... squishy....


No idea what optimal is, but you have nailed characterful...

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Yeah, to be frank I think the list is quite frail looking and might play very boring.


My only anti tank would be close combat from Russ and his bodyguard, and of course the lascanons on the Raiders/Spartans.


I was hoping that flyers wouldn't be much of a problem for this list, as I doubt they'll easily crack Raiders or Spartans (unless they are Lightnings with Krak Missiles, but I haven't seen any of them in my local area yet), and once I'm in CC they won't do much either.


The 1 character per 1k thing, in combination with the unit sizes and restrictions like only Speakers of Dead with Deathsworn make it really hard for me to fit the necessary characters in the right units, without having to footslog them over the table, which seems like suicide these days.

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I would look into bringing a couple quad mortars with shatter shells, that s8 heavy 4 sunder can go a long way to giving you the ability to glance the crap outta av14/15 with flare shields. They would help a lot with rounding out the army.

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