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New Rumour Engine image


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Yea. So the truck was released before the first rumor engine it looks like, so we may yet see rumors of vehicles. I mean unless I'm mistaken, the first rumor engine still hasn't popped up. I know people thought it was a duardin thing, but the fine detail on the vent looks very admech, and the circular rivet pattern on the bottom right looks exactly like some of the joints on the Dunecrawler and ironstrider. It said it was comming out this year, maybe their both part of the same vehicle?
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Very interesting. An ornithopter would certainly be cool from a nostalgia standpoint. I'm intrigued by the idea it could be an Epic-scale something or other, but I do really doubt that would be in plastic. I've never noticed any FW stuff at all with the sort of artifacting you get with 3D printing, so I assme this is for a Citadel plastic model as normal. I think all the Rumour Engine stuff so far has been anyway.


Yeah, I guess the jury is really still out. I don't necessarily think this bit's on a robot simply because I think it's a pistol-type weapon based on the small size, but I guess it could be a longer gun for some kind of infantry. Not sure how that might gel with a flier, but that dampener or shock thing behind it is really throwing me for a loop.

MoM has Ornithopters used by the Mechanicus.

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What's MoM? Master of Mankind? Unfortunately I don't think the fiction has much bearing on releases. Especially since that's a 30K thing. I could be wrong, but have novels ever really predicted or spoiled a new release? I guess it's possible a description of something might influence designers. Now I'm curious if there's a precedent. 

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What's MoM? Master of Mankind? Unfortunately I don't think the fiction has much bearing on releases. Especially since that's a 30K thing. I could be wrong, but have novels ever really predicted or spoiled a new release? I guess it's possible a description of something might influence designers. Now I'm curious if there's a precedent. 

The ornithopter was mentioned in earlier HH books too, but never any more prominent than the generic dropship or transport.


As for MoM, the Mechanicum armies in the book are 100% available when combining FW and GW stuff. The custodes are hit-or-miss, probably due to limited knowledge of future releases during writing. The book mentioned terminators with fire pikes and jetbikes before FW released rules and models, but failed to predict other units and models. Contemptors and vehicles were more advanced versions of legion wargear (grav raiders/spartans), but FW released entirely different loadouts and vehicles. In short: Writing seemingly leans on what is already released or told to the writers, models are sometimes inspired by writing (Stormbird/Mastodon for example), but not very often.

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The thousand sons novel gave us the upcoming psi-controlled castellax. So at times the forgeworld team base things on the novels.


So perhaps the novel Cybernetica will result in us getting the Kastellan variants from that book and the follow-up e-text myriad may mean we get the return of the imperial mole. Can't be sure of course.


Remember the collectors version of Skitarius had an illustration of a techpriest before the cult mechanicus came out.

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The plot thickens. I still think this could be a new Duardin (or whatever they call Dwarves in AoS now) flyer. AoS has some oddly hi-tech stuff hidden here and there.

If GW thought "Hmm, the Ad Mech were favourably received; could we carry some of that style over into AoS?", Duardin would seem the obvious way to go.


Might mean more bits for 40k Ad Mech modellers either way...

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Wasn't the Mastodon a vehicle created somewhat recently and featured in the fiction, before Forge World created the model? Not quite the same as the main studio, but it could be something of a precedent if it's true.

True. First mentioned in a DA short story as just any big assault transport, without going into any detail. Then mentioned in the Signus Prime story as a big transport with some heavy weaponry and considerable transport capacity, but deviating in details from the FW model that came out years later. It wasn't described as a fortress breacher/ram, just a heavily armed, open-topped transport. The only model-correct mention was after release of the model, in a RG short story. Fans asked FW at events about making a Mastodon after reading it mentioned in the DA and BA story, or FW folks read about it themselves, and FW picked up the idea with their own interpretation.


This is in no way a guarantee to pick up all models, but occasionally it happens. Especially AdMech stuff is based on previous mentions. Just read Dark Apostle, and you will find many skitarii units and kataphrons with slightly different names (cataphractoi = kataphron, balisterarii = dakka chicken or artillery, praetor = breacher, ordinatii (several minoris, and sonic destructor as majoris variant), though "skitarii" there are just thralls).

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Agreed, AdMech has some odd distinctions.  I'm glad that GW has nailed down their general appearance for the product line, but honestly if someone puts down reasonably converted Guardsmen or Empire Soldiers with bionics and suchlike I'd more than likely be cool with it.  As a general practice, the AdMech is a vast organization and it seems like many techpriests have their own design philosophies and quirks, leading to a massive amount of variation between forces.  This has also lead to some odd contradictions between the background material as well, though in reality those could simply be taken as the same quirks of design showing through between the armies of various techpriest domini etc.


That said, I'm holding out a bit of hope that this is some new AdMech stuff, even if I'm not quite ready for it at the moment!  :D

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  • 3 weeks later...


Well, they realised some artwork as the Rumour Engine this week, so maybe this can help the Dwarves vs Ad Mech vs Ork debate I've seen around the net. 

Definitely not Orky looking to my eyes; somewhat resembles the Kastellan robots (but probably bigger, because it's going against a Bloodthirster at eye level). However it kinda looks more like a Fantasy (or at least steampunk) thing than 40k to me, but I've never really got into AoS/Warhammer Fantasy so I don't really know.

What do you guys think?

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I tend to Dwarves as well, just because I can not see a place for Ad Mech along the 40k line at the moment...


Another thing is that we have never seen an Ad Mech artwork whith so much copper / brass (or any other metal). At least I can not remember seeing one.

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Could be our rumoured flyer, possibly in a rarer (but maybe soon to be more focused on) forgewords scheme.
Might be something for the Custodes with all that gold though everything so far after the initial release has been from Forgeworld.
Might be intended for AOS but we all know that just means it will be made into our 40k conversions anyway.

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I'm weighing in on it being a Duardin mech of some kind.  GW is hot to "borrow" other properties to increase interest in AoS and make easily marketable models (see Sigmarines) so it blends well with their current themes.


That being aid, the image is vague enough that it could apply to either game system, which I actually find rather annoying specifically as a mod on a 40k forum.  :P  Here's hoping it gets cleared up soon; please don't be annoyed if I have to lock this thread down if this turns out to be an AoS teaser . . . ;)

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I think this looks like AoS Duardin, but I don't think that has much to do with the other rumors. From what I can remember I think most of them have been one-off. I'm not sure why people seem to think they're all related to the same models. There may have been a couple cases with more than one shot per model, but I can't think of a sigle one off the top of my head. 


So just because this one looks Duardin, in no way makes me think the original one from this post WASN'T Ad Mech. Right? If anything, I'd say this roundy thing looks more like the very first rumor engine post. 

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I tend to Dwarves as well, just because I can not see a place for Ad Mech along the 40k line at the moment...


Another thing is that we have never seen an Ad Mech artwork whith so much copper / brass (or any other metal). At least I can not remember seeing one.

To be fair, so far GW has been very good at keeping all the rumor engines from showing any distinctive features so far. For all we know, this might be the only part that isn't red, and the rest is some huge red painted super-heavy flying war tank.

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  • 1 month later...

I just remembered this.. it was speculated this image was a particular not-40k faction but now that faction is revealed and i didn't see anything that looked like this in it. Did anyone else?

Because otherwise it's looking very likely this is indeed more Mechanicus coming!

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I just remembered this.. it was speculated this image was a particular not-40k faction but now that faction is revealed and i didn't see anything that looked like this in it. Did anyone else?


Because otherwise it's looking very likely this is indeed more Mechanicus coming!

I assume we're talking about the "gun" picture that started this thread. I haven't seen it either, bit it does look disturbingly similar to the new dwarves... I have some hope it isn't, but it does look like it might just be am undisclosed load out option for a dwarf character we haven't seen yet. The coil in the background though doesn't seem to fit with the new dwarfs style as far as I've seen but you never know.

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