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2500 Thousand Sons - Pride of the Legion


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2nd attempt at a Thousand Sons list. I went with Pride because I just love the Thousand Sons Veterans. Here's what I came up with


2500 Thousand Sons - Pride of the Legion
290 Praetor - ML 3, Arcane Litanies, Mastercrafted Paragon Blade, Meltabombs, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Raptora, Biomancy
160 Consul - Primus Medicae, ML 1, Cataphractii Terminator Armor, Chainfist, Raptora, Telepathy
155 Consul - Chaplain, ML 1, Artificer Armor, Refractor Field, Force Axe, Meltabombs, Jump Pack, Raptora, Telepathy
275 5 Sekhmet Terminators - 2x Chainfist, 3x Force Axe, Raptora, Levitate, Obscurum Mechanica, Assail
250 10 Veteran Tactical Squad - Brotherhood of Psykers, Asphyx Bolts, Artificer Armor, Rhino, Raptora, Telepathy
250 10 Veteran Tactical Squad - Brotherhood of Psykers, Asphyx Bolts, Artificer Armor, Rhino, Corvidae, Divination
250 10 Veteran Tactical Squad - Brotherhood of Psykers, Asphyx Bolts, Artificer Armor, Rhino, Corvidae, Divination
250 10 Assault Squad - Combat Shields, 3x Power Axe, 1x Meltabombs, Artificer Armor, Raptora
210 3 Rapiers - Quad Launchers, Shatter Shells, Corvidae
220 Deredeo - Aiolos
190 Sicaran Venator
Praetor, Chaplain and Assault Marines try to get engaged ASAP. Sekhmet deploy with the Primus and Levitate forward to get engaged turn 2. No combi-weapons, but with Obscurum and twin linked Asphyx, they can still do a little damage in shooting. The 3 Veteran squads are flexible. They can deploy or Outflank based on opponent. The Raptora/Telepathy squad is more eager to advance to drop a Shriek or Invisibility on the Assault/Termies. The Corvidae squads are more for sitting on objectives and taking their re-rolls. Corvidae Rapiers hunt light tanks, Deredeo on anti-air and Venator for heavy tanks. 5 scoring units, 10 Warp Charge. What do you think?
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Would you consider dropping the first veteran squad for some terminators as the raptora bonuses are negligible for vets?


The army is for the most part awfully slow you could be easily outmaneuvered. Can sekmhet pick powers from telepathy?


I thought it was only pyromancy and telekinesis

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Dont really know about this list tbh.


At 2500 points, that assault squad would be lucky to last 1 turn, even with a praetor in there.

At this points level you are going against Primarchs and super heavies, and you have no real counters too them.


Honestly, if you are really wanting to not use special characters, and want to use a 3++ praetor then take breacher squads in Land Raiders and run the Axis of Dissolution ROW, and now you have 2 units that are bloody annoying to remove if within 6" of an objective. (Although this may not work because your breacher squads are not at max size, in which case go full 20 man breacher squads with apothecaries without land raiders for the lolz)


I would do something more like this


Praetor...as is but drop the jump pack

Drop the other 2 HQ's



9-10 TS Terminators, raptora, all with combi-plasma

2 Apothecaries




2 units of 9 Breachers, Raptora in a Land Raider (prefered option)


2 units of 20 Breachers, Raptora (if you want to use a right of war)


Keep the rest as is...depending on points




If you want veterans as troops...then take arhiman, or a cheap lvl 3 praetor with covidae 

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Thanks for the feedback guys.


@Harrow - I would prefer not to do that for a few reasons, most of them "fluff." I really want to run a list based around power armored dudes in bolters. That's one of the main reasons I like the Sons, their vets are very good. Plus I have a Betrayal at Calth box waiting to be painted that happens to have 30 PA guys and 5 Termies :) Regarding speed, I'm not quite sure what you mean. I have 3 mech squads, a Levitating Termie squad, and a Jump Infantry squad. That seems pretty fast. Yes the Sehkmet can only do Telekinesis and Pyro. I have 3 Telekinesis powers on them.


@JG I agree that I don't have a lot of anti-super heavy. The Venator does a decent job, plus some chainfists and melta bombs. Primarchs are a pain for any non-Primarch, but a ML3 Biomancy Praetor with a 3++ can do as good a job as any non-LoW. 35 Shred 4+ poison bolters can put a lot of wounds into one too. Breaches come in squads of 10 so can't fit one in a LR with an apo/IC. I'm not sure I see the benefit of foot breaches over combat shield Assault marines other than special weapons. Am I missing something?

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