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3k Custodes

Purge the Daemon

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Preface I'm not sure if I will play custodes but I am strongly considering it. I wrote up a list it may be strong I'm not sure I kind of focused on what looks cool but it feels like imperial eldar.


I originally had the troops in which units but realized I probbably needed 3 scoring choices. I also costed the Jetbikes weapons per a model as otherwise I feel they are under costed and that's probbably what is intended.



Constantin Valdor



-paragon spear

-praesidum shield

-cyber familiar

-digital lasers

-melta bomb


3 Hetaeron Guard

-3 paragon blades

-3 praesidum shields


4 Custodian Guard

-4 adrastite spears


Coronus Grav Carrier


4 Custodian Guard

-4 adrastite spears


Coronus Grav Carrier


4 Custodian Guard

-4 adrastite spears


Coronus Grav Carrier


3 Agamatus Jetbikes

-3 corvae las pulsers

-3 melta bombs


3 Agamatus Jetbikes

-3 adrathic devestators

-3 melta bombs


Caladius Grav Tank


Caladius Grav Tank

-archanus heavy blaze cannon



Similarly for 2k I'd scale it down to this:

Constantin Valdor

3 Hetaeron (armed as above)

4 Custodian Guard (armed as above)

Coronus Grav Carrier

4 Custodian Guard (armed as above)

Coronus Grav Carrier

3 Agamatus Jetbikes (just 3 devestators)


Caladius (heavy blaze cannon)

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You're taking Valdor but not taking advantage of his ability to give deep strike for free to all Custodes units. Curious as to why.

Namely for a few reasons. I need to have units on the board turn 1 or auto lose, I need enough units that won't just be dead on the first turn, and unless I take sisters I don't have reliable deeps trike which is kind of scary when everything is short range or melee. Also Coronus seem to actually be good though I wouldn't mind saving actual money not buying them.

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