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[3000] Thousand Sons Crimson King


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Rite of War: The Guard of the Crimson King


HQ: Magnus the Red – Roll mostly on Biomancy, joins Raptora Sekhmet Cabal


Ahzek Ahriman – Corvidae, Divination, joins Corvidae Veterans


Troops: 9 Sekhmet Terminators – Raptora, Levitation, Psychic Maelstrom, Cataphractii, 3 Power Fists, 3 Chainfists, 9 Combi-plasma, Deep Strike


9 Sekhmet Terminators – Pyrae, Molten Beam, Levitation, Tartaros, 3 Power Fists, 3 Chainfists, 9 Combi-melta, Deep Strike


Elites: 9 Veterans – Mastery Level 1, Athanean, Telepathy, Marksmen, 3 Power Axes, Asphyx Shells, Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour


9 Veterans – Mastery Level 1, Corvidae, Divination, Marksmen, 3 Power Axes, Asphyx Shells, Melta Bombs, Artificer Armour


9 Khenetai Occult Blades – Pavoni, Biomancy, Artificer Armour


Fast Attack: Anvillus Dreadclaw


Anvillus Dreadclaw


Anvillus Dreadclaw


Heavy Support: Castellax-Achea – Aether-fire Cannon


Total: 2996


I’ve squeezed in all of the cults and given them 16 (+2D6 picking the highest) warp dice to play with. Turn 1 will be risky, as I’ll have my lone robot hiding and two Dreadclaws going flat out to avoid fire, but turn 2 should be delicious, with rerolls to bring in my remaining reserves (70% chance they all arrive). That gives me lots of shooting and mind bullets, and the option of charging in with my Vets. The Khenetai should be available for a turn 3 assault of my choosing. The Castellax-Achea is a bit of an odd one out – I wanted to include 2 but I couldn’t find points I was willing to drop.


The Pyrae Sekhmet would probably be better of as Cataphractii Raptora, but I went with Pyrae Tartaros for variety, balance, and also because I’m going to model them with 40K Scarab Occult Terminators.

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Im not terribly Familiar with the Thousand Sons Unit Rules 


It looks like youve got plenty of scoring 


Whats your Anti Tank looking like 


How do you Kill  Spartans 


How do you Kill Knights  


How do you Kill Flyers 


With the exception of flyers, Magnus is the answer. He simply brings the D.

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Magnus aside, anti tank options include the Sekhmet with maelstrom, molten beam, combi-meltas and chainfists, plus the deep strike levitation combo for ideal positioning. The vets also have meltabombs assuming you can dodge the bad faq ruling they got.


Fliers may be a weakness.


Magnus needs some self restraint to play fairly. I could just nuke everything short of a warlord with a D nova, but I'm going to assume mind wrath only applies to plain witchfires, and that 6s always succeed when rolling to hit.

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If not cheesing Magnus, I can see the list struggling quite a bit. Not a lot of bodies and limited anti-tank. I think once the giddiness wears off, TS lists will gravitate towards more traditional Legion lists with a power unit or two. Trying to take all uniques leads to lists like this where you are outnumbered in boots and have no heavy equipment.


I like Fiery Form on Pyrae Tartaros.


Kudos on 9.

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Did HH Inferno release?


all of the rules are (as the moment) free to pick up online; till the books released to the public thats what im using! (then of course im buying the book lmao) 


weekender always leaks the newest rulesets. 



I've found the Space Wolves rules, but not pages for the Thousand Sons. Do you know where to find pictures of the TS pages?

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If not cheesing Magnus, I can see the list struggling quite a bit. Not a lot of bodies and limited anti-tank. I think once the giddiness wears off, TS lists will gravitate towards more traditional Legion lists with a power unit or two. Trying to take all uniques leads to lists like this where you are outnumbered in boots and have no heavy equipment.


I like Fiery Form on Pyrae Tartaros.


Kudos on 9.

I'm not going to have Magnus sit back and watch - he's still the best anti-tank in the list without the nova D cheese.


I think I'll have to experiment with the Pyrae Tartaros.  I also like Sunburst, but Levitate + Molten Beam is hard to pass up, particularly considering I have those combi-meltas too.

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If not cheesing Magnus, I can see the list struggling quite a bit. Not a lot of bodies and limited anti-tank. I think once the giddiness wears off, TS lists will gravitate towards more traditional Legion lists with a power unit or two. Trying to take all uniques leads to lists like this where you are outnumbered in boots and have no heavy equipment.


I like Fiery Form on Pyrae Tartaros.


Kudos on 9.

I'm not going to have Magnus sit back and watch - he's still the best anti-tank in the list without the nova D cheese.


I think I'll have to experiment with the Pyrae Tartaros.  I also like Sunburst, but Levitate + Molten Beam is hard to pass up, particularly considering I have those combi-meltas too.

Can't charge after levitation, so I'll be using them in a transport.  If Levitating around, I'll stick to 3+ Cataphracts, since TK is otherwise a terrible discipline for anyone else to try rolling in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do Sekhmet not have to randomly generate their powers? Does saying "may choose its powers from the Telekinesis or Pyro many disciplines" really mean it's not random?


Just getting into HH, so I'm not sure how similar rules are worded. I guess Magnus does say "randomly choose."

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I mean you just do what the rules tell you. Best example is Lorgar, the general Word Bearer rules allow him and his boys generate powers from Malefic Daemonology, while his own specific rules allow him to select powers from Divination and TK disciplines.


Same for the Zardu Layak, who can choose from malefic daemonology

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