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Homebrew chapter time! I'll try and keep this thread updated with lots of pretty pictures and fluffy fluff. It is of course a work in progress so please bear with me as I edit, alter and rehash. Lots.


Located on the northern marches of Segmentum Obscurus the Ash Raptors stand vigil over the Halo Stars.


The Ash Raptors chapter of space marines are descended from the legion of Corax, the Raven Guard. Their home-world Karrek is a savage place, unforgiving and utterly hostile. Once a vibrant industrialised hive world with sprawling manufactorum spires covering the north and western hemispheres and deep swamp ridden jungles in the south and east, Karrek became a victim of its own splendour. Dragged into the ravages of civil war in ages past, the world and all in it burned, reducing a once stable profitable tithe-world into dust and ash. Its hive cities torn and tumbled ruins plagued by gang wars. To live is to learn to move silently, kill in the shadows and sleep with a blade. Far from the city-shells of the north, the southern continents once life bearing jungles are dust. A vast arid wasteland pock-marked with the ruins of promethium refineries and haunted by the howling dust wraiths of the dead. These apocalyptic lands are ruled and warred over by violent warlords in a storm of blazing guns and exhaust fumes. Barely knowing or caring of each others existence, these two continents provide the recruits of the Ash Raptors chapter.


In the equatorial east rises a vast mountain chain, piercing the horizon with sheer cliffs and ragged peaks. It is in this cold and hard landscape that the Ash Raptors have made their roost. From their vantage point in the high cliffs they launch patrols across their world seeking those judged worthy enough to compete for a place amongst the Emperors finest. Selection into the ranks of these mighty warriors does not guarantee full advancement to the black carapace of the Astartes. Those chosen to compete but found wanting in their final tests are given the singular honour of returning to the scout companies to serve out their days with honour. Though not raised to the martial level of fully transformed marines these men have still taken oaths to fight and die for the Emperor.


Maintaining in this way large numbers of scout squads, the Ash Raptors begin their campaigns with covert infiltrations, slowly and carefully working units into position to bring enemy infrastructure to a sudden violent halt or drawing enemy units from the safety of their bunkers. Striking swiftly from their Storm class landspeeders these scouts clear landing sites and disable anti-aircraft emplacements as they call in their power armour clad brethren.


Such is the cunning of the Astartes.


Advancing on enemy strong points their Tactical squads are equally adapt at forcing a frontal engagement or splitting into combat squads to maximise destructive potential. With decades of infiltration experience these warriors are well learned in guerilla warfare.


Such is the skill of the Astartes.


Riding the dust storms high above, chapter air support forces traitor and xenos air power from the skies clearing approach paths for warrior laden Stormravens. Carrying the hardened combat veterans of the chapter these might gunships clear landing zones of foes with explosive force, even as their landspeeder brethren hunt enemy armour and harass infantry in lighting attacks.


Such is the might of the Astartes.


As the enemy is drawn out, his battle plans thrown into disarray, assault troops tear into his flanks, descending on wings of fire into a maelstrom of vengeance. Pinned in place by assault troops and scout laid traps, the enemy finds himself open to the lancing strikes of bike mounted troops. Piercing deep behind enemy lines to harry and raid, these warriors are almost exclusively drawn from the wasteland raider gangs of the southern continents.


Such is the fury of the Astartes.


Appearing in sight shattering electromagnetic discharge, the mighty and terrible warriors of the first company teleport into the battle. Clad in the black of their parent chapter these terminator warriors are the pinnacle of the Astartes war-force. As the forces of the enemy are torn and his ranks split wide open, these veterans assault into the heart of his command structure. The work of their brothers done well, these might men are free to dispatch their foe untroubled by other, lesser warriors.


Such is the right of the Astartes.

Edited by Wolf_Lord_Hardrada

I really like what you have put together here. I would love to hear your elaborate more on the visual differences in the army and how you plan to portray that. I am envisioning some differences between the different sub-factions/clans/tribes of your homeworld. Something to tie together the scouts and land speeders. Then your tacticals/jump troops/Storm Ravens thematically matching, then your Bike mounted troops with a cohesive look, then finally the 1st Company with a distinct style. I can even see something like Gang/tribal markings being very fitting with your fluff.


Can't wait to read more! Well done!

I'm not 100% settled on a paint scheme yet, I've seen some great camo scouts on this forum that I will probably go for, but I think the tacticals will be wearing a 'dress uniform'. That said, I was quite tempted to by trying camoed tacticals too. If anyone has played Overwatch, think Reinhardts bundeswehr skin. I'm thinking grey for the vehicals, a dark grey, perhaps the same for the ass-marines. I do know that I want the 1st company to be in all black, as sign of respect towards their Raven Guard forebearers.


I like the idea of gang markings, for the bikers I'm going to use space wolf heads where I can and some gang tats will add a nice extra feral look. Add in the pale geneseed of Corax and I have some Mad Max style Warboys. I love the old Necromunda cover art (big dude with bigger mowhawk!) and kinda used that as the base of my gang ideas. I guess in a way this isn't going to be a full sensible marines stealth army, more a 'we know sneaking is good but sometimes drop pods and orbital bombardments work too'


What I don't want to do is have an army that is TOO different too look at, whilst I think a mashing of colours works well for, say, slaaneshi armies I want at least some kind of uniformity here. Somehow.

Another option for the color concept is to pick a color, then just use derivations of that color for the different units. I personally prefer cool colors for Raven Guard (Blue/Green/Purple), but you can go any route. Then maybe pick a grey shade of that color to mute it (so it isn't flamboyant like you want to avoid). Here's an example:


Vallejo Model Air color range


71.018 Black Green (Dark Tone)

71.014 Gunship Green (Medium Tone)

71.126 IDF/IAF Green (Light Tone)


Another alternative is to mix the colors.


Or, you could pick a neutral grey you like, and then pick an accent color for trim, kneepads, etc. I do feel like, now thinking about it, that "Ash Raptors" to me says warm tones, specifically orange, something like 71.130 Orange Rust.


I went for the Vallejo Model Air line due to the fact that it is all developed/used for Military Modelers, so most of the colors are muted/tactical.

Whelp, fell into GW yesterday and walked out with another scout squad, a LS: Storm and a Skyhammer tactical squad. Then spent about five hours figuring out a colour scheme that works for the scouts. So the grind begins!

I've made progress! Although I'm having issues uploading the pictures because apparantly they are too big to upload?


Colours so far for Scouts:


Mechanicus Grey base coat

Eshin Grey for their armour

Administratum Grey for 'cloth' materials.


I want to keep their weapons Abbadon black with Leadbelcher on the metal bits. Not sure about belts/pouches etc yet, but I feel that the scheme needs another colour in there so its not Just grey and black....I initially tried doing a camo pattern on the scouts trousers, but I wasn't happy with how the colours did(n't) contrast well, so might leave that for big open spaces like camo-cloaks. The armour does look a little bland at the moument but I'll work something out.


Skin tones. You'll have to wait for pics on this as its kinda hard to explain without them.


I also went shopping! One box scout snipers, one landspeeder storm and a Skyhammer Tacticool squad.

Yes there's a 2mb limit on the B&C uploader.

Unfortunately most photos you'll take with a decent phone or camera will be >2mb.

Either download a resizing app for your phone or you can use MS Paint or photo manager to resize them. Generally speaking 30-50% size reduction should he plenty.


Im an eshin grey pouch man myself. However wouldn't work for your scheme. If youre going for stealth I'd consider black, otherwise brown might be a nice contrast?

Edited by duz_

Okay, I think I've figured out this whole photos thing. Using Paint of course tongue.png

Dryad Bark, will be lightened with Gorthor Brown later


Bugmans Glow, will be lightened with...something...at some point...


Bestigor Flesh, will be lightened with Ungor flesh


Edited by Wolf_Lord_Hardrada

You might be disappointed then Race, as I'm not planning on having any tanks :P Bikes, skimmers, flyers and pods!


I do want to add another colour though (beyond belts etc), might use Abby Black for some squad markings, should be dark enough to stand out, but won't detract from the scheme as a whole. Need to get some more paints for doing hair as well.


I got these guys from Ebay, so sadly can't do as much on their chest plates as I'd like, but I'm going to leadbelcher their Aquila, then a lighter silver, followed by Nuln oil. I think.

Also...does anyone have any experience doing tattoos? I might be pushing what I'm techinically capable of but heh, if I don't try, I don't know.

I only have one small critique and that is the cod piece. I would paint it the same color as the armor. 


Looking at your scheme i would go with black pouches as the brown may stand out to much. Squad markings I would do in white.


I have done warpaint and camo face paint before tattoos I would go with a technical pen depending on the design. I have done tattoos on 1/35 models before with a brush but that was 2 guys.


Otherwise great start. 

Edited by war009

I will be adding Terminators at a later stage, I want another TaccyPod first and another couple of landspeeders to provide Ass/Melta support. I have some bikes that need stripping too.


I didn't even think about doing the Cods in armour colour, I guess my thinking was that it would be underarmour, like a cricket box. I'll have a think about repainting them, though I've spent enough time looking at Marine crotch recently, not sure I need more!


I'll have a look for techinical pens too

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