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[2000] Night Lords Terror Assault (new player)


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I've only just started in 30k (played my first games at the doubles at the end of Jan) but I wanted a list to work towards and I've manage to put this together.



Delegatus - Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Jump Pack, Nostraman Chainglaive, Trophies of Judgement, Melta Bombs 





(10) Assault Marines - 2x Power Axe, Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs



(10) Terror Squad - 10 Volkite Chargers, Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs



(10) Terror Squad - 10 Volkite Chargers, Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs



(10) Terror Squad - 10 Volkite Chargers, Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs





(3) Quad Launchers - Shatter Shells




Fast Attack

(3) Javelin Speeders - 3x Multi Meltas, 6x Hunter Killer Missiles




Heavy Support

Leviathan - Cyclonic Melta Lance, Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger, Dreadnought Drop Pod





It has most of the bits that I wanted to use, and I feel it has enough anti-tank to get me by despite the 1 heavy support restriction. I went for chainglaives on my sergeants because they look really cool and I like to have the slim chance at rending to take out the axe/fist sergeant before they can strike.


I was tempted to try and go for 5 Multi Melta attack bikes instead of the speeders, as in a pinch they could do some work in assault with Talent for Murder. I'm just not sure if i'd prefer that over the amount of shots the speeders provide.


In future to up it to 2500 points that plan is to change the Delegatus for a Chaplain and add in a jump pack apothecary and Konrad Curze.


Let me know what you think and if you have any other ideas.

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For a terror assault list I think that's actually a great start. You've got all the heavy hitters you can't go wrong with in any list-leviathans and the mortars, plus javelins are an excellent way to mitigate the lack of anti tank in terror assault. The one issue with the list is the delegatus can't deploy with any of the terror suads since they are all infiltrators. He could jump forward to join them turn one, but then you just have to accept running the risk that he might be caught alone and shot down, and because of the army wide moral checks losing your warlord causes, don't really want that to happen. 

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