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5000 of the VIth legion

Purge the Daemon

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This is what I was thinking for my space wolves wondering if what I have come up with is any good.


Primary Detachment: Vlka Fenryka


Leman Russ 455 (Tartaros)

-The Bloodied Claw



Hvarl Red-Blade 210 (Tartaros)


Priest of Fenris 145 (Tartaros)

-speaker of the dead

-aether rune armour

-great frost blade


Priest of Fenris 145 (Deathsworn)

-speaker of the dead

-aether rune armour

-great frost blade


Priest of Fenris 140 (Deathsworn)

-caster of runes

-mastery level 2

-artificer armour

-force axe

-melta bomb


Priest of Fenris 135 (Support Squad)

-caster of runes

-mastery level 2

-artificer armour

-force axe



10 Tartaros Terminators 420 (Spartan +Scout)

-2 plasma blasters

-3 chain fists

-7 power fists


Spartan 375

-armoured ceramite

-flare shield

-dozer blade


10 Deathsworn 350 (Kharybidis)

-2 great frost blades

-rad grenades



20 Grey Slayers 275 (Scout)

-20 bolters


-artificer armour

-power fist


20 Grey Slayers 275 (Scout)

-20 bolters


-artificer armour

-power fist


10 Varagyr 545 (Kharybidis)

-10 frost claws

-7 power fists

-3 chain fists


5 Tactical Support Squad 175 (Dreadclaw)

-5 plasma guns


Fast Attack:

Dreadclaw 115 (Reserves)


Heavy Support:

 2 Malcador Assault Tank 770

-battle cannon

-demolisher cannon

-lascannon sponsons

-armoured ceramite

-flare shield

-dozer blade


Kharybidis 235 (First Wave)


Kharybidis 235 (First Wave)

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Looks solid. You'll always at a disavantage to anyone bringing titans, so be wary of that. I shudder to think of how many robots mechanicum can bring at that points level as well.


For the Emperor's finest, they are definitely the weakest of all the Heresy army lists.

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Space Wolves are the weakest? Sure their legion rules aren't exactly anything to praise, but they have solid units and one of the best primarchs. Definitely not the weakest. 


As far as the list goes, at 5k often the competitiveness of the list doesn't matter whole much, it's just a fun, big game. However I will say that at that pts level with no super heavies, you're going to have problems dealing with enemy super heavies. I'd highly encourage taking something with s D to deal with the super heavies. 

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Space Wolves are the weakest? Sure their legion rules aren't exactly anything to praise, but they have solid units and one of the best primarchs. Definitely not the weakest.


As far as the list goes, at 5k often the competitiveness of the list doesn't matter whole much, it's just a fun, big game. However I will say that at that pts level with no super heavies, you're going to have problems dealing with enemy super heavies. I'd highly encourage taking something with s D to deal with the super heavies.

The only issue is to stay in side foc and take a super heavy I'd have to drop Russ. Or play onslaught which means giving up first turn and my row.

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