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VIth Legion Orbital Assault

Lord Blackwood

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So Some of my Points may be a touch off , but this is what I am thinking about doing   , probably not the strongest list , or the most balanced , but it may be fun.  

2958/3000 Orbital Assault 

Speaker of the Dead - 150   ( With Veteran Squad 1  ) 
Aether Rune Armor
Great Frost Blade 
Wolfkin of Russ - 100  ( In Dreadclaw with Russ ) 
Preator -  150 ( In Dreadclaw with Russ) 
Iron Halo
Great Frost Blade 
Contemptor Cortus Dreadnought  260
TL Las Cannon
Dreadnought Drop Pod 
Varagyr - Stock With Axes  280 ( Gain Native Deep strike due to ROW  )  < - First thing I  would cut from the list honestly but I do have points to potentially get a vox or two on some of my infantry
2x Chainfist
Veteran Tac Squad 1  203 [MARKSMAN]
8 Veterans + 1 Sargent 
Drop Pod
Artificer Armor and Combi Weapon On Sargent 
Veteran Tac Squad 2  215 [ MARKSMAN ] 
9 Veterans +1 Sargent
Drop Pod
Artificer Armor and Combi Weapon On Sargent 
Grey Slayer Pack 1 - 125+ 95 =  220
Drop Pod  35
2 Power Fists 20
AA On Huscarl  10
Frost Weapon on Huscarl 15
Power sword x2 Power Axe  15 
Grey Slayer Pack 2 - 125+ 95 =  220
Drop Pod  35
2 Power Fists 20
AA On Huscarl  10
Frost Weapon on Huscarl 15
Power sword x2 Power Axe  15 
Heavy Support 
Levithan Pattern Dreadnought 410
Dreadnought Drop Pod
Claw  Drill
Armored Ceramite 
Fast Attack 
Lightning Strike Fighter  185
Battle Servitors
Kraken Pair x1 
Dreadclaw Drop Pod  115
Leman Russ - 455


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If you're drop podding a cortus dreadnought in, you'll ideally want to get it into assault as much as possible so I think the TL lascannon isn't worthwhile. I'd swap it for a chainfist and take 2 grav guns, that'll give you some decent anti armour.

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That list looks like a lot of fun brother. I haven't played a game in years so correct my if I'm wrong but I was under the impression that if you don't have any units on the table you auto-lose. How does that work in your list where everything is in pods?

Wouldn't that make Orbital Assault unplayable as a rite of war ?  I think you are correct though Ill need to do some digging. 


If you're drop podding a cortus dreadnought in, you'll ideally want to get it into assault as much as possible so I think the TL lascannon isn't worthwhile. I'd swap it for a chainfist and take 2 grav guns, that'll give you some decent anti armour.

That is a very  good point , I  will have to buy another contemptor then  and set it up that way. Good thing they previewed wolves one , thanks for the tip ! 

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It's at the end of the game turn, not player turn. And since half your pods enter play on your player turn 1 you'll be fine.



EDIT:  My bad, that's the 40k version I'm afraid.

But to be honest it should work like that in 30k as well, otherwise it makes zero sense and disables lots of lists.

That paragraph on p. 113 of the Age of Darkness Army List just smells like sloppy FW rules writing to me.

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So After posing the Argument to the guy who runs the Events for Northwest 30k , Legion United 

He says were going to be playing under the  basic rule book ruling,  though even still  I look at those 280 point terminators ...and im not sure about them still . I  do know I need to change out the dreadnought though. 

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