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2500 Space Wolves The Bloodied Claw (With Russ)

Lord Howling

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Hello Everyone,


After some tinkering and realizing that The Wolfkin most likely can count as one of our HQ per 1k slots, I came up with the following list:


Leman Russ                                                                                                                    


5 Varagyr                                                                                                                         

5 additional Frost Claws, Exchange 3 Frost Weapon for Powerfist, Exchange 2 Frost Weapons for Chainfists


Wolfkin of Russ                                                                                                            



Flare Shields, Armoured Ceramite, Dozer Blade, Auxiliary Drive


Speaker of the Dead                                                                                                  

Artificer Armour  Exchange Power Maul for Great Frost Blade


Centurion    (Goes into 19 Grey Slayer Squad)                                                                                                                

Artificer Armour, Two Handed FrostBlade, Boarding Shield


19 Grey Slayer                                                                                                            

15 Bolter, 3 Powerweapons, Powerfist, Artificer Armour,   Legion  vexilla


20 Grey Slayer                                                                                                            

15 Bolter, 3 Powerweapons, Powerfist, Artificer Armour,   Legion  vexilla


Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought                                                                         

2 Kheres Assault Canons


Contemptor Mortis Dreadnought                                                                         

2 Kheres Assault Canons


Whirlwind Scorpius                                                                                                



The Speaker of the Dead will either ride in the Spartan with Russ, or join the other Grey Slayer Squad that the Centurio didn't join.



I think that this List might actually be versatile enough to deal with most threads. It saddens me a little that I can't use Deathsworn, but one can't have everything I guess....


What do you think about the list? Any glaring problems? Things to improve?

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Hey mate. The list seems to have a nice symmetry to it. I am a little concerned about your anti-tank capacity unless there is something I'm overlooking; chainfists on Varagyr and Spartan weapons seem your main options, which may be an issue if you're playing at points levels where people will be potentially bringing LOWs other than primarchs. 


On a side note I like the sneaky boarding shield and great frost blade combo, which seems a little impractical in reality but perfectly legal game-wise from what I can gather. 

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I think that if you're forced to take extra HQ's you should try and make the most out of them as force multipliers. I'd try and find the points to upgrade the centurion to a useful consul.


I'd love to upgrade the Centurio to a useful Consul, sadly I am not allowed to do so with the Space Wolves Restriction as the 1 Mandatory HQ has to be either a Praetor or a Centurion (no Consul Option). Otherwhise I would have instantly gone for another Priest of Fenris, those guys are just fun!


@Hrolf the Cunning:


True, Super Heavies might be too much for me to take out easily, I was hoping that the 4 Kheres Assault Canons would manage to take care of Medium to Semi-Heavy Tanks (I usually manage to pop a Landraider with them over some time).

I'll have to see how many Super Heavies there are in my meta, so far I only know about one Typhon, but it's been a while since I played, so there might be more now.


As for the Boarding Shield Two Handed Frost Weapon Combo, yeah it's a funny one, it hardly ever comes in useful as most armies don't have weapons like that, but it should work out nicely here :-)

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I don't have the book and I haven't played SW so I might be missing something but I'd welcome playing this list with my semi competitive IF list. I'd concentrate everything into your blob squads, contemptors and scorpius and then just avoid/ speed bump your death star.


With the exception of the scorpius there's very little your doing T1 and due to limited range (24") on most of your stuff you wouldn't be doing a huge amount T2 (accept possibly getting a charge off with Russ). That means most opponents will be dictating the momentum of the game - just something to conosder.


That said it looks like a great collection to build future lists from.


More then happy for you to tell me why I'm wrong/ what I'm missing!

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I don't have the book and I haven't played SW so I might be missing something but I'd welcome playing this list with my semi competitive IF list. I'd concentrate everything into your blob squads, contemptors and scorpius and then just avoid/ speed bump your death star.


With the exception of the scorpius there's very little your doing T1 and due to limited range (24") on most of your stuff you would be doing a huge amount T2 (accept possibly getting a charge off with Russ). That means most opponents will be dictating the momentum of the game - just something to conosder.


That said it looks like a great collection to build future lists from.


More then happy for you to tell me why I'm wrong/ what I'm missing!


I don't know if you are wrong since I really don't know your list, if you are hiding in the backfield in bunkers and blast the crap out of my list with Quad Mortars and whatnot, you will most likely be right, but then I guess most forces save a droppod list would be facing the same problems against lists like that.


I find it funny how you make it sound as if you could simply whipe out all my squads except the Spartan before anything reaches or hurts you, if that is the case, more power to you, but at that point your list sounds like a gun battery and not like a proud Imperial Fist List with Sword Brethren and what not, might as well be playing Solar Auxilia then I guess ;-)


I hope you are not living in an area where the meta doesn't allow for infantry to footslog at all cause it'll just get blasted by a dozen artillery pieces, cause at that point you have ruined 30k for yourself in my eyes.


Anyways, this will be my first test list, I'll field it into battle against some Raven Guard today, afterwards I'll hopefully know some of the glaring holes in it, and maybe even some of the benefits the list might have.

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Depends on how heavy they are I assume? The Russ and his Bodyguard can crack any tank, and the Contemptors can crack quite a few tanks as well usually, and then there's the Spartans Lascanons . If there's 4+ Land Raiders it might not be enough, but then there won't be much inside of them, so I might be able to deal with them when they exit their transports ;-)

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I don't have the book and I haven't played SW so I might be missing something but I'd welcome playing this list with my semi competitive IF list. I'd concentrate everything into your blob squads, contemptors and scorpius and then just avoid/ speed bump your death star.


With the exception of the scorpius there's very little your doing T1 and due to limited range (24") on most of your stuff you would be doing a huge amount T2 (accept possibly getting a charge off with Russ). That means most opponents will be dictating the momentum of the game - just something to conosder.


That said it looks like a great collection to build future lists from.


More then happy for you to tell me why I'm wrong/ what I'm missing!

I don't know if you are wrong since I really don't know your list, if you are hiding in the backfield in bunkers and blast the crap out of my list with Quad Mortars and whatnot, you will most likely be right, but then I guess most forces save a droppod list would be facing the same problems against lists like that.


I find it funny how you make it sound as if you could simply whipe out all my squads except the Spartan before anything reaches or hurts you, if that is the case, more power to you, but at that point your list sounds like a gun battery and not like a proud Imperial Fist List with Sword Brethren and what not, might as well be playing Solar Auxilia then I guess ;-)


I hope you are not living in an area where the meta doesn't allow for infantry to footslog at all cause it'll just get blasted by a dozen artillery pieces, cause at that point you have ruined 30k for yourself in my eyes.


Anyways, this will be my first test list, I'll field it into battle against some Raven Guard today, afterwards I'll hopefully know some of the glaring holes in it, and maybe even some of the benefits the list might have.

I was merely offering some thoughts...


As I said, it looks like a great selection of models to start off a collection.


However, IMO and experience predominately foot slogging lists don't generally work, which is a shame, but a reality. That's what these forums are for; to share experience and thoughts.


In terms of my list I play IF Stone Gauntlet with a mixture of defensive units (breachers/ lascannon HSS, scorpius, Venator) and some more mobile units; storm shield terminators with characters in a spartan, vets in a rhino and TSS in a rhino. By no means a competitive army. But even so I'd fancy my chances.


The point i was trying to make is that if a semi competitive list could give your list a good run for its money (despite having a primarch Death Star in a spartan) more competitive lists with super heavy tanks/ knights and more optimised builds (scorpius and quad guns) will ruin your day.


I'd suggest again rebalancing your list (perhaps a longer term project once you've built up your collection) to include either faster units (another spartan for one of you grey slayer packs?) or something in a pod - to try and put your opponent under a bit more pressure.


Again - just some ideas to consider.

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I was merely offering some thoughts...


As I said, it looks like a great selection of models to start off a collection.


However, IMO and experience predominately foot slogging lists don't generally work, which is a shame, but a reality. That's what these forums are for; to share experience and thoughts.


In terms of my list I play IF Stone Gauntlet with a mixture of defensive units (breachers/ lascannon HSS, scorpius, Venator) and some more mobile units; storm shield terminators with characters in a spartan, vets in a rhino and TSS in a rhino. By no means a competitive army. But even so I'd fancy my chances.


The point i was trying to make is that if a semi competitive list could give your list a good run for its money (despite having a primarch Death Star in a spartan) more competitive lists with super heavy tanks/ knights and more optimised builds (scorpius and quad guns) will ruin your day.


I'd suggest again rebalancing your list (perhaps a longer term project once you've built up your collection) to include either faster units (another spartan for one of you grey slayer packs?) or something in a pod - to try and put your opponent under a bit more pressure.


Again - just some ideas to consider.



Sorry if I came over as overly agressive, your post seemed a bit "Haha my list will blast the crap out of yours" trolly to me, so I guess I got a bit annoyed.


The thing is this isn't just the start of my collection, I have a crapload of more stuff, but most of it is kinda generic since I didn't know how Space Wolves would turn out to be played, so no additional Spartan (the idea sounds ridiculously cheesy to be honest..) , no Laser Venators, Rapiers, Quad Mortars, Lightnings or whatevers available yet I am afraid.


I guess my list will indeed fail against the more hardcore lists out there, but then again I play this game for the fun of it, and I guess I simply don't play against those lists, cause I have no fun clawing my way towards a motionless gunline for several hours, I rather prefer dynamic fights over the board, and yes, my list doesn't look that dynamic, but as my game a few days ago with it proved to me, with the space wolves rules it actually can cover quite some ground in a short time.


I guess you consider your list semi competitive, but if I read Stormshield Squad + Character in Spartan, Scorpius, Vets and TSS in Rhinos, Venator and the likes, all I read is "Net List that could be any other legion instead" (except the stormshields), and find it boring as hell, but that's just me I guess. (No insult intended)


When I wrote this list I considered what the cool new Space Wolves toys are that I'd want to bring to the table, knowing fully well that Sniper Vets in a Rhino most likely would be a better idea instead of footslogging Grey Slayers, knowing fully well that Varagyr most likely will end up subpar to normal Cataphractii Terminators cause they bring little more to the table, but cost way more, and knowing full well that I pack way too many points in a single Spartan, in a game where Anti Tank is everywhere...but I guess it's just what I wanted to test out and enjoy, before the constant beating would wear me down and bring me to using cookie cutter net lists to maybe win as well ;-P


To be fair, I had my first game with this list a few days ago against a Raven Guard Army, that most likely wasn't competitive by any means either, although it had Droppod Dreads, Lightnings, and the likes, and we where having a blast, it was a very balanced game, and could have gone either way (we had to cut it short sadly cause of time restraints), and it was one of the most fun games I've had in a long time....so I guess I'll continue using a list like this for a while, at least until I hit the heavy meta and get crushed over and over again....and find the money to add some more nasty units like a Lightning or whatnot.




@Rangaman: Yeah, I'm very mid field with this list, it seems to work well though since I'm storming my enemies anyways, and thus am within reach quickly, but I see what you mean. Sadly I don't have any of those options available to me yet.


@Grimdark Prince Adam: I used a mix of 2 powerswords and a power axe for my first game, it worked quite well actually. I can say the Grey Slayers with the Speaker of the Dead was a awesome unit that did quite well, but then again it's  expensive so it has to do quite well to be worth it I guess ;-)




What do you guys think I should consider adding/replacing to/in my list, or what would make a Space Wolves List better? A Lightning? Quad Mortars? (People seem to loath them though..), Laser Vindicators (seem a bit one trick pony to me somehow..)? MOAR SPARTANS? (Damn that sounds crazy expensive and just...trolly?) . Please keep in mind, I want to keep it as wolfy and fluffy as possible...


I was thinking about removing 2 marines from one of the squads or so, to upgrade my Centurion to Geigor The Fellhanded, cause running and charging is crazy good and not being able to do so with the Centurion is quite a bummer......man if only Russ could do that too, he'd be so much quicker....

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'Cheesy' from the man taking a two handed frost axe AND a bording shield... along with a primarch Death Star in a spartan.


You need to relax.


There's nothing 'net list' or anything vanilla about an IF Stone Gauntlet list but im not going to waste my time further justifying my army selection or choices.


I was simply trying to help you out with some ideas to develop your list but you seem to have all the answers.


Good luck with the army.

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I personally avoid any and all units that are common; Spartan Deathstars, Lightnings, especially Rapiers...


If you want fluffy and Wolves then go Orbital Assault and loads of Grey Slayers. Swamp your enemies in Viking fury!

I was thinking about Orbital Assault, but I never really liked Droppods that much to be honest.....it does seem very viable though.

I have to say though, with the extra run move and the run + charge move I made it surprisingly quick into Close Combat in my first game....maybe Drop Pods aren't even necessary for us Wolves? Guess only time will tell ;-P



'Cheesy' from the man taking a two handed frost axe AND a bording shield... along with a primarch Death Star in a spartan.


You need to relax.


There's nothing 'net list' or anything vanilla about an IF Stone Gauntlet list but im not going to waste my time further justifying my army selection or choices.


I was simply trying to help you out with some ideas to develop your list but you seem to have all the answers.


Good luck with the army.


You claim because I use a Primarch in a Spartan with a Bodyguard (Do people who have footslogging Primarchs ever use anything else other than Spartan or Droppod really?) that me saying that using a second Spartan would be cheesy means that I "need to relax" ? Oh well, to each his own I guess.


I also didn't say that a IF Stone Gauntlet list is net list, I said that the combination of units I described (and that you are partially using) sounds very net list to me, and that it could be any other legion as well, which makes it boring to me. Not sorry for having my own opinion, does not diminish the worth of your advice though.


Anyways, it seems that Space Wolves Players (me included to a degree) are having a hard time comming up with good lists, so I was hoping for some creative input from the outside...something Space Wolves Players might not have considered yet even though it could have been glaringly obvious for other Legion players.

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