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3000pts Space Wolves - Armoured Breakthough


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So, in an attempt to get the Wolves to work, this is my stab at it.


Space Wolves: 3000pts


Hvarl Red Blade - RoW - Armoured Breakthrough

Centurion (Artificer, Great Frost Blade)

Centurion (artificer, Great Frost Blade)



Legion Terminator Squad (1x Reaper Autocannon, 2xtwin Lightenign Claws, 1x chainfist)

 - Dedicated Transport - Spartan (Flare Shields)



Legion Breacher Squad (Serg Artificer, 2x Melta Guns)

 - Dedicated Transport - LR Proteus

Grey Slayer Squad (Serg Artificer, Vexhillia, 10x Bolters)

 - Dedicated Transport - LR Phobos

Grey Slayer Squad (Serg Artificer, Vexhillia, 10x Bolters)


Fast Attack

Lightening Strike Fighter (2x Dual Kraken, Battle Servitor, Ground Tracking Augeries)


Heavy Support

Fire Raptor Gunship (2x Reaper Autocannon Batteries)


Lord of War

Leman Russ


So, hope Red-blade can allow me to take other RoW.  So 3xLR and a Spartan (1 or more outflanking) with a Lightening and a Fire Raptor as support.

I llike the firepower, but concerned about the CC effectivness....


Would have loved to put character in the squads, but no space. Would have loved to put power weapons on the Grey Slayers, but no points. Would have loved to get more out of the HQ's, but no points (would also have liked a Damacleas to help reserve rolls...). As it is the HQ's are all packed in with Russ and the Terminators in the Spartan....


So tactics, Scout close and charge with something outflanking for a laugh. And hope the Grey Slayers and generic SW rules can overcome the enemy,


Grrr.. just not happy with it though. Suggestions?



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I would maybe plan around a 2000 point force to start with. Then you won't have to factor in Warhound D-spam when your list-building.


I'm already resigned to the fact that Russ is almost impossible to run efficiently. You're probably better off spending those 455 points on more bodies and tanks.

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